Everything posted by Z Kid
Help identifying parts required please
2 Many, over in australia i think the fusible links went into all the later 260's of which the production spanned a few years, my parts car had them, as do 2 other later 260's I've looked at, one in near concours condition.
Which one of you got it?
Woke up nice and early today (new years day) get paper, and see a Z for sale cheap, so being a polite person I wait till what i consider a reasonable time and call, its already gone, so what i want to know is which one of you guys in Adelaide beat me to the $1000 260Z?
Try getting your licence in singapore. We have a close family friend and it took them 5 trys just for the theory bit, you need to know the fines and potential outcomes of all road traffic offences, then on top of that you pay nearly 100K Aus for a Toyota Corolla
Definitely and improvement, the owner fixed those god awful headlights, maybe his next shot will fix the rear end as well
Your Best (and worst) COP Stories
I'd just dropped off a car at a friends house, and was coming home at about 2am with trailer in tow. I was pulled over by the police, your sidelights aren't working, explain that those are just reflectors and the sidelights are on the bar the sits across the back, he went on for a while about them being too far from the corner of the trailer etc etc. I just nod and agree, telling him i'll tell the owner to do something about it. Then he asks for the rego disk, being a friends trailer, it was in his car, as the dog eats it when put on the trailer in a holder, never fear, he runs the number through the computer and tells me it expires in august, and its now unregistered, if i move a metre, the $^!# will hit the fan. I try and explain that last time i borrowed it it was registered till august 2003, but all to no avail. WIth a stern warning, he tells us to leave it by the side of the road, in a dodgy neighbourhood and come back with a trailer to cart the trailer, and a summons will be in the post, which will inform us of a court date, where we will lose our licence and be fined. I sat bemused by the side of the road for a while, then finally just before 3 am, i rang my friend, the owner of the trailer, who confirmed the rego expiry date, august next year. Dumbass traffic cops. Drove home, thoroughly pissed off. I have since tried to chase up the summons etc, but strangley the cop hasn't filed anything.
I need nuts (australia)
Get your minds out of the gutter, I'm after a few (6) wheel nuts to suit the 6 spoke Z car mags. WIll pay a reasonable price, and postage within Australia. Of course if you're giving them away, that's even better. Cheers Chris
Z Meet In QLD
With a bit of help on how to spell Toowoomba, and a frustrating net search, I have managed to find the information about it. Go to the www.zcarclubq.org.au then click on nationals on the LHS, this enables you to get an entry form etc. Looks really good, 18-21st april. I wish i could spell :stupid:
Z Meet In QLD
I know alfa posted a message about this a while back, but it didn't really help me, he knew about as much as it as i did. DOes anyone know the particulars about this meet, or where i can obtain the information from? As much as i know is that its in Toowoomba next year some time, anyone care to enlighten me. Cheers Chris
OOOOH, am I naughty or not??????
THe e-type is sex on wheels, but the reasons people want them are as follows: -Small Cat badge on front -So they can boast about how much they payed for it (About 10k aus for a bonnet) -Their rare self rust prevention system (Oil leaks being thrown along the underbody not matter what you do to them) -Those suckers for punishment who think its a good idea to have to disassemble the whole front of a car and drop the motor and gearbox out htrought the floor, after removing front suspension just to replace a clutch. Other than that i can think of no reasons. But I'm sure some more will come
Triple Carb Manifold Wanted
Hello all, I'm looking for a triple carb manifold to suit 40mm mikunis. Just looking at these carbs at this stage, but if i can find a manifold, it would definitely b e worthwhile. Prefer to be in Aus, but if price is right, i can sort out shipping from the US. Cheers Chris
off the WHOLE subject
Ok, now we're heading right off the topic, no the dog doesn't drink, but seeing it sleeping like this was too good an opportunity to miss
240z Wanted In Perth West Aus.
As a p-plater, I have a Z (Needing a resto), and wouldn't mind betting that i appreciate it more than these people who go out and buy a restored one for a ridiculious price. I love my Z, even in its decrepit state, and spent 18 months searching for it. And when its done, I'll appreciate it more than all the old farts out there, who struggle to get into and out of their Z cars, and potter around at idle in top gear. P-platers are persecuted, merely because of the actions of a few drivers, to stere-type them is wrong, as you could easily be stereotyped as one of the old farts listed above .
Ok, Now I'm MAD
Spent all of last night trying to remove my tierod ends, tried everything that has worked on other cars in the past, and now I'm out of ideas. THe tierod end is gone, and I'm willing to accept that, but i would like to have the spare strut and brake assembly. Here was my plan of attack: Get loosen off castulated nuts (or whatever they are called) tap on either side to free cone shaped part. HIt a few times. Go get blow torch and heat the surrounds, tap again. Heat further and get axe (more weight than hammer) swing hard and with anger, cos your finger just got burnt on the near red hot steel. At this point the left hand side one came free, but not the right. Heat right hand side further and resort to using proper tie rod removal tools (the one with the screw in end just bent and popped off repeatedly, the wedge shaped on just spread, and did nothing. Ok, now i have a burnt hand, two ruined tie rod removers, and am in a really bad mood with Z's in general (only just stopped myself kicking the door as i walked off, mainly because i already priced a left hand door) So now what do i do, normally I'd just go and get a bigger hammer, but I'm not sure they come much bigger. PLEASE help me
engine questions
E 30 heads come out on the datto 240K's over here from what i have been told.
Digital Camera
Its ford drivers, always their fault, nearly got cleaned up by a taxi today, coming down the wrong side of a road trying to get past parked cars. Had the nerve to yell at me, and call me a f@#$%ng well you get the idea, Didn't he reverse quickly when a 6'7 lad stepped out of a two door dihatsu charade. , even if the drivers not at fault, fords are always getting in the way, be it on the race track or the road.
Digital Camera
But now the memorials over, when are you going to start parting it out? First dibs on the LHS light cone thingy
parts for 240/260Z for sale in Melbourne Australia
If you should happen to get a chance, I'm still interested in the LHS door, could you email me some pictures at thorci00@hotmail.com
momo steering wheel hub adaptor
I Too just purchased a steering wheel boss kit off ebay, only 50 bucks Kit no 3503
Wher can I shove my breather
Select a nice tin of liquid substance from the supermarket juice etc, and drill two holes, and voila, you have your catch can, track legal, cheap and easy. Mount it so it can be remmoved ie with a big hose clamp to empty it.
Rally Z
A combination of uni work and our camera stopped me from taking any pics of them in action, i did see them "parading" throught birdwood, sideways at some points, but our camera has a 1.5 second delay between pointing and pushing and the pic being taken, which i'm yet to be able to fix, and i was too tight to buy the ready taken photos at 5 bucks each
One more, sorry to hear about your predicament, but its not over till you start thinking that it is. We had a family friend who was diagnosed, and told to take advantage of the next few months, because that was all he had, three years later, he's still going relatively strong.(the broken back, and crushed sternum weren't from the cancer:))
Last Photo
A sad end for a bog filled car, PS, its hanging from a tree in our backyard, never knew trees were this strong. Sorry about the poor photo quality
Bog/Bondo examples....
What's worse than the bastards who use metal filings is the fact that you can now ever here get bog which contains a steel wool type compound, and is specifically sold for bridging largish body work holes etc. The company should be shot, or at least someone within the company.
wo hoo I'm gonna need to change my screen name!
Sorry to ruing the party, congrats on the Z, but now the missus will soon be at you to get rid of it so you can take the kid with you. Tough Choice to make. Seriously congrats on it all
Fuel Tank
If DOHC sells his fuel tank, i too have one up for grabs for a similar price, out of a 260 etc. In South Australia