Everything posted by Reverend
Gasoline Prices, and your Z
I just calculated that 1 gallon costs 7.18$ here in Finland. I'd love to have 3$ per gallon..
Removing tape from 1yr old paint and stuff
I recently got my first Z from States. Windows were secured with blue tape (very fragile tough) during transportation. So my problem is how to remove it without damaging paint. I've tried warm water and soap but results were poor. Also im having a bit of a situation with emblems. Seems like the PO has closed almost all of the emblem pin holes whilst the car was painted. And i only got emblems with pins. So should i try to make those holes or just cut the pins off and glue them? If with glue, what kind of glue do you recommend? Also i need to know how to locate exact position of hatch "240Z" and "DATSUN" emblems. Sry for my noobnes.
Cleaning plastics, leather upholstery and door panels
See the difference in before and after. VHT spray is good but it's hard to get a steady paintjob with it. I've sprayed at least 3-4 coats on each item. Now i just need to figure out how to repair the plastics, theres lot of holes and cracks on them, maybe its easier to order new ones..
Heater control and its function
Try Mozilla, for me it opens right away
Door latch photos
Not trying to steal the topic, i have some issues with door. Basically just need to know what im missing from this pic. Dovetails i know but should there be any rubbers etc?
TOTAL clutch frustration!!
Ok, master might be shot. I'll order one and replace it (btw any1 has extra master for sale?) heres small and bad quality video about master with hardline off
TOTAL clutch frustration!!
Hi! Thanks for the great advices, ill try those all in this week. I was visiting Latvia past weekend and Z stayed home The screw in the master cylinder (one that holds hardline) is stuck so i got some work to open it. Clutch pedal has no resistance at all but it returns back normally. I see no bubbles but liquid is moving normally. If i press rapidly with cap open, it overflows. Slave piston is not stuck, as i wrote, slave is brand new. There is just enough pressure to make it move, as i have seen while bleeding.
TOTAL clutch frustration!!
Alright, thanks for the advice, i better change the master and try tapping it. As far as i remember, i think i tried to move the clutch fork by hand but it didnt move. I wasn't using much force tough. Yes, i always have another person with me when im trying to bleed it. Slave doesn't move even a millimeter. Now i just got to get the master
TOTAL clutch frustration!!
I suppose it was working before, i just recently bought the car and it has been standing for about 1year. Clutch was in this condition. Idaho, that's one of three different methods i tried. I've only replaced slave cylinder cause it was wasted and was rusted stuck. I adjusted the new pushrod (slave) by the old one. Im not sure is the clutch engaged, if i remember correctly, it is not. There is factory standard free play between pushrod and pedal ( was it 15mm or something) I just really need to get this clutch working, gotta move the car..
TOTAL clutch frustration!!
I've tried everything that i can think of (not pressurised air, cause i dont have compressor) to bleed the clutch properly and make it move, but no. I've bleed from master to slave in 3 different methods, ive tried to bleed from slave to master with hand pump. No results. I've read those old threads and i just cant figure what is the problem. :mad: As far as i know, fluid should come out quite quikly when pressing the pedal several times fast, well in this case its kinda of drooling out, not squirting, even i had bleed nipple fully open. I have transparent tube attached to bleed nipple so its easy to see. I've replaced slave cylinder and removed and inspected the master. Rubbers were ok and it doesn't leak inside car. When you press rapidly, you can see fluid moving inside master but almost nothing happends at the slave So i beg you, wise Zholics to help me in this.
Whats your car's name?
That Colt..Dodge? Here its Mitsubishi..
Pay it forward!!!
Thanks Marty! Parts came last thursday, quiker than i expected! If anyone has a spare front and rear sealing rubber for doors, PM me.
Wish me luck ... replacing front clip on 240Z
I have to ask about your name, SuomiZ, are you Finnish? Nice car btw!
Nice paintwork! That VW Karmann Ghia is also a beaty on those last 3 pics!
What kinda of Z-car guy are you?
Definetly number 1. Im not the best restorer or mechanic on the world but im trying. Actually i dont even have to be, cause my Z is all original except the colour. IdahoKidd, id love to see more pics of your Volvo PV, we have lotta of them here. I cursed my parents for not buying one in 70's. Now theyre driving VW Golf...
Pay it forward!!!
And thank you for that! Luckily most of the Datsun engine parts are interchangeable (we got a lot of Datsuns, but only few Z's) but interior parts are rare.
Z-Cars named to 25 Best Cars Ever List
Even this list is quite ridicilous, i still have 2 of the best cars ever number 10 and 25.
Pay it forward!!!
New Z's show no love
Im 25 and suppose you can say that im "old skool" kinda guy. I know a lot about old cars, especially european and japanese. History is one of my favourite subjects. I feel kinda outsider here in my own country amongst other Z drivers (there's not much). Reason: they're all into tuning and making their car as fast as possible by any means. There's only few true purists and they are all (i think at least) 40+ Funny thing is that many 40+ guys had came to me and said that when they were young, all they wanted was 240Z. One reason why i got my car storaged in large garage was that the owner of that place always wanted 240z (now he's having 355 Ferrari) Like i said in other thread, one young bloke came and said that "Nice Camaro man!"
Harbor Freight stud welder for dent pulling
Nice work mate! Keep it up! Btw. is there any way to install hood emblem (for good) without those holes? mine has none.
What did you find under your seat?
I found old Castrol plastic oil jar, receipts from 70's chewing gum etc. BUT has anyone found anything inside DOORS? I have. 2 screwdrivers and a LockJaw. Also im wondering what kind of a mass murderer was PO because there was gazillion shotgun bucks all over trunk.
Datsun Dealer list from 1971?
Mine was bought from Torvick's Datsun, i think it's in California. I tried to search but i didn't found. Any1 else bought from Torvick's?
act your age. Wait no... Post your age
Im 25 yrs. This 72-Z is my fifth car, others were -81 b310 4d (still got it), Cherry(sold, was a piece of $^!#), Volvo 740STW (sold) and Volvo 940STW(daily driver). Now the "second" generation has started to import more and more Z's. I know many "first" generation dudes who were drooling for Z's in seventies and now we youngsters got their dream cars. Crude.
Advice needed in rubber/weatherstrip installation
Thanks a lot! That's what i meant when talking about Z-demigods
Electric Z (!!??)
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240Zev-ONE-OF-A-KIND-ELECTRIC-CONVERSION-CUSTOM-RESTORATION_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c51b6a8a3QQitemZ190349486243QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks I found this Z on ebay. Creepy but economical I love the sound of Z engine but in this you get to hear only tires rattling.