Everything posted by Z Kid
Rust Replacement Parts
If you make the patch above the lights, I could be persuaded, but not if the costs are too high. Its a bit I could see myself fabricating, but rather not have to.
Emblem Missing ?
My 240z Had the full automatic emblem on the left side of the hatch.
Look: 4wd Rb26dett 240z
Jeepers Cuong, it makes your car look kinda like a half hearted attempt doesn't it . Now over here I wonder what you would register that as, as its basically just the gtr skline stuffed under the skirt of a Z, sounds like fun to me. I hate to say it Cuong, but I think yours looks better, its far more subtle. Cheers Chris
Transporting an engine and transmission?
A couple of old tyres make a great bed to sit it on, and reduce the risk of damaging the sump etc when it gets bumped around a bit on the way home. As for lifting it in, you, him, a couple of his mates, a couple of your mates, some beer and a heap of rope?
Help needed ...ALAN (HS-30-H)
Best excuse I have ever heard was from dad "Most men my age start looking at their secretaries, I see this as a better distraction"
ZG body parts
That attitude shits me to tears amongst car restorers. Its your car, and you are the one who has to look at it everytime you drive it, don't let other people influence your decisions. If its the flares etc that you want, go and do it if it makes you happy (I would rather see a nice Z with flares and G-nose, than some uncared for hack of a daily driver), sure you are always going to have some clown come up and tell you how you ruined a good car, and you can always politely tell them where to shove their opinion (in your opinion of course). I have had to put up with this rubbish when I tried to classic register my last car and it nearly made me sell the thing, in the end I persevered, got it registered then put my 2inch tacho and oil pressure gauge back in the car . In short do what you want (In case you haven't guessed, I am a big fan of the ZG). I also have to say that I am in favour of most mods which make any car safer or better to drive ie better modern tyres, better brakes, improved shockers. In the end, the decision is that of the owners, not the clown giving him hell. Cheers Chris
Fabricated rear wishbone
Mmmm, so which lucky Z of yours gets this on its underbelly? It seems such a pity to put something so pretty under a car.
- Number Plate
How to strip plastic parts?
They can be stripped at the dipping places which use a basic solution not the acid bath. Totally non damaging and easy
Number Plate
That plate used to be one a kermit green exa in SA (I think) driven by a nice young lady (well looked good anyway) Haven't seen it in a while maybe someone took it too literally and consumed her
make a Ferrari
Its fibreglass, and that is not busted up too bad, grind back from the top, chuck on a few layers, grind from the bottom, few layers, fill fair and she will be as good as new, that damage is really very minor.
Number Plate
R U 3 L8R Are you Free Later? I think george is trying to pick up using his car again.
Carbomastic 15 Rust Prevention
Hello, Just wondering if anyone here has had experience with carbomastic 15 as a rust prevention substance. The guy who is removing the paint from my parts swears by it "it shits all over por products, designed for immersed oil rigs, wont find better" So has anyone used it, it can be applied up to 5mm thick (for underbody etc) is a metal flake modified epoxy substance, it sounds great, so any feedback? Cheers Chris
2+2 gear into 2 seater
Hatch glass is no good, basically its anything forward of the windscreen and thats it (the windscreen is good though)
Introduce yourself to the class?
Hello, I can't believe I haven't put in my 2c before this. My name is Chris, and I live in South Australia, in a little pimple on the map, called Gawler, great country town, everytime you do something stupid, everyone knows about it before you do . I have always been into cars, and rebuilt my first car a 1959 landrover from the age of 12-16, bit rough and damn slow. I fell in love with the Z's a couple of years ago when I saw one rotting in a shed on a farm belonging to one of my little brothers friends, a few months and $900 later I pulled it home and started pulling it apart. I hope that one day it will be a lovely replica ZG, but given my funds and spare time it may take a while. I am a student studying dentistry, so I am owned by study for the next few years at least. I also own a hot little 1600 (510) sedan, which was going to be a rapid project and a daily hack, but between uni and my welder dying, its still in the shed looking lonely (When I say looking lonely i mean as lonely as a car can get when it has a Z a landrover and a mini and a half to play with). Cheers Chris
RAC rally 1973
Nice photo, it just bumped the nice orange 1600 and Z side by side picture off my background. Might be a stupid question, but what is the person in the RHS of the car grabbing at with his right hand, or is that a victory wave etc?
Looking for this car
My computer is chockers full of Z car pics, those were as a result of me finding my spare landrover chassis had a similar wheelbase to the Z . God I'm glad I sobered up.
OT: BMW design question...
Alan, I think the term or phrase you were looking for was it looks like an elephant riding a mouse?
Looking for this car
Looking for this car
Looking for this car
Looking for this car
Looking for this car
George, you sick sad .... (1Bravo said not to swear, so use your imagination, I dont want to wear mine out) If you are going to do something, do it properly.
Oh crap.. another zed!
2+2, simply means two people in the front and two in the back ie its a four seater, for two normal people and two midgets. They are longer and in some peoples opinons not as pretty as the 2 seaters, but they are generally cheaper and less thrashed out.
Brake Drama's
Ross, its been off for a couple of months now, but was not totally dry till I turned it upside down to look at the bottom this morning, and poured brake fluid all over myself. Email me and I will happily tell you where to go . Cheers Chris If you lost mine like I lost yours its (remove the goawayspam) thorci00goawayspam@hotmail.com