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  1. I have been driving my restored 260z for about a year now, maybe 10,000km's on it since rebuild. Lately i've been having a problem with the car shuddering/chattering when i am releasing the clutch into 1st and reverse gear from a stop. giving a little throttle while releasing clutch (which i normally do) it doesnt chatter/shudder but when i am say inching forward or reversing into a parking spot it shudders like the cluch is grabbing on high spots of the cluch/flywheel. you really feel it grabbing. To my knowledge i dont remember it doing it initially, and i do seem to remember the clutch slipping once really badly as i was on the having fun on an freeway onramp. The engine/trans/clutch has all been re're'd. The cluch is Black dragon automotive's 3-in-1 clutch and i dont believe my flywheel was machined but i could be wrong. new slave cylinder and clutch master cyl. Stock L26/4spd. Is there any form of adjustment that i can make, or should i just live with the shudder because of my poor decision on a cheap clutch? Kevin
  2. I wouldn't rule out crud in the tank strictly because I haven't checked the fuel pump filter. I only drive the car on sunny days and I always wash carefully. However I cannot fill up the tank too full or it leaks out of the filler tube, dirt could maybe get in the same way gas gets out?
  3. it has both the stock electric fuel pump and the one on the block I haven't crawled under there to check that filter yet but it it has been on my list to check. could that be the answer? I did however change the inline one right after the electric fuel pump and it was clean.
  4. <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=35429_413288566763_517616763_4438260_4939494_n.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/35429_413288566763_517616763_4438260_4939494_n.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> i keep it clean, and most everything is new. this gemlin is winning, and id rather not just keep throwing money at it
  5. yes it happened the first time in the heat, near the end of the fall, but i drove it all summer without any problems as well. My fuel lines are not wrapped, i swapped out my 260 rail for a 240 rail. i do have my heat shield on, and my return springs are hooked to that nice and tight. I had actually thought about it being the needle and seat, last week i took it out and checked it for a good seal, which it had, but i also had trouble blowing air through it while it was open. so i removed it fiddled with it and it eventually started opening up easier and allowing air to flow through uniformly each time. I haven't run it since i tried that (still snow on the ground) it does sometimes happen at idle, even after just starting it. when i have limped home sometimes i would just raise my high enough i could accelerate and shift without touching the gas and it would get me home. i figure it shouldnt be the fuel pump/pumps as it doesnt just die, it just keep running, but very poorly. kevin
  6. i haven't actually changed the plugs or looked at them since the rebuild. They were Bosch platinum's and they were a light brown i believe. i had the car tuned at my local zed shop and like i said it ran perfectly for months until the very end of the warm season, then it started showing up, and to be more specific it first showed up on a really hot day. lifting the piston they both fall with a nice tap. from what i have seen by cleaning and just routine inspection they both move freely. in the carbs i believe i am using SU carb oil, but there is a chance i didn't have any and put dextron transmission fluid in them instead.(acceptable replacement i was told?) as for the fuel line from bowl to nozzle, while the problem is acting up, wiggling, squeezing, adjusting never helped the problem dissipate so i ruled that out. kevin
  7. seeing as winter is almost over, i could use some help diagnosing a problem that my car developed last season. I have a restored 1974 260z with a used set of 72' 240z 4screw carbs that i have installed the Ztherapy rebuild kit into. they have been tuned and tried and drove great for quite a while before this problem arose. this random little gremlin strikes at the worst possible times and is very unpredictable. Essentially what is happening is I lose all power, it feels like i am running on only one carb. It has happened while idling, and while at highway speeds. cruising on the highway it does feel like one carb, i lose power, decelerate to the point where i can maintain 30-40mph but i cannot accelerate past that, the sound of my exhaust changes, and sometimes it has just gone and stalled out. the tricky thing is it can go away as soon as it has showed up, i start to feel it chugging and i'd drop a gear and its gone. other times it lasts until ive limped home. after the car has started shuddering ive pulled over, fiddled with the fuel lines, checked carb balance, all in check, pull back onto the road and its happens again. (it seems i can simulate the problem by pinching the fuel line from the nozzle to the bowl on the rear carb, one closes to firewall?? ) sometimes it is affected even at idle where it will not run correctly and a couple taps of the throttle and it seems fixed... when really it just shows up again. to recap, Symptoms are: initial lag/shuddering sound of exhaust changes, loss of power cannot maintain speed, sometimes completely dies. limp home. So, I have changed the inline fuel filter after the electric fuel pump, to see if it was clogged i opened it up and sure enough it was clean and not my problem. I also replaced my cap, rotor, and added a new stock coil. (all stock ignition no modifications) to satisfy my curiosity i had an inkling that my carb filters might be clogged so i removed them, no better. I then removed the valves in the bowls and cleaned them out, however i have not run the car after that. besides changing plugs, wires, or fuel pumps im not quite sure what to do. I have a feeling this is fuel related, and related to one carb, as it doesnt just strictly die, it keeps running but with no power. besides throwing more money at my car im not quite sure what else to check. has anyone had any similar problems, or ideas i may try?:stupid: - the car runs great until this problem shows up, and its completely random irregardless of speed, rpm, heat, ect. its showed up under almost all conditions. however, after changing the coil cap and rotor the problem minutely surfaced one day, but didnt show up for atleast a week after kevin
  8. Vin # RLS30 - 011978 11/73 seems i'm using a two tone set of seats that were on the list for 240z's but not so much for the 260's ><
  9. your car is pretty well identical to my car, I've got a problem trying to find new seat covers as mine are ripped. also i too need a new set of carpet.. the car came with only two peices behind the seats... the butterscotch. Funny, i have the same 303 emerald green as you too
  10. Ttiger, the relay isnt aftermarket unfortunately, the colored wires are actually what is attatched to the relay I have a question about the condenser... Could it possibly be what is interfering with my tach? the tach jumps to 8k, then bounces around occaisionally. sometimes it does jump to the right rpm and works for a minute or two... then back to 8. >< it bounces with my signal lights, with my headlights, defrost and well pretty much all my electronics. HELP ME OH GURU's I cant seem to find the problem with it, and honestly i'd like to know what rpm i'm at Kevin
  11. 1974 260z <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM2437.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM2437.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> ^little red button that says push... i presses it? i sees nothing. <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM2438.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM2438.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> ^relay near radiator on drivers side, sounds like a salt and pepper shaker... obviously shot? dont know what its for. <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM2440.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM2440.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> ^little plug wire coming off the alternator.. what for? not plugged into anything
  12. may i ask what or who you used to make them shine like that... they look so... perfect?
  13. 11/73' 1974 260z paint color 303, beige/lt.brown int. as you can see the drivers seat is in terrible need of new padding and new vinyl I've been searching online for a few days for replacements, so far i've found www.classicdatsun.com 's butterscotch replacement vinyl and their padding. the thing is that i can't seem to find any of the two tone combination for the vinyl. more so, a two tone that matches my seats/my interior! also i need new carpet, it only came with two peices hiding behind the seats, its a very dark carmel brown, perhaps its the butterscotch too? WHAT DO I DO OH GURU'S OF THE Z's! trying to keep as stock as possible <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM0884.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM0884.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM0886.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM0886.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> <a href="http://s110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/?action=view&current=HPIM0885.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n103/garnoff/HPIM0885.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  14. now those centercaps are something special aren't they! though they have seen prettier days! I suppose i can throw on a set of those new Z ones that you have. They do fit right? the correct dimensions for an ez swap?

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