Everything posted by Pat Carr
Heartbleed vulnerability
My sister works for IBM and sent the following about Heartbleed: 1) Before you log on any of your banking accounts, first check the url at this site to see if the site's server has been fixed or is unaffected. - Test your server for Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160) I can tell you that yesterday many sites were not fixed and today they are! Otherwise, when you log in, your login information could be compromised. Once this was announced, hackers everywhere were on the prowl. Most of the major sites have been fixed (paypal, amazon, Chase, google, etc) 2) Then change your password on all secure sites, including your email. This "programming error" has been out there for 2 years so even if your site is now safe, there is no way to even know if information was taken in the past. Best way to have a cryptic pw that you can remember is to come up with a phrase such as ... I graduated from High School in 79 = IgfHSi79. In the past, I used a word such as baseball = bas3ba11 but there are programs out there to figure words with # substitutions now.
Dash help
On the steering column. The combo switch controls the headlights and wipers.
Wiper reset?
After I replaced the wiper motor on my 73 my wipers did the same thing. Turns out I re-installed the linkage wrong. It has been about ten years and I don't recall specifically what I did to fix it, but you might look into the linkage.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
I watched the remainder of the snow melt. I will not be taking the Z out until we get a good rain to wash off the salt they (belatedly) put on the roads. I have a small inkling of how our northern brethren must feel every winter. I'll take Atlanta's once every few years winter problems over theirs.
New old member
Red, Maybe the Georgia Z Club can come to you. Suggest an outing or a drive in your area. We did one to Madison not too long ago, and that is a reasonable distance from you.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Steve, Bet they look good. How about some photos?
Georgia on my mind
In Savannah (or anywhere except Metro Atlanta) you won't have emissions. When you register the vehicle you will pay a 6.75% tax based on the value of the vehicle. They value my 73 at $100, so that shouldn't be bad. If you have a title in Arizona, that should be all you need to get it titled and registered in Georgia. It is optional to title a 1963-1985 vehicle. More at http://motor.etax.dor.ga.gov/motor/TitleSection/ts_NeedAGATitle.aspx.
New Hot Wheels 240Z
I stumbled across this Tomica Fairlady 240ZG in the used bin at our local model train store. The hatch window has vertical defrost lines.
Need Help in Gold Coast
Thanks for the information guys. I passed that on to my sister. Communication has improved - my cousin's cousin (other side of the family) has a friend in Melbourne who has a friend in the area who went to see my niece, and brought her flowers. You guys down under are awesome!
Need Help in Gold Coast
My 29 year old niece has been traveling alone in Southeast Asia and now Australia. Somehow she hurt her foot and got a nasty infection. She is in Rabina Hospital and has had four operations so far, with plastic surgery yet to come. The cell phone she has does not make or accept international calls. Her mother has had limited contact with her through a nurse. We are trying to get her a phone that she can use to keep in contact with her mother. Short of air freighting one from the U.S., does anyone have any ideas? Thanks,
Junkyard & "Out to Pasture" Zs
I visited the Pull-A-Part today on Buford Highway, looking for parts for my daughter's Camry when I spotted this 280Z. I was a little surprised because it didn't show up in their inventory. The hatch, inspection lids and some other body parts looked usable. I also ran across a 1999 Kia Sportage and scarfed up two pieces of door weatherstripping for $2, plus $2 admission. I only found part of what I was looking for on the Camry.
Rocket powered 240z (Fall Guy episode)
At the 5:56 mark you can spot a silver 240Z in the background. Some other nice cars back there too.
Mine also reads just like that. Years ago it read about where the first leg of the "M" is. There was no change after I installed a Nissan 180 degree thermostat.
yet another electrical fuel pump issue
3ryce, Other than checking all your connections, I don't have much advice on your problem. However, the presence of the mechanical fuel pump does not indicate the car wasn't properly recalled. My '73 has every factory recall "fix" for vapor lock, including the electric fuel pump, insulated fuel lines, and the "competition" hood, and the mechanical fuel pump is still there. So is the vapor lock.
- '73 Electric Fuel Pump Fuse Location?
I spy a z!
Headed my way, great. Hoping to see it in person.
What if....
I'll preface by saying I don't buy lottery tickets. In general, I don't enjoy gambling. This morning I had a 90 minute drive to a project site and was listening to sports talk radio (The Herd). The host was talking about the big jackpot lottery and was deriding people who said "if I win I'll quit my job and travel", or some other non-job thing. He said he'd never do that because he'd be bored in a few months. He loves to travel, but is ready to come home in a week or two. He said if he won he'd buy a MLS (soccer in the U.S., football elsewhere) team and run it. He likes sports and that would keep him busy. I got to thinking, well I like Z cars. How would I spend some of that money related to Z cars to keep myself happy? My first thought :bulb:was buy a bunch of Z's and put them in a big garage like Jay Leno. Would be fun for a while, but I much prefer interacting with other Z owners. So I came up with opening or purchasing a car restoration shop that would specialize in Z's but also work on other makes. But with all that money, what I really could do was have all those parts that are no longer available (there's a thread or two on that here somewhere) fabricated and offer them for sale to fellow Z owners at cost. Since I'd be so rich, I could eat the setup costs, which appears to be the big stumbling block with getting these parts made. Since I don't play, that will never happen:cry:. So what would you guys do Z-related if you won big?
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Spent most of yesterday and half of today removing the dealer installed air conditioning system. It hadn't worked in 20 years, and when it did, it didn't work very well. The job is done except for finding some rubber discs to seal the holes in the firewall. Before and after photos give an idea of how much under dash and under hood space this took up. I now have easy access to the relays in the passenger footwell and moved the voltage regulator back to its original position. With all that room I took the time to insulate the fuel line from the filter to the mechanical pump. The entire fuel line from the filter to the flattop carbs is now insulated, and I'm hoping that will mean a little less vapor lock.
First time for everything
Steve, Those folks certainly thought more of your car than "old beater", and rightly so. They weren't the only ones. There was the guy in the 350 who pulled up to one 240 and then your 260 to take photos with them. He knew the ancestry of his car. Yours is a fine example of a 39 year old car, including the baby poop brown color http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/images/smilies/msn-style/wink_smile.gif. (not just lirking today).
Replacing heater hoses
I disconnected the heater control cable from the valve, removed the more accessible hose from the valve, disconnected both hoses from the engine, and removed the valve and second hose together. This way I was able to easily remove the second hose from the valve out of the car. I cleaned the valve and replaced the second hose, then reversed the process. There was no way I was getting that second hose clamp loose in that small space (I have the dealer installed AC).
10 Worst Car Names of All Time
I saw this on Foxnews.com: http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/04/14/10-worst-car-names-all-time/?intcmp=features Fairlady came in at #9. I always thought that was a strange name, but then I'm not Japanese.
Z's on TV
I think the Pacer gets a raw deal from many who never drove one. In high school I delivered for a local pharmacy. My boss owner one and occasionally would let me use it for deliveries. It sure beat the heck out of the Dodge Dart that was the usual delivery car.
Competition Hood Vent for sale on Nashville CL
Carl, I bought the car in Texas in 1979 with 43,000 on it. It's now at 123,000. So not so low mileage, but not too high either. I agree it must be rare, as other old time Z'buffs tell me they have only seen one or two others.
Competition Hood Vent for sale on Nashville CL
The photo of the underside of my '73 hood with the "Competition" vent matches what Carl's diagram shows. Unfortunately, the dealer's paint didn't hold up as well as the factory's.
Aluminum Rim Identification
Welcome to the site. I can't help you with the rims. Just got to know, what's with the wire running in the bottom of the passenger door?