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Everything posted by WDILL

  1. WDILL posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I need info on the correct position of the fuel sender O ring. The schematic shows it between the sender and lock ring. Some posts discussed ways to keep it from slipping when tightening the lock ring but I also read a post saying the ring goes between the tank and fuel sender, then the lock ring.
  2. WDILL posted a post in a topic in What I Did Today
    Finally got the quarter windows in. What a pain with new rubber. Ordered brake lines from Black Dragon and completing fuel tank installation with new vent line from tank to filler neck. Diff, drive shaft and half shafts will be next.
  3. Mally, Thanks for posting great pics. I'm restoring VIN 3435 with same colors as yours. I hope to have it finished next summer.
  4. Where in North Alabama do you live? I live between Anniston and Gadsden and currently rebuilding VIN 3435 buitl 4/70.
  5. I printed an article from the Atlantic Z Car Club that I have used while putting my Z back together. It is "Z Tech Tips - Fan Clutch Refresh. I just looked at their web page nd the article has been removed.The recomended oil in the article was GOO -any thick anti-smoke oil additive such as Lucas, STP, Bardahl, etc. The author also recommended using lacquer thinner to refresh the o-ring.
  6. WDILL posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Has anyone used the Motorsport 3 into 2 Exhaust Header or the performance 6 into 1 header? I had an exhaust manifold with the smog fittings but must have discarded it since I'm taking the smog stuff off. Leson learned, "Don't discard anything until you really know what you have available to replace it".
  7. Cleaned and POR'd hand brake parts. Has anyone used the Motorsport 3 into 2 Exhaust Header or the performance 6 into 1 header? I had an exhaust manifold with the smog fittings but must have discarded it since I'm taking the smog stuff off. Leson learned, "Don't discard anything until you really know what you have available to replace it".
  8. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    A few engine pics: The other pics I took are of the garage and all the parts that Jim has collected that are shown in previous threads. As you look around the garage you are mentally generating a list of all the items you just want to take home with you. Thanks again Jim for taking the time to let me drool over your toys. Marilyn and I hope to see you at the convention in July.
  9. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Green Vin ??: Blue Vin ??, New York car (?) per earlier thread Groups of Z cars, Jim only has 19 early model Zs!!
  10. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yellow Vin 0048: White Vin ??:
  11. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    More Green Vin 52: Wally Dill and Jim Frederick Jim also refurbs carbs
  12. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    More Green Vin 0052:
  13. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Green Vin 0052 shows Jim's attention to detail:
  14. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Jim' Fairlady: Jim's Fairlady and my Fairlady
  15. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here are the pics fo my trip to Mecca. As I said in the last thread, I took a lot of detailed pics since those who went before me had taken such good pics of the cars. Fairlady: More pics to follow, trying to learn how to post more than 1 at a time.
  16. WDILL replied to EVILC's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My wife and I just returned from a visit with Jim Frederick and Z Mecca. I felt like a kid in a candy shop without Grand Daddy there to buy everything I wanted. What a great place to visit and Jim, a great individual to share information about the Z and answer the many questions I had. I'll be adding all the pictures that we took so that each person can decide which they want to use. It was really great to see an early Z being restored so I could take close ups of areas I'm currently working on and get direct inputs from Jim. My wife was as excited as I was and it was good for her to see the care and dedication that Jim gives the cars and that I'm not really insane. I'll try to get the pictures loaded when I get to a faster computer than my laptop. Everyone needs a trip to Z Mecca! Wally Dill
  17. WDILL replied to Zrush's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    3435, build 4/70, original motor L24-006302, going through restoration
  18. WDILL replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in United States
    Already booked.
  19. Finished weatherstrip on quarter windows, started dismantleing emergency brake assembly,finally got the new bushings on the TC Rods, and looked at vendors for grommets and rubber bumpers.
  20. Does anyone know of a source for the brake line and fuel line clips and rubber? Also any suggestions on refreshing the lines?
  21. WDILL replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    More data to use in next update: 1970 240Z 901 white / blue int, VIN HLS30-03435, matching engine L24 006302, E31 0321A, E31 Head, NISSAN 2400 OHC cover, build 4/70. It appears that block is 1970 Mar 21 A (????) Wally
  22. WDILL replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    VIN 3435 1970 240Z bought new in Montgomery, AL Aug 1970 for $3000. Traded with second child in the oven in 1973. Another Air force officer bought it and he contacted me in 1989 to ask if I wanted to buy the car. I bought it for the second time for $3000, the same as when new.
  23. Randy, Im working on VIN 3435, white/blue like yours. I got it back from the "restoration shop" about 60% done but with problems. Do you have pictures on the webb of 3324. I know I'll be posting for help as I sort out where I am and how to gor forward. I'm using the restoration books and info I pickup on this site. Wally
  24. WDILL replied to WDILL's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    VIN 3435 is back home but only about 60% complete and missing about $1800 worth of parts that were paid for but supposedly stolen. I'm still sorting parts old and new, found that I need to relook at all parts on the car now to make sure they have been connected correctly (found several that were not bolted on or connections complete). What are these holes for in the baggage area. It appears that there was sound proofing material over them?
  25. I posted some pictures on the ZCCA Face Book site. Look at them in reverse order. The drift car driver misjudged the distance to the curb of the lot and straddled it - don't know if they had to clean the passenger seat. We are excited about the show on Saturday with so many great looking cars here and great people also!

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