Everything posted by Pat Carr
Merry Christmazzzz!
Merry Christmas to all the great folkz at ClassicZcars.
- Show us your Modified Tail Lights, rear light panels, LED Conv.
- Show us your Modified Tail Lights, rear light panels, LED Conv.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Sunday ten cars from the Georgia Z Club took a circuitous 125-mile drive through the North Georgia mountains to Amicalola Falls State Park. The weather was great and the roads were fun. The leaves were a little past their prime, but still nice. All told, I put 240 miles on my Z, the most she has seen in one day in over 20 years.
Choke Lever Help
Like Steve, I mounted mine to the transmission tunnel with a bracket I made. You can do the same. If you have the latest Nissan Sport magazine, there is a blurb in the RPM column about a bracket you cam buy if you don't have the desire or wherewithal to make one.
ZCON Roll Call
Works fine Steve.
- Fuel tank service questions
Help with 73 240z gas reservoir
Here's one from my '73 I took before replacing all the hoses. Hope it helps. I'm not sure of bolt size.
Filt-O-Reg, Keep it or Take it Off?
I think I'll remove it. If performance changes noticeably, I can always put it back. Thanks for the replies.
Filt-O-Reg, Keep it or Take it Off?
I need to replace my rotting fuel hoses in the engine compartment. The car has a Filt-O-Reg fuel pressure regulator located downstream from the mechanical fuel pump. I was thinking in order to simplify the hoses (one has a 180 degree bend that is kinked) I would remove the regulator if it's not needed. I searched CZCC but did not get any hits on this regulator. As you can see from the vintage ad, this thing is the greatest invention since sliced bread. I can verify it does not cure vapor lock. I'm running a stock engine with flat top carbs. Any thoughts on keeping it or not? Thanks,
competition hood interest?
I'd eventually be interested in a replacement for my "original" hood vent. There are numerous stress cracks and the paint is worse than just about anywhere else on the car. My engine runs on the warm side. I'd hate to see what it would be like in the hot Georgia summer without this vent.
whats the most mileage you have ever seen on a z car engine?
I bet that car at the Cracker Barrel belongs to Dan, a member of the Georgia Z Club. He's a good guy who loves to brag on it having 470,000 miles (or there about) to anyone who will listen. Club had an event in Cartersville on the 23rd that he attended - probably when you saw him.
OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??
I got a White Christmas in Georgia and was lucky enough not to be there. Not lucky enough to miss it at my sister's house in Pennsylvania. For my Z I got new carpet. Happy New Year Z people!
Sending unit O-ring
I bought one from my local dealer about 6 months ago.
Throttle linkage boot
Steve: I've been a member of the Georgia Z Club since March. I make about 2 out of 3 meetings, Missed Novembers sick in bed. I'll look for you next meeting and at the Christmas party. Dave: Great timely tip. I have three more grommets to install in the firewall. Thanks.
Throttle linkage boot
I'm running flat tops. The car's mechanics are pretty much stock. I don't think it is affecting the throttle. It popped right back like it belonged, so guess I'll leave it as is. Thanks.
Throttle linkage boot
I removed the throttle linkage to replace the boot. The linkage is bent. I don't think this is normal, am I correct?
bumper problems
I just measured the bolt spacing in place on my '73 (10/72). It is 25.5 inches. I seem to remember when I reinstalled the bumper I had to muscle it some to get the bolts in the holes. My bumper wasn't newly chromed, so you might want to be careful doing that. Pat
Horn Woes HELP!
Steve and Mitchell: Problem solved. The battery and horn wires were switched. That doesn't explain why it didn't work to start with. Both old and new relays work. Perhaps as Mitchell surmised, my battery was low when it first stopped working. Thanks. Pat
Horn Woes HELP!
A few months back the horn on my '73 stopped working. (At the same time, possibly related, the heater fan also stopped working, but I fixed that.) The first thing I did was replace the relay. No help. I searched the forums and checked everything suggested. There is power at the relay and connecting the H and B terminals sounds the horn. Good ground from horn button to relay. I gave up until this morning. I opened the case to my old relay, reinstalled it, and pressed on the contact (arrow in photo). The horn sounded. I repeated this with the horn button pressed, and the horn sounded as long as the horn button was pressed. I then repeated the process with the new relay with the same results. Am I correct in assuming the new relay is bad? If so, could a short or other electrical issue have fried the new relay? I hesitate to install another new relay only to have it fried as well. Thanks in advance. Pat
Carb linkage photos
Has your Z/Zed ever left you stranded?
One January day in the early 80's I was in a meeting at work when a fellow worker knocks on the conference room door. "I didn't want to bother you, but I thought you should know your car is smoking." I ran to the car and popped the hood to find the wiring harness smoldering. I disconnected the battery and arranged for a tow truck to meet me after work. This was before Al Gore invented the internet and sites like this one existed, so I didn't know this was probably caused by the fuse box. Took me 6 months to finally reconnect everything one wire at a time. In 31 years of ownership, that was the only time I needed a tow. Pat
Window channel felt
I went looking on the JC Whitney site for the Rubber Window Channel Felt, SKU # 1JA 184874 and finally found it here: http://www.jcwhitney.com/jcwhitney/product.jcw?nval=0&statenval=0&productId=2009944&shopid=100001&pageid=13&skuId=170760&id=3317827 Maybe the link will still be current the next time some one needs it. Pat