Everything posted by WDILL
Looking for a great restoration manual?
I would suggest tripling that cost! I bought 3435 in aug '70 for $3000, bought it a second time in 1989 for $3000 and now have 8 times that in it's restoration and more to follow as i look for the hard to find parts. Hope to hav eit finished before I sign up for Medicare!
Paint color for wheel chocks
The chock is yellow and does not fold in the tool kit from # 3435 built April'70 and bought Aug '70. I tried to attach a picture but could not figure out how.
Welcome, I live between Glencoe and Gadsden. Rewstoring #3534 and looking for parts. Did you buy the car that was in the junk yard on highway 411 near Centra? Wally Dill
Prices for rebuilt engines
My L24 for VIN 3435 was rebuilt last year in Memphis, TN for $2334 including tax. It came with a 75,000 mile/3 year warrenty. The guy had 3 L24s he received in the same week for rebuild. Be sure to check the engine number when it comes back, he sent us the wrong engine and he was lucky he ehad not shipped mine to Tampa, FL before we called him. 3435 restore has slowed down since the guy doing it was in a serious accident and in a coma for 3 1/2 weeks in March. He's back up and around but has vision problems.
Another 240Z exhaust goes NLA
Still working on getting VIN 3435 restoration finished . Slow process since individual doing the work was in a bad accident. Just received an email saying Black Dragon Monza 240Z exhaust part 89-300 was discontinued and 89-301 tales its place. It appears from the illustration in the catalog that the part 301 may not work in the 240Z? I'm also using the 89-210 Header assembly which is armor plated. Does anyone have experience with how the 89-301 can be used fro the 240Z// Wally
HELP! Has anyone seen this car?
I bought VIN #3435 in Aug 1970, traded it on a station wagon in 1973 when second baby was nearly due. A young Air Force officer bought it and moved in next door to me on base. i had to look at my Z next door for 2 years before being reassigned. In 1989 I received a letter from the owner offering me first rights on the car. He had traced me down through old friends in the Air Force. My wife said lets go and we drove from Bossier City, LA to Dallas to pick up the car. Paid him $3000 for it which is what I paid for it new in 1970. My wife wanted to stop me as we drove off because she saw Scott with tears rolling down his face as I drove off. I'm glad Scott remembered all the times we talked about how I would love to have the Z back. Attached is a picture of it being renovated. More pictures available at rodshopofmemphis.com.
Series 1 Engine Paint Plan - Details Please
Thanks Mike and Jonny'O, I'll repaint the oil pan , and relook at timing cover and oil pump and compare every thingelse with the previous posts on original engine colors. What a large number of differences. Thanks for all the help. I'll be asking for more as the project continues to completion. This is the first 240Z restoration for the guy doing the job, see his site at RodShopOfMemphis.com Wally
Series 1 Engine Paint Plan - Details Please
This how my engine currently looks. Originally the painter painted every thing blue. We corrected that mistake.
One new floor board, one to go
- Pax floorboard
- Wally_s_240Z_3
Back from the dipper
Tearing down to shell
Befored restoration begins
Speaker recommendation for my 240z
What was the original speaker setup for the 1970 240Z? The previous owner of my car punched holes in the fender well for front speakers. I'm having these holes sealed during renovation and will be looking for a good setup/new configuration for the sound system. Pics of the holes can be found on rodshopof memphis.com. Thanks, Wally
Looking for engine L24-063102
I have engine # L24-006302 off VIN HLS3003435. The car is going through frame off restoration now at Rod Shop of Memphis. (rodshopofmemphis.com) Hopefully I'll have it back in the spring. Will costs more than I thought but in line wiht what others on this site have estimated.
Anyone have experience w/ aftermarket A/C?
Go to search and type inthis thread A/C completely rebuilt. There is some good information contained in the relpies that may be of help
Who Has the Most Miles?
my 1970 240Z has 157,500 miles and is now going through full restoration at www.rodshopofmemphis.com. I tinkered around with it for 15 years always afraid I would be transfered with it ina a million pieces. I finally found someone close to restore it for me.
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
Vintage air Carl, Did you place the Super Cooler III behind the das where the original heater box was? Where did you place the controls for the Vintage system? I'm using the same system in the restoration of my 1970 240Z, VIN 3435.
A/C for '73, factory or dealer installed?
Thanks, the ARA unit I removed looked like the one pictured in gogriz91's thread on 2/11/06 mounted on the passenger side of the engine. Since the dash will be out for the restoration it will not be a problem.
A/C for '73, factory or dealer installed?
Stephen, Thanks. Originality is not a driving factor. I want the car as near to original as possible but I plan to drive it so I want comfort where possible. I'll look at the Vintage systems. Regards
A/C for '73, factory or dealer installed?
Stephen I am ahving my 1970 240Z HLS3003435 restored and want to add a good A/C system. It had the ARA system shown in this thread but I want to change from the R12. Any suggestions on a system that will work well since I'll be driving in Al where it gets reat hot! Pictures of the restoration can be seen at rodshopofmemphis.com site. Thanks, Wally
Restoration 1970 240 Z
Enrique, Sorry for the long delay in answering your question. I did not know Col Howe. I retired in 1999 and have been with FEDEX for 7 years. I just sent my Z to the Rod Shop of Memphis to start the restoration process finally. I'll be doing the searching for parts, etc. and leave the labor to those with room and equipment. Wally Dill
Rock Tumbler For Rust Removal
I bought mine at Hobby Lobby for $20. I will probably use new hardware on this beast, but small items that will be painted I may try the rock tumbler.
Rock Tumbler For Rust Removal
Thanks, I'll try it dry first then work to wet. I got the tumbler at Hobby Lobby and have time to let it work since I have so much to do on this car.