Everything posted by WDILL
1970 240Z Factory Service Manual - Body & Chassis Volume
- 1 review
Remounting Differential, Drive Shaft and Half Shafts
Thanks! I have all new bolts and washers for the Diff, Drive Shaft and Half Shafts. I will take your advice on the sponge material in the cover vent.
Remounting Differential, Drive Shaft and Half Shafts
I am ready to remount the Differential but need advice on what Thread Sealant, Perma-Lock or Anti-Seize that I should use on attaching the Rear Diff cover and bolts on reattaching Drive Shaft and Half Shafts.
Hex-Bolt I.d. ?
I am having trouble finding bolts, nuts, and washers for my 1970 240Z (VIN 3435). I have tried Courtesy Nissan but get only 4 of 17 available. I am finishing the differential, drive shaft and half-shafts reassembly and reattachment to the car. Has anyone worked with www.partsfornissans.com. They show some of the parts available. I've tried the normal dealers and suppliers of 240Z parts. I have bought the MMS Accessories Inc. stainless steel fastener kit for the !970 240Z but MMS does not have a kit for the differential and rear suspension Is there any documents/files that give the descriptions of the part other that Hex Nut M10, etc. Any suggestions?
Old pictures of your first Z
Bought the 240Z 15 Aug 1970. Traded it for a station wagon it in 1972 with second child on the way. Contacted by second owner 9/89 with offer to give me first choice to buy the car before he put it on the market. He contacted me thru the Air Force personnel system. I was in Shreveport , LA and he was in Dallas, TX. We went to Dallas the next weekend and paid him $3000 the same as I paid in 1970. Currently being restored. Wally Dill Bought Montgomery, Al and driven to Craig AFB Selma, AL. Original 85 miles. Craig AFB Craig AFB Marry Me! 30 Dec 1970
Restoration 1970 240 Z
Differential question: See attached pictures. I'm cleaning the exterior of the diff and wonder if anyone knows what the numbers on the top and bottom mean. The first picture has 209 then 70 6 2/6 in a circle then @ T 22. The second has A, then 38811, the E4600, then B. 209 is parallel to the rear cover edge. I would like to put the info in the documentation I'm trying to keep on the restoration.
Brute Force U-joint cap too short?
i replaced my ujoints last month and had the same problem of not getting enough room for the circlip. I took it apart and found that 2 of the bearings were in the bottom of the cap instead of standing along the wall. Put them back in place and had no problem inserting the circlips. Wally D.
240z Inspection Light Source?
Another 1972 240Z for sale - West Point, AL
Outstanding! I can't wait to see it when you finish with it. If you are over my way call and stop by. I'm 15 miles north of Anniston on HYW 431 at the Trent Jones Silver Lakes Golf Course. Wally
Another 1972 240Z for sale - West Point, AL
I did not get to look under the car due to rain and the white stuff on top appeared to be where it had been sitting out in the sun for a long time. I believe the original engine is in the car since I saw the 2.8L in the garage along with the triple webers. The owner called me Wednesday evening since I left my card. He likes to talk about Z cars and has worked on them since the early 70's and his brother and father each own and work on them. I'm sure he would answer any questions about the car since he stated he would take $5000. Wally Dill
Another 1972 240Z for sale - West Point, AL
I saw this 240Z on a trip to northern Alabama and stopped to take pictures. The car is in running condition, has some rust around fuel door, dent in pax door, interior is clean and in good condition. I wasn't able to get pics of the engine bay. This guy has been working on or rebuilding Zs since the late 70s. He had several parts cars and extra parts. VIN 95163; 90,000 miles; Rebulit - Engine, clutch, brakes, all cylinders, New Goodyear tires. Everything works: lights, guages, wipers, radio, new heavy duty fuse box, all fluids recently changed. Asking $6000 but negotiable. Contact Ray at Rays Auto Restoration, 256-339-1077
Birmingham, AL
Hello, I live between Gadsden and Anniston. I'm about 60% complete on restoration on VIN 3435 which is white with blue interior. There is an orange 240Z on 431 across from the flea markets and a yellow 240Z in Gadsden.
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Got the quarter windows in with help from the wife. Finished putting fuel lines (cleaned and clear coated) and new brake lines . My hat is off to all those that have replaced fuel and brake lines with all the other items in place under the car. It was hard enough with just the engine and taransmission in. Cleaned and installed the assembly for the brake warning light. Next is finishing the brake booster and brake and clutch master cylinders installation then differential, half shafts and drive shaft refurb and installation.
240Z Brake System: Why...?
Thanks for the last picture, it will help me put it back together. Does the inner chamber ever have brake fluid in it?
240Z Brake System: Why...?
Blue, Thanks for the info. I had copied the part number as 46100-US200 from the schematic vs 46100-U5200. I have the one that was removed from my car during the tear down, but it was really dry and gummed up. I took it apart and cleaned all the parts but was not sure the switch would work. The image you attached will help me get it back together. I did pick up a couple of assemblies last weekend at a junk yard. I read in one thread that the unit was supposed to be replaced with a new one vs replacing parts per the work shop manual. I do have a couple of proportioning valves and three way connectors. Wally Dill
240Z Brake System: Why...?
Does anyone know of a source for the electical contact sensor (the part that the electrical wire connects to) that is on top of the Assemby- Switch Brake Indicator?
[2012] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Cleaned 2 fuel lines - will clear coat them tomorrow if its sunny. Took apart the Assembly-switch Brake Indicator and cleaned all the pieces except main body - will do it tomorrow. Cleaned grease and built up crud from diff, drive shaft, and half-shafts. Will remove u-joints and replace the half-shaft boots tomorrow and then prep for priming, POR and final paint.
Heater hose grommet direction
Thanks, my car is white with light blue inrerior.
Heater hose grommet direction
Where did you get the grommets you needed? I live between Gadsden and Anniston and will be getting to the engine bay this summer hopefully. If you are ever in the neighborhood give me a call and stop by.
Yes, thats me on EBay.......
Good luck with the car. I have all your pics as my screen saver to encourage me to keep working on mine which is also white with the blue interior. JMARk, I grew up in Nrht Augusta.
Turn over 240z engine on engine stand.
I could not find my MS Word file but do have references for the threads containing the info. Try to search on each of the following: "Waking the sleeping beast", "Engine Storage", "Couple questions related to storage", "Turning over 240Z engine". I believe a couple of these threads reference other threads that maybe helpful.
Turn over 240z engine on engine stand.
Try "search". There have been several threads on turning over an engine that has sat for a while. I placed most of the info in a MS Word document and will try to find it and paste it here for you .
Absolute drive shaft u-joint nightmare!!!
I will be at the same place in about a month and have ordered and the parts. looks like i need to look at them before I start to replace the old ones. At least my car is on jacks and exhaust system is not in place yet. I'll be wTCHING THIS THREAD.
Quarter Windows Installed
I found your suggestions on prior post on the site and my wife volunteered to start the screws while I forced the window in place. Now I need to paint between the window and trim before I put the trim in.
Fuel Sender O Ring Placement
Thanks everyone for the information. I would be completely lost without this web site.