Everything posted by jwtaylor
Black Dragon Closing
Just bought 2 front fenders for 104.95 each (plus shipping of 125.00 or 167.45 per fender) plus lots of little things at very cheap prices. Maybe I'll finely get my 240 back on the road. Do NOT tell the wife! she's been after me to sell it for years - NO WAY.
theft prevention
Most keep alive functions for radios/etc. don't use much power, so wire a small fuse (1 to 3 amp) off the battery directly to feed them. That will keep the power low enough not to allow starting the engine.
1972 240z emblems intallation receiver nuts
Yes you need the barrel nuts. Unless the new emblems came with them, look at the emblems and see it they are on the mounting posts. Most of the new emblems I have bought recently come with the barrel nuts.
sweatys rebuild
The some types of black electrical tape adhesive will turn to a nasty sticky goo when exposed to some types of wire insulation, oils and heat. It may not be a problem here but I have had to repair and clean up that sticky mess before, not fun. Quality tape is worth the cost.
Which Green paint do I have??
Maybe take it to a paint supply company and see if they can color match it?
240z on Top Gear
double post
240z on Top Gear
Yea, it was sad that they got a '73 that had starting problems. Actually, maybe that was done on purpose.
Rivet holes in the Steering Wheel
Knife makers use a 2 part screw together rivet to hold the scales on the knife handle. You may want to check them out. I've seen them in brass and silver metal. Check out these: http://usaknifemaker.com/knife-handle-parts/handle-hardware/corbys-rivets-loveless-others.html
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
45 years as a senior electronics technician here, that battery symbol is the same one that has been used for a battery for over a hundred years.
A-pillar problem
Eastwood Internal Frame Coating is a great product, but is very thin when applied and seems to end up everywhere. It will leak through the smallest of pin holes and make greenish spots on your yellow paint if you are not very careful. I did not try to clean up these "leaks" when I sprayed it so don't know if a quick wipe will remove it. I have not completed stripping my car yet even to get to primer. Perhaps a wax based sealer would work better for you.
Welder Suggestions
I have an Eastwood 135 MIG welder that I got on sale for about $300. It's a good small 115 volt welder. I use 25/75 mix gas and get clean welds. I have not had any problems with it at all.
Ahmeter not working! Marking in the middle
Temporary swings to the - side are normal, such as when at a stop light with the brakes on. After the engine speed is increased and brakes off it should swing positive + to recharge the battery. If your not seeing any movement it's either been removed from the circuit (bypassed) or is bad. On the 240s the shunt is in the meter. First thing I would do is check the connections to the amp meter, it should have a large wire to each of the shunt studs.
vin number questions
Thanks CanTechZ, That's the first reasonable explanation of the dates I've heard.
vin number questions
Mine is held on with pop rivets with a 4mm head. Pretty sure its never been off the car.
vin number questions
My 12/70 build 240Z only has 5 digits after the HLS30 stamped on the firewall or the ID plates for that mater. I do not think Nissan worried about having 6 digits. That data from Black Dragon also claims the production dates were 10/69 to 5/70 for the series one cars. So they built all the cars up to serial number 21000 by May of 1970 and then stamped build dates as they sold them? I find that hard to believe.
240Z Center AC Vent Options?
Thanks Jim.
Horn stopped working because.....
When I fix (modify) something I make sketches. When done they get put into the Z folder. I never clean up the sketch or add notes - after all I fixed it. Strangely I can look at them and know what I was at least trying to do. I pity the next owner trying to understand what I did and why though.
Horn stopped working because.....
Captian, That looks like a steel screw holding on the extendo contact, might that be a wear problem when the button wears down. Would not want the steel to eat into the contact ring. A brass screw might be a better solution.
240Z Center AC Vent Options?
Jim, Do you know where I can get/find those eyeball vents you used in the center vents from?
Location and installation of Vintage Air gen II mini controls on 1972 240z
I really like this idea for center vents. Do you also have the side vents plumbed in. Are the gauges being moved to the old heater control panel area?
I need this part....
You say you welded it but that looks like solder. You should never solder something like this as it does not have the strength to hold together.
Gauge overlays
I'm pretty sure I used to have that also. I lost a lot of info I had saved due to a disk crash several years ago. I will keep looking, it might be on a cd backup.
Gauge overlays
Is this the file your looking for TomoHawk? S30_gauge_templates.zip
Trailer Hitch
This what I added to my car for towing. Way overbuilt and very heavy. I had planed to add a lint to the differential mount but never have. More than likley I will just remove it as I have another vehicle to tow with now.
Need Some Help Please