Everything posted by Z Kid
Manifold balance tube
I have my Z and the remnants of a couple of others in the back yard, If you could post a pic of what you have, and just point out what shouldn't be there, I will have a good look.
dash restoration
Make sure either you or they remove all of the old vinyl/plastic covering, otherwise you will spend many frustrating hours trying to get it to fit. Mine was done by a firm in South Australia, and costs only about 400 dollars aus. It seems to be a good job, have a look in my gallery for pics
NEW PICS!!! In sote now...
I think cuong intends to use it as a road car, and I am sure he will put the other seat in at some stage, after all he trimmed the car with brown carpet so his passengers fear wont stain as much.
take me for a Sunday drive PLEASE!!!
i will happily take it for a sunday drive, where is my balaklava, and where did you say you left the keys Just kidding. Looks awesome
Anyone know of a cheap 240/260z in qld?
It does happen, but then what are the farmers going to have done to it? Mine came off a farm, and was cheap (900) but it was used for some fairly extensive circle work (and hit a few fences) and had a footprint or two in the roof. Good luck with your search, if you find a spare one, let me know. Cheers Chris
Nice curves
Even in its current state, I could stare at that rear end all day, if only I didn't have to look at the 1600
Another parts bin, $^!# I need to stop buying whole cars just because I like the front spoilers
Naked Z
I wanna be like Alan
Naked Z
Here is another front on shot, aside from the dodgy frame rail, rust around the windscreen, and lack of floor, and footprint in the roof its sound (makes it sound like a rustbucket when you put it that way)
- Naked Z
new to me take a look
Rattle gun, the big compressor driven wrench, that makes the rattle/blap blap blap sound, only any good for undoing really rough stuff, and often does more damage than good. Just asking because I spent 5 minutes this morning trying to unwind myself after unsucessfully pulling the mags off the parts bin. Chris
new to me take a look
Rubber gloves are ok, but I have found that petrol affects them (they dissolve) and the rattle gun gets you in a hell of a tangle, so are the mechanix gloves going to catch on the rattle gun/drill/grinder and get me into trouble or not?
240Z in Malaysia
Come on, fess up about the stone chips Alan, I just saw the nice action shots, you sure it wasn't a close encounter with a gravel trap at the track . Either that or stones recognise a more expensive car and aim for it, I know kangaroos choose to run into more expensive cars, must feel softer or stomething.
CRIKEY !!!! we can talk.
Worst beer I have ever tasted? Dead F#@king easy, my last attempt at home brew peach beer. It seemed like a natural thing to do with 20k's of peaches, only drank half a bottle, and about 6 hours later I was porcelin bus driving .
CRIKEY !!!! we can talk.
BAH HUMBUG What kind of person drinks VB? Not a normal one, maybe an arse? COOPERS all the way.
One of our own in bad accident
Fstr240 May you have a speedy and full recovery. I wish you all the best in your time of need. God Bless Chris AKA Z KID
ZVOITURE parts for sale
Will you ship the Z hubcap to Australia, I have a set of three, and am desperately seeking a forth, Better Yet, I will take all four (three d ones and the Z one) if shipping doesn't kill me. Please email me at Thorci00@hotmail.com. Cheers CHris
Original spare tire?
I think (99% Sure) it should be a bridgestone RD 150 tyre, 175/14, on a steel rim with long rouned cutouts around the edge of the rim centre, black on the outside of the rim and light grey on the inside. Cheers Chris
Bowling For Columbine
I still reckon Australia has the most tight arse gun laws, at least in england you don't need to do a gun safety course to buy a bb gun . No semi autos either, unless you have a good reason, if you want to kill people you have to slide the bolt home after each shot, or just buy a black market firearm. Opinons are like assholes, everyone has (or is) one, and has a right to make theirs heard. I can see however that maybe Mr Moore is not as straight up and down as he would like people to think. One a more light hearted note, Who would want to live next to an airport? Did you get the Aussie movie "The Castle" you must go out and watch it if its available, it shows just who wants to live next to an airport. Cheers Chris PS Our K-Marts sporting section includes things such as shoes, golf sticks, cricket bats (the bit of willow which is flat on one side and you hit a leather coated ball with it), real footballs as well but nothing explosive. PPS They are finally changing our laws so people don't get done for murder when you shoot them stealing your lifes work. There has been a case where a person sued a home owner because they cut their wrists open whilst climbing in through a broken window. Well I have now said all I wanted to say, not sure if it was 2 cents, but unless we start talking about the castle, that is all I have to say
Bowling For Columbine
Ok, I hadn't heard any of the stuff on the website, but after looking, I still think it was an excellent documentary. He may not have made his intentions clear, and maybe some of the redneck comments were taken out of context and doctored a bit. However the fact still remains that it is a real problem, when you have children being destroyed by crazed gunmen who can buy their bullets from K-mart, and get a free gun from the bank, you have some fairly serious issues. So maybe he wasn't totally honest, and even if only half of what he put out was totally true, it is still a serious issue. And surely not being able to get bullets from K-mart is now a good thing??? I can just never imagine the weekly shopping list that says bread, milk, rounds for the 9mm, etc. Here we have gunlaws that are overly strict, yet they still seem to function relatively well (you need a gun licence to own an air rifle, and to buy the pellets for christs sakes). I for one stil think that its a great documentary, and having visited america, even your taxi drivers don't do a great job of making the place feel safe, ie between airport and hotel, comments like 12 people were shot in that carpark in the last six months, there is the gang border etc, don't go here. There is a problem, and the figures in the movie were government provided, so have a go at the guy, but he is trying to do something about the problem, even if it is just stirring it up to get a reaction. The fact that people have Mr Moore hate sites means that he must be doing something right, and really they are helping his cause, If I hadn't seen the docco, and saw that site, I would go out and see it. The site seems to be nothing more than a few bored individuals "muckracking". So take the movie, assume eveything is terribly exagurated, halve all the figures, forget half of the comments made, and half of the incidents which are used as examples, and there is still a major problem which needs to be adressed. My 2cents Chris
Bowling For Columbine
I watched it, and was truly amazed, the number of shooting deaths per capita in the US is just crazy, In australia we basically have the accidental shootings, people cleaning their guns and looking down the barrels, and the suicides, and of course the people the the Victorian police shoot. In america it was a phenomanol number. The most amazing scene was where he went into a bank, opened an account, and received his complementary fire arm for opening an account at the bank, and they just gave it to him over the counter, is it stupid to anyone but me? I never thought giving out guns in a bank was a good idea
My New Z
Pocket fluff is not actually pocket fluff, but starts life as belly button fluff. It is a subconscious action, but as you are in the lift etc with no-one around, you naturally scratch your belly button (A left over from tick removal in cave man days) When scratching your belly button, you get a small amount of fluff the natural response for the cavemen was to wipe this off on their chest which is now your pocket. The only alternative was to put it in your mouth, so if you ever meet a person without pocket fluff you know where they are putting their belly button fluff. :sick: Thats my 2c Chris
Can't get the hood OPEN!
Before you go to all that effort, if it is the latch mechanism itself which has come loose, try having an assistant push down on the bonnet above the catch, while you pull the lever a few times, it may work it may not, but it sure is easier than pulling off the bonnet. Chris
Prohibition on Gasoline Containing Lead or Lead Additives for Highway Use
Just to add a touch of brightness in your day, Australia is phasing out the LRP petrol as well. Not sure when, but its fairly soon, got warned at the car club meeting, but you can get a log book from canberra to run avgas on the road .