Everything posted by Reverend
240z starts but dies as soon key released
Ok, ballast resistor is located near coil? Can some1 give picture, ill remove it and change if i can find a proper fit from local auto store. Ignition was ok last time i started Z, but i think the lock was already worn out then, i just noticed it yesterday. Maybe the problem isn't there indeed. Thanks already
240z starts but dies as soon key released
As above, starts nicely and i can rev as long as i keep starter on, but it'll eventually burn the starter. I just run it 2 weeks ago and there were no problems. It dies instantly as i release key from start position. Also i noticed for the first time that i can remove key in all positions. Could this be problem in ignition switch? Is there any emergency help i can give to keep it running..? I need help fast, i gotta move the car in 2 days..
Door wont lock
Alrighty, problem seems not to be in adjustable pushrod. It's actually too shortly adjusted atm. In drivers side door there's 2 clicks but in pass side there is one click and one bump. So it sounds different too..
72 interior rear quarters plastic panels
btw. What is the diameter of original interior rivets? I found 6.5mm rivets in one of the local auto parts store with price of about 10$. 30 pieces in each.
Winshield viper acting strange
Whoops, guess we finns are almost as stupid as swedes Ok wiper not viper Yea, ill try to get them out, how i suppose get the wiper engine out from the bag without breaking it..?
Winshield viper acting strange
Ok, i got this 72 6 months ago and soon after i got it i tried to use windshield wipers, they were not working. Few days ago i took 4 bolts off that holds the wiper engine and by accident i put the windshield wiper on while doing other things inside car. The whole wiper engine assembly moved! So i was convinced that the engine worked and put the bolts back on. Then when turning them on, i could hear CLICK and short BUZZZ but nothing happens, it wont move wipers. Fuse is ok.
Door wont lock
Thank you Escanlon and all others! Very constructive thread. I managed to get my driver side door working by adjusting striker a bit higher. But the passenger side door wont work even i rotate latch. 2 clicks and the plug wont still go down. Is there something wrong in the mechanism or what? I already have window on place at the passenger side..hope i wont have to take it off.. :/
- I Just got ANOTHER 240Z, she's gonna kill me!!
Help needed rebuilding doors, putting back windows etc.
Blah, my driver side seatbelt retractor is busted, its missing some components from the top, where is white plastic round thing. It wont retract at all. I need to get it fixed cause i cant register it with broken seatbelts. Suggestions?
Door wont lock
I recently started to remake the interior in my 72 and for some reason my doors wont lock. When i slam the door shut ( this is in both doors) and try to lock it (window open) pressing plug, it wont go down. I tried to adjust strikers but it just messed my door alignment. I dont have dovetails I tried also moving that round thing on the door (forgive my idiocy) in to different positions but it didnt make any difference. Halp!
Please explain the nomenclature
I know what you mean One veteran mechaninc trained me few years ago. I used to take my other B310 Datsun for him to repair. One day though he said (after my starter engine died on his yard) that "you gotta learn to do it yourself" I used to pay good money to the guy and he put me under the car to change the starter engine, me who has never touched engine before! I thank that guy today. Btw. i heard that kinda tales from my grandpa, "when i was young we skied to the school 10 miles in -45Celsius blizzard with wolfpack on our tail"
Looking To Buy 240Z...What To Look For.
Well the hatch grill vents says that its 1970 model. or were late 1970's registered as 1971 models?
Please explain the nomenclature
Watch out the zcar.com. If you even say that " hi im a new Z owner and need help" its instant "C'MON BOYS LETS SMOKE THIS NOOB, GET THE GOD***N FSM AND AFTER READING IT 25 TIMES COME ASK AGAIN!" I even tried to suggest that (cause the site is kinda outdated) why dont you upgrade this to a bit more up to date...well the response was something like this: " YOU FREAKING EUROPEAN, DONT YOU COME HERE TO SUGGEST ANYTHING, YOU STARTED THE 2nd WORLD WAR YOU MANIAC"... and im not kidding, those are the almost literal words :/ This site however is the most kindest and best Z site i have ever come across! Have fun browsing.
Missing fasten seatbelts sensor from drivers side
Well title says it all. Passenger side seat has it, it also has original vinyls. Drivers seat has quite new vinyls over it but no sensor. Are these rare/expensive to get?
Help needed rebuilding doors, putting back windows etc.
Yesterday i started to work with drivers side floor. Is there some sort factory installed sound deadening? firstly i tought that it was metal (cause it is painted same colour as the body) but after closer examination it was about 2mm thick tar mat. And guess what i found unerneath it... Well at least there is no rust anywhere else in the car.
Help needed rebuilding doors, putting back windows etc.
I have all the accessories but clips. Im located at Northern Finland, youre welcome to help me Windows are giving me the headache. Or should i say drivers side window. When it's in place and i crank it up, it wont fit in place. Also, are dovetails essential for proper door function? I dont have them.
Help needed rebuilding doors, putting back windows etc.
Ok rebuild is not the word i mean but you'll get the point. I bought this 72 half ready, engine is okay but interior was screwed. I've been restoring the original plastic panels and now its time to move on to the doors. I need to know how to install door windows properly, i have renewed window channel rubbers. I have the factory manual and How To Restore your Z car book but i still like to hear it from you guys. I also miss some clips to hold lock cylinders on that lever that opens lock. Door panel installing is also ahead so advice needed on that. Is there any way to remake that silver stripe on door panels? And for the last, is there some clips also holding the window handle cranck on the place? Lot of questions and more to come
Guy who never owned a Nissan in his life.
Well im sure if he's not hooked he will be. I just drove first 2 meters inside garage with my 72 and i was hooked That car is keeping me on the leash and when payday approaches, im thinking what i need to buy for my Z instead of thinking about buying food etc. Wife not always happy
Looks like I'm getting my first z car =)
Jeez! You got the same color as i do. And mine is also originally lime green!
Trying to find solution for my carb behaving
Ok, this has obviously been discussed more than 10K times but this is what these forums are for, right? I started my 72 first time for 5 months. It's in warmed garage so climate should be out of question. First it didnt want to give gasoline to carbs, so i open the valve cover and manually pumped fuel pump so that i could see it flowing through filter. After that it started, very roughly but after giving some pedal to the metal, it started to run with all 6 cylinders. In fall, when i make the first start, it didnt cough no matter how much you rammed it but now it seems to cough if you press too fast too hard. Front carb seems to be working alright but the rear one is squirting gas out when pressing hard. So could this be caused by float or what?
Leaking radiator
Yea, well i intend to drive only summertime, like 3-4 months a year. Hope it'll last that. Funny that when it had old liquids inside, it didnt leak.. But there was a wet spot visible.
Leaking radiator
I started my 72 first time in 5 months and everything was quite ok, except that radiator leaked. I had it dried months ago and now after refilling it with pure water (i needed to move the car 2meters so i didnt put any coolant) I noticed small pond of water front of the car and i inspected the radiator. Seems that the leak is in front row. So does the magical "radiator repair" fluids work? I dont want to overheat the engine but i dont want to buy new radiator..
Diagnosing Broken Door Lock
Where i can get those spring clips? I got 3 locks with no clips to attach. DIY tips also help
Goin to look at a 240z tomorrow =)
I bought my 72 with 1400$. It was fresh painted (cheaply tough) complete rust free except hole in drivers side floor panel. Engine is running good. 3K is too much
Installing choke lever
Ok thanks, ill try to do something like that. How was the choke lever originally installed then?