i'm still working on my friends '72. i finally got it running the other day. i did a C/R check because #6 seemed to be weak and found the valve adjustments were all scattered to hell. i readjusted the valves per my haynes manual: .008"/intake and .010"/exhaust, cold as measured between the cam lobe and rocker. this is the way i read it in the book. the problem i'm experiencing now is that i continue to have rocker arms jumping out of the valve guide (what do you call that little cup with rails the rocker rides on?). so after i adjusted the valves intially last week, i got it running and it sounded pretty good. i had to move it and it sat for a week over christmas while company was in town. so i go out to work on it last week and had a hell of a time getting it to start. i was even pouring raw gasoline in the carbs and it would not fire. so i do a compression check again (that is how desparate:ermm: ) and i find that the #$4 intake rocker has jumped up and is riding on top of the valve guide thingy. so i think, "hmm, that's weird" and i fix it and reset the clearance. i finally get it running and end up moving the car, everything seems to be running reasonably well considering the car hasn't run in 3+ years. got late so i put it up for the night. the next day, i want to just run it some more to run some of that crappy gas out of it and it won't start...again. go through the litany: got fuel, got spark, got compression... on 5 cylinders. i check and find #2 has done the same thing. i reset it and finally get it running but it has a definate miss. i pull the valve cover....AGAIN! to find the #3 intake rocker is cocked now. so i fix it and adjust the lash but notice this time that on this valve, the ball stud is ~1/4" higher than the others. i remove the rocker and measure across the top of the retainers and find the intake valve is lower than the valves next to it by ~1/4". i still get the car running but #3 cylinder has no compression, definately missing. so now for the questions: is valve to piston clearance tight enough that this 'cocked rocker' condition could cause valve to piston contact resulting in a bent valve? if the valve is bent, how did it bend #3 but not #2 or #4, which also jumped out of place? why do the rockers keep jumping out of place? is there a way, short of removing the head, to check the valve seat to see if the valve is bent or if it may just be a big chunk of carbon stuck in there? is there a good source on-line for valves and gaskets should this be the problem? hellllpppp!!!