Everything posted by Reverend
Restoring 240z front panel
There must be threads about this but im a lazy arse so i start a new one. I removed front panel from my 240Z and now planning to restore it the best i can. Chromes from the side are okay but the texts have turn to green and there is green spots here and there. With what should i overpaint this? Did it originally have gloss, semi gloss or matt paint? Should i prime it first before actual paint? Have never done this with plastic.
Installing Fuzzy Window Trim on a 240z
Nice one blue as usual. It is also possible to attach the fuzzy strip with 2 sided 3m tape. I did on mine and it has stayed on place. No extra holes needed.
Found 1972 Survivor with 5,400 Miles?
Bigger images plz
ignition switch little problem.
My friend has it, works okay ive heard
Heater core busted
I havent order yet, but there is new cardboard box in MSA for 20 or so bucks. I need one special tool to remove the 2 philips head screws that holds the watercock on place.. Cause normal screw driver wont open it. There is so much suprise-factors working with this car that it is almost hilarious >
Signs carbs are clogging up?
Check out the carburator section, there is plenty of info about cases like this.
"1969 Production 240z" on craigslist
No Z emblems on side either...strange mutation Z ;P
Looking for nice looking muffler for my z
Found out that they sell Dynomax "super turbo" mufflers in parts shop near me. Cheap but effective? Only 70$. Stainless steel i suppose. It has 2" inlet pipe but i heard you could install "suppressor" to make it fit.
Difficulty level of changing out manifold gasket?
I did this in summer for the first time and it was eazy. Luckily bolts in my Z were not tight at all. Just used 2 feet long pipe to extend the socket wrench. All the bolt holes were filled with crap, that needs to be removed.
repro window sticker
Im laughing my arse of when watching these "added features". Imagine the Z without them :D
Front bumper guard removal
Do'h. OF course i should have figured that out It does make sense, just havent been on that after i broke that one bolt..
Looking for nice looking muffler for my z
Okay, i didnt know that the stock muffler was round. I tought it was more "oval" looking. For my eye, they look better, dont know about the sound. btw. is the inlet diameter stock on that dynomax? i tried to search but their homepage had only 2.5" pipes min.
Looking for nice looking muffler for my z
I think the muffler is the right word. One that i currently have in place is not original + previous owner has painted it (maybe by accident) so that the other half is same colour as the car. It says made in usa but nothing else. So im looking something more original and perhaps more loud. It is very quiet at the moment, im sure its even quieter than the original muffler. Pipes and the manifold is in ok condition.
Sluggish Acceleration
Have you checked your timing?
Heater core busted
I see one screw on the pictures (by jfa) but where is the other screw? How is the core itself attached inside that?
When i saw the topic, i feared someone has blended a Z
Also lots of positive experiences with MSA. They do deliver stuff all the way to the Scandinavia, and quite quick too!
Heater core busted
Do i need to remove that for the pressure test?
Heater core busted
Well..it has not done that to the window, but the smell is around. Not that sweet though. Maybe im lucky and the core is intact.
Heater core busted
Well i got the blower out, been sanding that. Just surface rust but i might as well sand it and give it a new paintjob. So the core looks ok, as far as i can see trough the leg heat holes, but that doesnt mean its okay. Still no obvious sights of leaks anywhere except in valve. BUT how can it leak to the drivers side.. Is there any way i can make sure if the core is okay or not?
Heater core busted
Well i decieded to buy a new glove compartment box, the old one practically vaporized when i tried to tinker with it. One screw away from the fan removal
Heater core busted
Welll..its a quite the big job. I will try first without removing the dash. is it possible to remove the cardboard glove compartment without breaking it? Also can new one be installed dash on if the box goes bad?
Heater core busted
Nice one. Just im not going to remove the dash... BUT in case i need to, is there any specific instructions how to remove and put it back?
240z undetectable coolant leak
Coolant overflow pipe? In my Z it drips sometime.
Heater core busted
Okay, idea of leaking valve sounds better Actually i changed the hose betveen that valve and core itself, but the valve wasnt that good looking. But how can it leak on the drivers side? Anyway, i gotta remove that blower. After that i might be a bit wiser.