My 1973 z doesn't have dust boots on the cartridges. Are they necessary? Also, the previous owner lowered the car and I noticed excessive wear on the inside of both front tires. Will a set of bump steer spacers help this situation? Thanks, Vic.
Has anyone seen the dealer installed hood vent that was used for overheating problems? I was wondering if anyone has one or knows where to get an identical aftermarket one. Since I haven't seen one or heard anyone talk about it, there must not have been many installed. Thanks, Vic.
I have a 1973 240z and have an original steering wheel that has no horn pad and no horn ring(metal ring that touches the copper contactunder the wheel center). Essentially, all I have is the steering wheel shell with none of the other parts. Does anyone have these parts that I will need to mount the steering wheel and make the horn functional? Thanks.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a competent machine shop in Colorado or Albuquerque NM areas? I live in SW Colorado(Durango), so the closer the better. Thanks.
I can't find my previous thread so I'll ask question again. My 1973 240z was stored for 20 years and the rubber on all grease boots has turned to tar. Where can I find replacements?
Are all four coil springs interchangable between a 73 240z and a 77 280z? If not, any suggestions where to get stock springs for a 73 240z reasonably? My 73 was lowered and I want to get it back to stock height.
I have a 73 240z that has been stored for 20 years. Is there a way to get oil to the bearings and valve train before I attempt to turn the engine over, or is the only solution taking the head and oil pan off and checking everything out first hand. I was hoping to at least start the engine(was running well before storage) to determine if there was valve or oil burning problems. Thanks.