Everything posted by Reverend
It Ain't Running Right!
One of my Z-friends suggested that with L24 timing (with triples) would be better in 8-9 degrees initial... any opinions on that? I shall try to tinker with the timing ONE MORE TIME.
It Ain't Running Right!
It spits on betveen 2000 and 2500 rpms.
Speedo Removal
To clear out the one above, lights that should illuminate speedo, wont work.
Speedo Removal
Borrowing this thread one more time. Ive attached new speedo and replaced all the bulbs. For some reason only the blue light indicator works when i switch to long lights. Do i need to ground them somehow or what? I have no tach on place.
It Ain't Running Right!
I'll check the plugs today. Could be dirt, could be anything. I will try to match the fuel level with other carbs and check out the proper fuel pressure, i have a gut feeling about it. Its just the throat nr 6 spitting out.
Fuel return line
Dayum son. That might make sense. I'll have to try that. I have problem with my carb nr 3, most likely related to fuel.
Speedo Removal
Wingnuts in my Z were about 19mm. Taking out the tachometer was a bitch, but taking out the speedo was even bitchier. The upper wingnuts were accesible, but stuck as F. Tools that i found most usable were this "pipe" type socket and strong fingers. I bust all my knuckles, almost destroyed my thumb trying to press the wingnuts open, my hands look like i was in a fist fight but it is OUT.
Making A Wooden Shift Knob - Chapter 2
http://zstory.online.fr These guys make perfect replica of rare 5-speed shift knob, i did not found it on their website but they have pics in their FB page.
triple weber conversion for 280z
Return line is good if you have electric pump, it does not make that much noise and it lasts longer without breaking up. I have 240z with triples, holley regulator and el cheapo electric pump.
Fuel return line
Why the pressure regulator is after carbs, shouldn't it be before them?
It Ain't Running Right!
I havent tried tinkering with idle jets yet, i'll try later this week. Im afraid tinkering with them, i'll mess it up even more, but we'll see. It seems the last carb is more fuel hungry than the first two. Fuel level is the same now in all and thats the one spitting, i guess because lack of fuel..?
It Ain't Running Right!
Hmmm. It spits and spats only about 2000 to 2500 rpms, in belove and over that it runs fine...???
It Ain't Running Right!
I measured the fuel level from the bottom to up cause i had no proper equipment. First two had about 29 from bottom to up, last one had 30+mm, seems like its same measurement, from down to up or up to down. Fuel should be somewhere in the middle.
It Ain't Running Right!
I made a small tool from transparent pvc pipe, made mark on 29mm and 31mm and measured. First 2 carbs had exactly the same amount of fuel (29mm), rear one had tad over 31mm. I dialed it down but even after full turn, it did not lower the fuel level to 29. Fuel level screw on the last carb is over 2 threads higher than the first 2. Is that normal? Here are couple videos, this first one is taken right after i started it, it raises rpms well but you can hear that the idle is far from nice. It feels like its not running on all cylinders when i took it for a spin, after few mins, it felt better, but not normal. http://vid578.photobucket.com/albums/ss224/Spacereverend/20150414_194615_zpsgfjnfec5.mp4 This is just a test how it sounds inside, too bad on this you cant hear the burbling sound it makes when idling. http://vid578.photobucket.com/albums/ss224/Spacereverend/20150414_195141_zpssmuhj8ya.mp4 On this last one, engine is almost fully warmed and i slowly raise rpms. Im quite sure it spits out from the last carb. Tell me your opinions! http://vid578.photobucket.com/albums/ss224/Spacereverend/20150414_195719_zpsqvdavzzy.mp4 I'm also worried about the engine shaking on idle, it shakes a lot.
It Ain't Running Right!
Im still on the process of checking fuel levels, i removed both main jets from middle carb and for my surprise, the actual jet was detached from the F11 emulsion tube. I had to use some "special skills" to get it out from the bottom. I wonder has that been effecting engine behaviour, i mean there cant be more than human hair worth of free space between main jet/emulsion tube and the bottom of that shaft..?
Electric Fuel Pump Install - Keep Mechanical Pump?
I bought this el cheapo pump and its been running just fine. Car starts immediatly.
Speedo Removal
Yeah, i'll try both ways. Thanks. I am too graced with shovel-like hands. They used to call me Jeti back in elementary school....hah..
It Ain't Running Right!
So basically all you need for fuel level measurement is a small plastic pipe, slim enough to fit in to main jet hole, put it in and close the other end. It "should" hold the fuel inside..right? Like pipet. OER fuel level was 29mm right?
It Ain't Running Right!
I managed to get my timing gun back on track and set up the initial to 15 and max is about 37-38. Something is wrong. It does not run on all six cylinders on idle. Is it normal that you get fuel dripping from the ram pipes/float breathe hole? Edit. I made few test drives and it stutters on steady speed. Plugs are black-ish so its most certain it is getting too much fuel. Was there DYI fuel level gauge instructions somewhere here?
It Ain't Running Right!
Haha. Btw nearest hill is few hundred km away, so i'll just try WOT on straight road. Of course i need to inspect it before i can do it. Damn laws.
Speedo Removal
I'd like to know HOW THE HECK you unscrew the speedo screws from behind?? I need to replace mine with km/h gauge and i just cant get my hands to fit in there
It Ain't Running Right!
Yes. I'd do that but my brand new timing light wont work >:I Well i gotta get refund and get another one. And yes, i agree its gettin too much fuel. Those sparkplug holes were soaking wet.. Should i lean out the idle jets or try to tinker with floats? I do not have any float gauge or whatsoever.
It Ain't Running Right!
From right to left 1-6. Brand new plugs, all somewhat black, nr1 is the blackest. I tried to set the timing, but my 2 day old timing lamp went mute...
It Ain't Running Right!
I have no vacuum advance as im running triples. The dizzy is modified by one old geezer who does these things. Its basic 240z dizzy, no-points with a small box outside. Nothing fancy. And yeah, i can smell fuel. Actually even my neighbour from 100 feet away can smell the fuel... haha. Wich is weird cause the dyno guy said its "okay". Is it normal that my whole rear area goes super BLACK after driving for some time? It looks like im driving a diesel... haha.
It Ain't Running Right!
Carbs are set up and synced by the tuner last summer when i had the previous dizzy operational. I tried with 18 degrees initial. It idled okay but as soon as i raised rpms, its started to poppoppoppoppopp on the exhaust.