Everything posted by Z Kid
Watanabe wheels
Looks awesome there, absolutely love your car. Cheers Chris
How Do You Finance Your Project?
I kinda upsized to the Z gradually, I had my first car the landrover, then I bought a 75buck N12 Pulsar, slapped a new box and a lick of paint on it, and sold it for enough to buy my first Z and parts car. Kept the good bits off the parts car, sold the rest and made enough money to get a start on the Z. Worked killing chickens for a few months, bought the bodykit and a cheap 1600 (now awaiting paint and then being sold off). Its good being a student living at home, apart from the car money, and beer money life is almost free .
I am now Z less
From my experience, only one of the ignition bolts is a headless one, so you undo three, slide in a cold chisel give it a whack and the steering lock is off, you can start her up and drive her off no problems.
dip or media blast?
Here we have a company that "Base Dips" I assume its like a giant tub of brake fluid, but the advantage is that it does not in any way affect the properties of metal. Might be something to look for?
For Interest Only (Toyota 2000GT)
And here I was considering a GT40 style roofblister or hacking away my seat mounts, and there are midgets who actually want the whole lot closer to their head
Wantanabe Price?
15X8's? wow thats huge for the front, just a couple of questions, how do you propose to smuggle them under the guards, and do you thing a rim that wide will have adverse handling effects on the Z? I am currently looking for a set of wheels, well kinda looking, I have a contact who brings stuff in keeping his eyes out over there so we will wait and see. I was thinking 7's with nice deep dish would be more than ample to fill the front flares, and 7.5's or 8's heaps for the rear? Looking Good Chris
Hose clamps
Kats that looks amazing, even more amazing is the quality of the restoration, very rarely would anyone bother about something such as the jubilee clips, let alone the correct screws for them, I hope one day my car will have a similar level of detail. (deep down I know it wont, but if I aim high I have something to fall back on ) Keep up the good work Chris
240K GTservice manual
More than happy with second hand, its a LHS rear off a 70 model, just need a lens in alright nick (no big cracks etc) email or pm me if you can help. Cheers
240K GTservice manual
I dont suppose you want to sell the 1600 lenses if they are rear ones do you
True or False
What you have to remember is that half of the Victorian homocides are caused by slightly trigger happy police . The guns bought back, were as halz stated simply the auto and semi auto, and a few other more high powered versions that were previously obtainably, and really unnecessary. Even quoting those figures, you need to look at the actual numbers, a big percentage increase would only be one or two people in the whole state. Getting shot here is not nearly as common as it seems to be in the US. (give or take the odd resteraunt massacare). I have a slight farming background, and in reality for everything in australia that you are going to want to shoot at, a high powered bolt action 22 calibre rifle with 10 shots will get at least 8 of them. Fully automatic weapons are just a cry that someone is compensating for being found lacking in other areas. Cheers Chris
Skyline R200 Diff R31->C110
I think all R31's which came to Australia had a solid rear end, but I am pretty sure there were at least some of the japanese models which were fitted with an IRS rear end, and NZ is the king of grey imports, so you could get lucky.
Ok, 240k here...
Damn you K drivers, I keep seeing K's around and thinking I should buy one and stash it away for a rainy day, its all your fault
Its from the net so I have no idea of accuracy but hey maybe there is something in it? Greek word, "auto," (self) and the Latin word, "mobils," (moving). "Car," on the other hand, comes from an ancient Celtic word, "carrus," meaning cart or wagon.
NEW Wooden Steering Wheel
That would explain why when they crack, they seem to crack along the grain, however calling it wood is like calling a saussage meat isnt it? Its a half truth, kinda is but it isnt.
my last 6 months
Sounds to me like it could be a dodgy earth, ie only a secondary earth is working and its not giving enough power to turn it over, it then heats up and gets worse?
Incidentally while we are on useless flying facts, the US replica/rebuilt original wright flyer is put together all arse up, they built an exact copy and tried to fly it here, turns out all your controls on the rebuild are on upside down, scared the $^!# out of the poor guy trying to fly it here. Found it out looking back at original photographs.
I remember doing a project on this at school at one stage, did the plane actually clear the ground in Dayton? I thought they moved elsewhere because it wouldnt get off the ground totally at their first location? On the car, do you mean the first one powered by an internal combustion engine or a steam engine? The first automobile (and origin of the word) was sometime in the 14th century, and it was a cart powered by four slaves moving capstans. Then you had the dutch using windmill powered land vehicles in the 16th century. Evans was the first to apply for a patent, but I dont think he was the first to try the idea of a steam powered car, I think that honour goes to Captain Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot in 1769.
L20 connect rods
I am on my way to U Pull it to search for a new wheel hub to suit a trailer, what kind of car should I be looking for which would have an L14 motor, and I will have a look round?
Aus - Which gearbox is it?
Cool, it all sounds promising, well more promising than me, I have two Z car gearboxes, one a known bad one, with synchro issues and one a great one that I test drove, only problem being that a certain family member cleaned out the shed and moved them both to a common location . Good luck with the swap.
L20 connect rods
I have an L20B (four cylinder) short block sitting here on my verandah, are these the rods you are after, if so I can go and grab a couple more from the wrecker to make up a set of 6 if you so desire? Cheers Chris
Aus - Which gearbox is it?
From the parts book as far as I can tell, all 260Z manual cars, both two seater and two plus twos in the australian market had a final drive ratio of 3.7 (37/10). Interestingly however the book lists the post august 73 automatic cars as having a 3.36 final drive ration? while pre aug 73 had the 3.545 ratio? So I hope it helps, but not totally sure. Incidentally I have seen a couple of Z's fitted with the presumably inferior boxes out of 4 cylinder datsuns, so really the box may be from anything?
Unusual set of triple...
Just out of interest, how wide are the spacers on the rear? I was thinking of getting something about 7.5ish for the rear, but still want a bit hanging out to fill the flares.
Anyone like VIDEO's in the SNOW!!!!
Looks kinda like fun, but anyone who puts their arm out of a sideways moving car is nothing more than a waste of skin, sure looks cool, but it has to be one of the dumbest moves ever to make, you will notice that on any track/racing car, you either have window nets or arm straps, they are there for a reason, and putting your arm out the window of a car, especially one going sideways is seriously seriously dumb. Other than that looks kinda like fun, not sure if its drifting in the true sense, but more like sliding about. Cheers Chris
battery tray & inner fender parts needed
Show me how bigger chunk you would require, and I reckon I could do it . Cheers Chris
Lucky Guy
I think thats right, the picture of the grille is just upside down? the little daggy bit in the centre goes towards the bottom right?