Everything posted by Zed Head
76 280z Electrical Check List need advice on what to do next
Without knowing which mystery wire you reconnected and where you found it under the dash there's no way to really know what you did. The car probably started on fuel from the cold start valve which is powered independently via the Start circuit, I believe. You didn't show any test results so it's not clear what "tested bad" means for the EFI relay. If it runs and you don't have any loose wires hanging around, you might as well get the sensor installed, let it run and tune it up. It won't run when warm without the coolant temp. sensor. BUT, it's not clear what "not good" means. Why don't you post some numbers? And make sure you didn't actually measure the thermotime switch. They look similar. Making progress. Your AFM numbers are sketchy, they should be 180 and 100, not 220 and 127, but they're not far off from the 1.8 ratio. It might be okay, those numbers work for some people. If you have a lean condition you might be able to fix it with a potentiometer on the coolant sensor circuit.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
This web site looks interesting. A few V8 Z's. Didn't see any LS1's but haven't made it through the pages. 240Z | Makes | Z CAR TRADER ? Free Datsun/Nissan Classified ADs
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
Could you post some links, or an image of the page data? I looked and only see six 240Z's for sale and a price range, but that's it. That would be a good resource and could answer his questions. I'd like to browse through it myself. Datsun 240Z for Sale | Hemmings Motor News Research Classic Car Pricing | Vehicle Price Guides | Hemmings Motor News
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
I'm fairly new to the site, but I don't think this is true. Your uncle may have told you this, and may have even believed it, but I an familiar, through his posts here, with the person that you're talking about and I can't see him doing this. I'm also familiar with your uncle's postings, here and on other forums, and can say that he is a very self-absorbed person who would be much more likely to misconstrue honest opinions as attacks on his character. If you want to start fresh, as yourself, you'd be best off to leave your uncle out of the discussion, and not take on any of his burden. You can't fix his past, and it won't help your efforts. It's taken a lot of posts to get to the true purpose of your thread. Kind of disingenuous. Not really a good start.
New bushings, now tires rub.
Do the inner bushings on the control arms. They might be so loose that the new bushings are pushing things out of shape. Could be also that your sway bar ends are too tight, torquing the loose control arm bushing. I've seen where people loosen or disconnect completely the sway bar when diagnosing an issue. Might be worth doing to figure out a cause and/or to get you by in the meantime.
bolt size help strut housing 240z
There are a few sizes shown here - Datsun 240Z/260Z/280Z Front Axle (Knuckle Arm, Road Wheel & Tire) Looks like the dealer might have them too.
Rebuilding Half Shafts Issue
I have to compress mine a small amount to get them in on my 280Z. If you can't move them at all by hand you won't be able to install them.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
So you're trying to figure out how much to pay. Does he want a V8 240Z or is he looking for an investment? Or is he looking for a car to show? Asking other people how much something is worth rarely gets a common answer. If you want opinions from people who've probably seen, built and driven more LSX powered Z cars, Hybridz is probably a better forum. But the overall "answer" will probably be about the same.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
Why are you asking? Are you planning to buy one or modify one?
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
There is no real topic here.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
Life is like a box of chocolates?
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
Too funny. Apples and trees and brothers or sisters. Looks like it runs in the family.
Rebuilding Half Shafts Issue
That would be a concern. I rebuilt one that was binding, just to see if I could and when I was done, it moved more freely. I have a collection of used ones and they all slide freely, except for the force required to move the rubber boot.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
I thought that style felt familiar. He got me on the identity switch, but still didn't hear what he wanted to hear. Must be frustrating. Maybe he'll go buy a Scarab now, then he could talk about it. He might have to sell his V8 Z first though to get the cash, and he'd probably have to take a loss to get someone to buy it. That would be illuminating.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
You're still either missing or avoiding the point of "value". If you put a new V8 in an old crappy Z you'll probably increase the value. If you put a V8 or any other engine at all in the car that Benton Performance is restoring, http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/open-s30-z-discussions/52718-hls30-00502-a.html#post460820 , you'll almost certainly decrease the value.
Steam Powered Z???
In the big general scheme of things this is how a head swap should go, minus a few hiccups. More power to Datsunparts LLC if he's listening to the customers and fixing his issues. Looks like he almost got everything right on yours. MSA also for the easy header exchange. Hope I'm not jinxing you. Good luck with it.
Front Wheel Bearing Part Numbers - Help
Check out this handy Timken web site. Use the Cross Reference tab. "P" comes up as a transmission output shaft bearing. "A" comes up as the Timken SET2 bearing, used for the wheel. Timken Online Parts Catalog You can also use the Application tab to input your vehicle. You'll see SET2 there.
Transmission ID please
I think that you meant two ears. Yes, it does look like an early 5 speed. The other switch is probably for top gear or overdrive. Even the 4 speeds had a top gear switch. Nissan actually had both on their 1983 5 speeds, for a total of four switches. The easy way to test is with an ohm-meter, and the shift lever. They're all switches. Closed when the condition they monitor is met, I believe.
Fuel injector replacements
The coil will actually work with the wires backward. I don't know if it's good for it or harms the performance or if it even matters. But the ballast resistor connections need to be correct, to have the correct wires to the ignition module and power supply. You're on the right track though, getting all wires back to spec. L = blue, BW = black with white stripe, BL = black with blue stripe,
fuel injection
What brand of new injector did you get?
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
No change. It really is all about the guy with money. Plus, "V8" can mean almost anything. An old 80's era GM 305 would almost certainly lower value. A high performance LSX with proper engine management might increase the value just because the powertrain is worth more than the car. I do know that I often see Z cars with V8's for sale on CL, for $10K or more and they sit there for months or even years. If it's not a top-notch,professional quality job, it's just somebody else's project, that they got tired of or realized was not as fun as they thought it would be. And the sellers always think the car is worth a lot of money because it has a V8, and they always describe how they've invested way more than the sale prices. A V8 swap is not a money-making investment. Without a name and a reputation behind the transplant, any V8 swapped car is nothing special. They sell kits, anybody can do it. I would rather do a swap myself than buy someone else's work.
fuel injection
Not necessary. If you're really tight on money though, and the engine runs well, you might look at replacing hoses only on the injectors, like site suggested. Take a really good look at the where the leak is. The injector bodies don't break that often, but the hoses do. You'll still need to take the rail and injectors off.
Site CONSENSUS on early Z with V8 transplant
The question cannot be answered. If the car is old and original and in good shape, a collector might place a high value on originality. So a V8 transplant would lower value. If the car is old and modified and rusty and beat up, a collector might not want it anyway, so a V8 transplant might add value, by turning it in to a fast car that's fun to drive. Value is determined by the guy with the money.
fuel injection
Don't forget the good ol' factory service manual. These old cars were high maintenance and have very good instructions in the manual. The whole procedure, including replacing the hoses on the injectors themselves, is written up in the Engine Fuel chapter. Replace the filter while you're in there too. Once you get the EFI hose clamped on it does not want to come off again. Index of /FSM/280z
Is there a John Coffey Z-locating Service? Or is it friends and family only? How does a person even know where #502 is sitting in a horse trailer, in a barn? And then how do you go pry it out of the owner's hands? Lots of mystery here. My computer does not like vimeo at all. Lots of starts and stops. 7 with Chrome.