Everything posted by Reverend
Best Camera Setup for Z Cars
I have Canon 600D, its basically the same camera as 60D. I think there is more lenses to Canon than to Nikon
Installing Timing Chain When Rebuilding Motor on Stand
If you're ever around here, i'll buy you a sixpack for this
Z cars at the Concours
Nice pictures man. We have few of those Maseratis in our town...big arse engines!
Seat question
I might do the upholstery myself if someone has nice write-up somewhere Always willing to save every little penny i could, we have to re-make our driveway this summer so thats gonna cost some dough.
Seat question
I'd like to have your opinion about my situation. My seats are torn and i need new covers. I have few options: either take it to tailor who charges 250€ (over 300$) per seat. Propably very good quality OR order new covers from Banzai (240$ 2 seats PLUS foams 120/seat) and try to tinker them. Tailor said that if you try to install new covers with old stuffings, it looks bad. BUT i've read that with new stuffings, long guys (like me) wont fit in to the cockpit anymore. So....what would you do?
First startup after 8 years! Tell me what you think! VIDEO
Your engine looks great! Keep up the good work dude.
Interior Worth Saving?
I had similar situatin, my Z was a smoker car so it smelled like s*it, MSA panels are much sturdier but they are a bit too big, so you have to cut the extra off. Cover every panel (from behind) with Dynomat or similar if you want to quiet down the car.
240Z good for tall people?
Its funny how my Z looks when im driving it, i got considerably large head (plus 6'4 tall) Looks like a giant is driving a toycar
Motorsport Flush Mounted Mirror Kit
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DATSUN-240Z-MIRROR-OUTSIDE-OEM-NISSAN-/251038936147?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3a73162c53&vxp=mtr I payed 70 bucks of mine, worth every penny. Looks good too
72 240z exterior door handle rubber bits
Looks good, thanks for the pictures!
Does this look like a coolant leak?
Its a head gasket leak, i recommend you should change it asap. Also make sure the head aint warped. Mine was.
BD inner hatch weatherstrip
I can, it DID work out. Also one of the biggest fumer was the antenna drain hole, i had nothing in there to stop the fumes. That is often forgotten
Newest Family Member...
That looks like awesome! Take a good care of her!
BD inner hatch weatherstrip
Package arrived last friday, i had to wait till monday to get it. BUT...... It was worth the wait. It fits very nicely and seems to be made of tougher material than MSA ones. I recommend!
what is a "hot cam" setup???
What might be the cheapest stage 1 cam? Or something a bit tighter than the original 240z cam
So much for my rust free california car!!
My Z is from Santa Rosa originally, moved to Anaheim. Only rust i could find (except small quantities of surface rust) was drivers side floorboard. Was rusted trough.
Noisy differential
It drags the same, with or without drums on place. Maybe i'll start there first. Is it a big operation and are any special tools required?
Ever seen a 240Z with a backseat?
That looks very unsafe but cool
Site fundraiser
That sounds like a great idea
Noisy differential
Its not, 3/4 rotation goes okay (a bit of draggy though) but then the last 1/4 feels kinda tough. I dont know how to explain it better. Should they spin uber-easy when on air?
Manual Antenna
In early Euro models there were manual antennas.
Door Window Squeegee
Anyone has picture of BD strip? id love to compare and deciede which to order. Thanks.
Noisy differential
Yea it has new Redlines in it..
Debadging: Yes or no?
I have all the others except hood emblem and rear hatch Datsun. its just 240z, let them figure out what make it is
$69 NISSAN 280Z Chip 60 Horsepower Increase, yada, yada, yada (GForce chip)
I used premium gasoline instead of regular and it added at least 20hps more!!