My 72 Z was originally bought by a family friend of my step-dad's when he was young. He bought it when he was in high school from that family friend, and had it until he married my mom, when he sold it to his buddy on the stipulation that if he ever wanted to sell it, he would come back to my dad first. Sure enough, a decade or so later, he wanted to sell it, and my dad bought it back. At this point, I was in Junior High, and fell in love with the car. I somehow convinced my dad to sell it to me in my senior year of high school, at which point I drove it for a year and the summer after high school I started to tear it down a bit for some replacement bushings, motor work, etc. I ended up joining the Air Force, and my dad graciously bought the car back from me in its half-dismantled state, and it sat on a concrete slab on jack stands for about eight years. He had planned on resurrecting it, but never got around to it. Finally I got stationed back in the area about a year and a half ago, and he offered me the car back again, with no price tag, just the title and the hopes that it would be back on the road again. So, the car is once again mine, going through rehabilitation, and will probably stay in the family for another 30+ years!