Everything posted by Reverend
Restoring 240z front panel
perhaps i should try that nail polisher, luckily i can use my wife to get that My garage is quite cold now (only few degrees plus celcius) so should i paint it somewhere warmer? Also a bit OT but im also about to paint my radiator but how ye paint rows properly? I mean like i cant sand it, so should i sandblast it or what? I have sanded the upper and lower tank but the rows are a bit dirty looking
No fluid getting to rear brakes
Have you bleeded the system or did you just add new fluid?
Replacing door panels???
Well, banzai motorworks has the SKINS for 260$ pair, but you need to make the panels yourself or use the old ones. Im afraid there is no easy way out in this. Those panels are rare parts and if you cant restore your old ones (like i did, cause i got no money) you'll just have to save some money. What is the status of your current panels, or do you miss them completely?
Radiator Leak
I'll double that, got also leak in upper tank. Got it repaired for 30€, cant be more there.
need help removing the steering wheel!
Is it really that stuck? Well guess i was lucky then, only a gentle pull and it came off..
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
These kind of rims were in European Z's, quite rare i would say.
Best place (safest) to place jack stands
I put the jacks under front/rear axel everytime, never put them against the hull itself.
new to z need some help with experience z owners! please
Ye might have cracked head gasket
What Do You Think My Z is Worth?
I think 2-5K is max. I payed less of mine, and it had fresh paintjob..
Probably the nicest 280 I've seen for sale in over a decade.
Nize Z and nice pictures
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Yea, ive been looking those pictures also!
Windshield trim color?
It depends on what kind of paint used. I have quality metal paint on mine and no dust, or marks. Smooth as a babys...you know.
73 240z rear drums won't bleed.
50% victory!
Brake Cylinder Retaining Shim
37dollars for the wheel cylinder in Rockauto
Brake Cylinder Retaining Shim
rockauto.com might have, not sure about the dust boot
73 240z rear drums won't bleed.
To me this sounds like a master cylinder issue. I had similar symptoms, tried to bleed and bleed with no good results. Got a new master cyl, bleeded, and works like a charm.
Headlight Conversion - Headlight Bucket Modification
Btw. Yer Volvos "always on" lights are like that because in Sweden and here, its illegal to drive without lights in daytime. Keeping your lights on all the time reduces the risk of crossroads accidents.
Windshield trim color?
Used matt black, matches well with the dashboard
- POR-20 on stock manifold
Oem bushings for moustache bar .
Sorry..but where can you get OEM bushings for the whole car? Dont want them urethane..
Restoring 240z front panel
Yea, thanks. After i paint that panel, i can sand the text so its chrome again or should i use silver sharpie?
Rear Wheel Cylinders
JeeZ! I thought my cylinders were bad but after seeing yours.... Get a new ones! Rockauto supplies them with reasonable prices.
Windshield Seal
Id love to know what kind of seals Vintage rubber makes but those damn guys wont reply to my email! I've called them once and sent 4 emails... not a good customer service (a little OT sorry)
Restoring 240z front panel
Yea, as have some other suppliers. Any info about the paint anyone?
Restoring 240z front panel
haha now i realised that i forgot my Star Wars vhs-box on the table..