More trouble!
Thanks to all who helped. The car is running well now! I replaced the voltage regulator (the charge light was on and the alternator is good) and the water temp sensor. It has never ran better in my experience! Thanks again
More trouble!
thank you very much, both for the link and the advice. I suspected that the water temp sensor worked that way, but I wasnt sure. I'll let you guys know how it goes this weekend!
More trouble!
thanks to all, i have not done a compression test yet, unplugged the cold start injector with no change in performance. Does anyone know if this car has an O2 sensor? The book doesnt specifiy (Chilton). Could this be the problem? Cleaned all connections, no change...
More trouble!
Hey there, for those of you who responded to my previous questions, thank you very much. I have a 77 280z, that I finally got running! My problem now is that it is running far to rich. I have good fuel pressure, new air flow meter, new fuel filter, new alternator, new cap and rotor on the distributer, new plug wires and a new coil... I am fuel fouling plugs in about 2 minutes, the exhaust is terrible (black and white smoke under power, white smoke at idle, car actually blows excellent smoke rings!) The car lacks power most of the time, unable to even back into my garage anymore, problem is steadily getting worse (car actually drove well around the block earlier)... Gone through 3 sets of plugs, out of ideas, please help!
thanks, I will do that.
sorry, the fuel pressure was fine between the rail and the filter... Nothing on the return
yes, purchased the car with this problem... The car had sat for a while. I put new fuel in it, and used stabil and injector cleaner. I find the fact that the return line is not flowing very odd... I cleaned the rail and replaced the regulator. The bible refers to 36 PSI, shouldnt I at least be getting some pressure on the return line?
no, I did put a new pump in the car.
Car is a 77 280z with fuel injection. I posted earlier on pg 5 now under "Trouble Running". Please see that for back ground, I have since replaced the fuel pressure regulator, cleanned the fuel rail and replaced the fuel filter. The trouble is, there is no fuel coming out of the return line when the car runs. As before, the car only runs for a few minutes, then bogs down like a vacuum leak... Still unable to advance the throttle without the car bogging down. I have also replaced the mass air flow sensor and the air regulator. I replaced the ECU, and checked the ECU plug with a continuity meter, doesnt seem to be an electrical or air problem. Has anybody had a similiar problem? Please help! Thanks... P.S. for some reason, I still love this car!
Trouble Running
I have a 77 280z that is fuel injected. When the car starts (sometime it doesn't) it will idle up to around 1200, and run well until the throttle is advanced. As soon as that happens the rpm's bottom out and the car dies. Occasionally, the car will start, but will only idle at about 600 and then dies quickly. Here is what I have done so far: New fuel pump, good pressure. New EGR valve. New air regulator. Cannot find any vacuum leak. When the car runs, the exhaust feels fine and there is no visible damage to the exhaust system. Cannot find any obstruction in the air intake... I am running out of ideas, can anyone help? Thanks very much.