Everything posted by Z Kid
73 240 zg for sale
I dont suppose you have any pictures of it that you can upload?
Think of selling my 280zx..
Well, you dont have too much invested in it, but I think a few of your prices are a tad high. I think you would be lucky to get anything for the auto slushbox, you may get something but not 300, the motor may be about right, give or take a couple of hundred, and speak to cuong about selling your cv halfshafts.
Ready to go
HS30 Family Tree
Know anyone who can weld well? If that bit is solid on your car, it may be ok.
HS30 Family Tree
Looks like it would be fun getting it onto a trailer. Hope the price is right, it would be a shame if you paid more for that than you did for your complete one
Fairlady Zon E-bay
I was waiting for Alan to jump on the ZG bandwagon. Its still a nice looking Z though, and I am sure that with a bit of work someone could once again turn it into a smashing looker. I really like the G nose on 2 seaters, but there is just something about the 2+2 which makes it look not quite right. Oh well horses for courses.
Ok Looking 260Z
You can go look, tell us all how terrible it is then pick it up for a steal.
Ok Looking 260Z
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2436248402&category=45571 If anyone here is bidding on it and I let the cat out of the bag sorry. It looks ok, but sounds a bit shifty from his descroiption, would definitely be worth having a look at if you were close though. Cheers Chris
Dr Drift
What Kind of Radio Do You Have?
Hmm, if in a crash, a tissue box from the parcel shelf of a car has the force of a brick, and can break a windscreen/crack a skull, I wonder what a sub box could do. I hope they are all bolted down well. Can you turn it up flat out without getting enough bass to stop your heart, or pop your windows?
Post pic of your Z and your home
Well its not my house, but its where I live for the time being so thats good enough for me (you cant see the shed/sheds but its nothing special, just a heap of cluttered junk and british rubbish, and of course a nice datsun or three) Cheers Chris PS Alan, I too live underground in the basement (from my room you go upstairs to get into the cellar), and on a 40 degree day, you cant beat living dug into the side of a hill, nice and cool.
Rims Shine
Why polish them when you could just buy this immacualte set of 5 already polished, 4 with good sticky 205 rubber
Anyone one...ever.....
My little brother holds the record on this one, a morris mini shell (all 150 odd kgs of it). Me and dad were outside the shed, and the first thing we heard was a clank followed by a loud profanity, followed by "get me out", we ran in, and there was my brothers mini shell, rolled over wedging him against the shed wall, he still wont tell us what he did.
Modification of option 1 boxes
I think when he refers to slip yoke/flange he is referring to how the driveshaft attaches to the back of the gearbox. If it was a flange system, it would be bolted there with four bolts, similar to how your driveshaft attaches at the diff end, and I think the driveshaft would have to be a two piece affair to allow for a little bit of slip (ie have a splined joint to allow for movement in the centre) the slip yoke is what I think most standard Z's (with the exception of the early early models) have where by the driveshaft is splined and simply pushes into the back of the gearbox, and the movement in and out is permitted by this system, meaning the driveshaft can be one piece. Cheers Chris (Of course I may be wrong, I often am)
Splash Pan
Surely it wouldnt be bare metal, maybe silver spray paint, or some other coating. I have two splash pans, one from a 73 240, and the other a late 260, and whilst both of them have fair amounts of surface rust on them, there are remnants of a very thin coat of black paint (not the type of coat that someone doing work on a car would do, more like the factory we need this to stop rusting for the next three months, so this dusting of black paint will do) Not sure, I cant see something that was as exposed as the drip tray being left uncoated (Maybe in a British car, where they had the inbuilt anti rust system read leaked oil everywhere) The plot thickens. Chris
Modification of option 1 boxes
Just make sure its a true option box, not just a dogleg box out of a 180B SSS, you could be all excited over nothing (speaking from experience here) Cheers Chris
Weird set of Tokico's...
At least in the end you got it all sorted. But which ones do they usually send, a pair of the peglegs, or a pair of the normal ones. After all this time, I am sure you will be sad to see old pegleg heading back.
Rock Tumbler For Rust Removal
Having observed a molasses tank in action, I can say for a non-abrasive method of cleaning its positively great at removing all the build ups on metal parts, but takes ages. Muck simpler is to go down to your local engine rebuilder, and bribe them to let you hang stuff in their cleaning tank, removes absolutely everything and is quick and fairly cheap.
What to do...
If you are passing on it, would you mind posting the details and any digital photos etc that you have of it for your fellow New Zealanders to have a squiz?
What to do...
If you have basic ability, a few suitable spanners, and a good work space I say go for it. But I dont think it would be all that cheap, you are probably looking at all new rubbers etc?
LHS front
Awesome Drag Race
Hey all. Just for the NSW guys (in particular those close to Temora). On the 18th of next month there is going to be a drag race at the Aviation Museum, as well as a fly in of all sorts of aircraft. Its not Z related, but its going to be between a D Type Jag, and a spitfire, should be good to watch if you are nearby. Cheers Chris
Gawler Swapmeet
Yeah they are 260Z mags, and they sold, but I have another set lying round too. Email me at Thorci00@hotmail.com if interested
Income poll...
I am just a poor broke student, and can happily admit that nearly every cent I made in my holiday job went straight onto the Z, the 1600 and a mini (we all make mistakes)