Everything posted by tanny
Does the window frame adjust?
Never had reason to mess with the frames, but was kind of wondering that myself. You might try the search function and look under "window frame" or some such. Victor.
WTB '71 Radiator fan shroud
I was able to just trim a small amount of plastic off the top of the shroud and didn't have to remove the finger protector. Also trimmed around the bottom hose. Seems to still be working. Victor.
Fuel return line
Geez! That cop must have been having a bad day or was just bored. Shouldn't be too many points on the license though. Victor.
Lound Electric Fuel Pump.
The stock electric pumps are definitely noisy. I don't know if aftermarket pumps are quieter(I assume they would be). You probably would have to fashion your own mount. I didn't bother with mine because I can't really hear it when at cruising speed. Victor.
Fuel return line
I hope you don't drive that pretty thing. No way would I want to get that dusty. Victor.
Damn that heater core
But now you can go through the unit, check its flow, clean it, replace the foam rubber on all the flaps of the housing, maybe replace the hoses and the valve. It's what you meant to do all along, wasn't it? See, you're not as moronic as you thought. Victor.
Fuel return line
Thanks for the responses. I went ahead and removed the fuel pressure regulator and then measured the fuel line pressure. With just the electric pump running the pressure was 2.0 pounds, and with both the mechanical and the electric pumps running at idle, the pressure was 2.5 to 3 pounds. This is apparently enough pressure(and volume, which I didn't measure) to run my triples even at higher RPMs with my mostly stock setup. Victor.
WTB '71 Radiator fan shroud
As Carl said, probably easier to modify a 280z shroud. I tried finding one for my 73 but no luck. Just had to trim a little plastic and it has worked well. Victor.
Fuel return line
So then the smaller diameter line was enough of a restriction to maintain enough fuel pressure to fill the bowls. I was thinking there might have been a restrictor valve of some sort. Interesting. I guess I'll try taking the fuel pressure regulator off the return line and install it before the carbs where I had it before I attached the return line. Thanks, Victor.
Fuel return line
On my 1973 Z there is a fuel return line. Since my car came with triple Webers, the return line was not hooked up. To help eliminate a vapor lock problem, I hooked the return line back up and put the fuel pressure regulator on the return line to create back pressure into the carbs. How did the stock fuel line set up create enough back pressure in the line to fill the carb bowls? There must have been some kind of restriction on the return line. Thanks, Victor.
what carbs are the best????
I have triple Webers and the only thing I would advise on these is to find someone who knowsw them well to give you some help initially in getting them jetted properly. Actually pretty simple carbs and easy to modify. Look nice also. Victor.
fuel pump making loud ticking noise
Definitely the electric fuel pump. I installed a Ford fuel shutoff switch(automatic kind that cuts power when car decellerates too quickly) in the fuel pump circuit in case I get into a crash. Don't want to keep feeding the flames if I survive the crash. Paranoia strikes deep. Victor.
What to do about vapor lock
Your problem could have many causes, but here was my solution to vapor lock on my setup, which is a 240 with triple Webers. Installed heat shield over headers, 1/2 inch foam water pipe insulation over all rubber fuel hoses, radiator shroud, electric and mechanical fuel pumps, and hooked up fuel return line. Have no idea which remedy worked since I did almost all of this at the same time, but it definitely solved my vapor lock problem. Good luck, Victor.
Early Sundown
They would have had a hard time doing the testicle thing with the woman in Colorado that started Colorado's largest forest fire ever last year. Amazingly, she was a US Forest Service employee. My sister had to evacuate for a short time for this southern Cal fire but winds blew the right way for her. Arnold is really stepping into the doo doo with the Calif. deficit and now this calamity. Good luck to Cal and hopefully the weather will soon squash this thing. Victor.
Hatch seal
That's often right, but with that much price disparity, it's worth finding out why, and if the less expensive one works decently, why not? Kind of like the electric fuel pump for the 73 Z: the original costs 4 or 5 times more than the aftermarket, and if you aren't too worried about showing the car, the aftermarket pump works perfectly fine. That's why I'd like to find out if anyone has used the cheaper VB seal and how it has worked out. Thanks for the response, Victor.
Carbs Screws AAHHGG
If access to the screw head is limited, one of the narrow long nose Visegrips may work. Victor.
Hatch seal
Why is the price of the inner hatch seal from VB only $50 and the same from MSA is $125? Didn't see any reference to this wide disparity in price on any previous threads. Does one fit better than the other, is one OEM, does the VB seal work reasonably well? Beside price, the other reason I ask is that I bought the cheaper door seals from VB and they did not fit well at all. Do not want to make a similar mistake this time. Thanks, Victor.
Hatch Seals
If I may add to the question: I noticed that the inner hatch seal from VB is about $50 and the one from MSA is $125 unless I read it wrong. Why the huge difference and which one works better? Thanks, Victor.
The Z is definitely easy to work on if you have a reasonable amount of knowledge and mechanical skill. However, I would stick to as late a model Honda or Toyota sedan as I could afford, these being the most reliable brands available according to Consumer Reports and general hearsay. Not sexy or exciting, but about a thousand times more practical. In fact, I would check out the Consumer Reports Used Car book for advice on various brands and models. If you have limited resources and not much mechanical ability and minimal spare time, I'd stay away from the Z. Good luck, Victor.
webers fouling plugs
Sounds like you're talking about the accelerator pump jet, not the mains. Your main jets should probably be in the range of 120-130. I'm talking about triple DCOE 40s. Can't really give you recommendations for jet sizes because I live at 6500 feet altitude. Best to find an expert on Webers to figure it out. Your idle jets could also be too large and/or your idle mixture is not adjusted correctly. If you have a Colortune you could adjust the mixture fairly close, or if you have a good ear you can also get fairly close. Also your fuel level in the bowls could be too high, so check the float adjustment. I'm still working the bugs out of my triples after one year. Good luck, Victor.
H4 headlight replacement
I read somewhere that the Sylvania bulbs only have about half(or maybe it was 70%) the life of regular bulbs. But still, the improved vision could be well worth it. Victor.
Plug wires?
Hey, thefastestz, stop belittling my car! When I bought the 240 it came with triple Webers with no engine mods other than a header. A bit of a waste of time, except that I have had to become a semi-expert on DCOE 40 carbs, so my store of useless knowledge has increased. Still don't know how a Z performs with stock carbs. It's all fun. Victor.
Seat Adjustment 1972 240z
Geeze, I can't imagine getting another 12 years out of this thing that poses as a body. I have to warm up just to get out of bed. Speaking of raising seats, you should see my sister(5'0, 90 pounds) doodling down the road in her rickety old 1974 Datsun B210 she bought new. All you see from the front are two little eyeballs straining to see over the top of the steering wheel. She'd need two stacked suitcases and stilts to drive the Z. She's nuts. She's a millionaire(all earned from waitressing, smart real estate investments, and no kids) and refuses to use any other car as her daily driver. She does however have a Pierce Arrow and two Model Ts for short trips. Victor.
What is the best fuel for my Z
In the states, often different retailers will get gas from the same refinery, the only difference being the additive package they put in afterwards. A friend of mine owned the Texaco and now the Exon gas stations in my area. Just a footnote. Victor.
Seat Adjustment 1972 240z
Oh, I definitely know what turning 50 means! I'm 53 and have rheumatoid arthritis along with a bunch of other autoimmune lovelies, so getting into and out of the Z is an act of faith. I'm always wondering if the next time I'll have to get a ramp and roll out of the door in order to exit the car. So much for being a health freak most of my life. Now I try to do as many unhealthful things as I can(without croaking) to make up for lost time. Yes, I am only 5 feet and 6.5 inches tall(notice I have to grab that extra .5 inch) and shrinking rapidly. Standing next to Arnold I kind of disappeared, even though I weighed 205 and had 20.25 inch arms. Competitive weight was only 165(no steroids). Victor. ps I put as many black spacers under the seat as would fit. Don't remember how many on each bolt.