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Everything posted by tanny

  1. tanny replied to grannyz's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Never realized datsun had any pickups in the US that early. Sounds like it should be pretty quick. I bought a 72 when it was brand new with a camper shell for $2500 and was a great truck except for some rust along the sheet metal seams on the bed.
  2. tanny replied to 24OZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Now we know where Bambikiller's "head" is. Lewd, rude, and crude. Excellent!
  3. Maybe canary yellow with black hood bump? Always have liked that color combo for some unexplained reason. I have to get mine painted soon also, but my son has to make the color choice because he gets it for his 16th birthday. His first car. Hope he appreciates the effort put into it and the strength it takes to hand it over. Made him promise not to dent it for at least 2 hours after I hand him the keys. Have fun.
  4. tanny replied to z_boi's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm getting great mileage with my 73 240. The trick is to put in a 3.9 rear end and not change the speedo gear. I seem to be getting around 30 mpg. Not bad for a six with triple Webers. Dream on.
  5. tanny replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    EScanlon, "No worries mate". Man I think the Aussies have a great vocabulary. The slang they use is really fun and highly descriptive stuff once they explain what they mean. Got to visit there someday. Feral women. Forgive the unrelated rambling.
  6. tanny replied to DatsunZGuy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Always really sad to lose a friend and especially a family member. And bulldogs are such friendly and humorous souls. They always make me laugh. I had the misfortune of watching my mother's boxer die slowly over a tortured year(she didn't have the stomach to put him down) and believe me, putting your buddy down is a kind and caring act. Sorry.
  7. tanny replied to tanny's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I guess I may need a new thermostat housing then because when I assembled I noticed that the the housing gasket surface was slightly irregular due to the thermostat outlet cover having corroded severely (over 20 years of storage). It didn't look bad enough to replace, thought the gasket compound would be adequate. As usual, cutting corners usually will sting you. I might really learn that someday. Thanks for the response. Victor.
  8. tanny replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I agree with Bravo. Best to let the individual decide what info is worthwhile. What if someone had tried to deprive me of Area 51 info? I wouldn't be able to fantasize about aliens taking me for a ride in a photon powered z.
  9. tanny posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I'm currently running triple webers, but at my altitude(6500 feet) they apparently(advice from a well respected z race mechanic) are doomed to always have a severe stumble at low rpm rapid accelleration unless I put a higher performance cam in to increase air flowing past jets. The jetting I have is supposedly ideal for this altitude, and the car does idle really well and performs exceptionaly well above 2500-3000 rpm.. Anyway, I have the flat top carbs(I know the bad reputation, but some people have had good luck with dumping the smog stuff) and manifold for the car and was wondering: to make them run decently, do I just seal off all smog orifices to the carb and manifold? Will the headers cause problems with using these stock carbs? Anyone with experience getting the flat tops to work without the smog system(I don't have any of the smog stuff available to me, so I couldn't put it back on if I wanted to)? Don't really want to get rid of the triples, but the stumble is really irritating and even dangerous at intersections.
  10. tanny replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You can bet your mortgage that there might be only one or two Arabs in the world that will believe the US did not "plant" any weapons of mass destruction that they find. No way around that skepticism. What will probably help US credibility most is if we are able to rebuild Iraq as quickly as possible, get their new government up and running, and get out as soon as humanly possible. No lingering, no US military bases left in Iraq for 50 years to serve our interests in that area. If we try to use their oil to help pay ourselves back for the cost of the war, that will confirm in all Muslim minds that we went to war soley to control Iraqi oil. Hopefully we don't make that mistake, and invest all the money from their oil back into their country. Talk about a huge undertaking. Undoubtedly will take much longer than we anticipate and will be be incredibly expensive. I wonder how long taxpayers will tolerate the expense. No matter what, it should be a really interesting process, this nationbuilding.
  11. tanny replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Escanlon: Pseudo intellectual? Another term designed to intimidate someone into not expressing their opinion. Another term with such vague meaning and all kinds of erroneous inferences that makes meaningful discussion that much more difficult. The point of my comment was try to get people to not use terms that they think will instantly discredit someone's viewpoint because it plays on highly emotional prejudices. In my opinion stating that someone is a communist does not benefit a discussion, it only muddies the waters with overly emotional responses and illogical assumptions. If that sounds like I'm trying to cut off discussion or change the subject, that's your interpretation, not my intention.
  12. tanny replied to Znut73's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Timing kit is only $80.00 in Victoria British catalog.
  13. When I rebuilt my 240, I used silicone on both thermostat housing gaskets(housing to engine and housing to thermostat cover. Thermostat cover is new). They both are leaking now(300 miles on engine). Have ordered new gaskets and am wondering what gasket sealer would be best to use.
  14. tanny posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    I noticed a description for "European springs" in the MSA catalogue and was wondering if anyone has tried these and how they worked out. It says they only "slightly lower" the car: enough to need modifications to get camber back to stock value? Ride? Any info or speculation would be appreciated. Thanks, Victor.
  15. tanny replied to spunkysandoval's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm jealous. Was there 11/2 years ago with son and fished for several days. Caght a 50 pound yellowfin tuna, roosterfish, dorado, bonita, etc. Great time. Hope you're a fisherman(why else have the boat?). Have fun. Victor.
  16. tanny replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Always amuses me that whenever someone (usually of a conservative bent) disagrees with another's political viewpoint, they are usually branded with the most evil epithet "COMMUNIST". That communist bogeyman sure shows up alot when someone can't justify their argument in any meaningful manner. True communism has never existed(Russia was definitely not communist. They were an elitist totalitarian regime, with lots of extra benefits for the people higher up on the social ladder), communism being an extremely idealistic concept of equal treatment of everyone in society and everyone working happily for the betterment of everyone else without an evil profit motive. We all know this is an impossibility with the selfish and aggressive homo sapiens specie. People naturally want the extra benefits for working more diligently than their neighbor. Except for the profit motive, someone could argue that the US comes closer to true communism than most other types of government, with our striving for equal treatment for individuals. In the future, try to use logical arguments when disagreeing with someone rather than using the erroneous and misused label "COMMUNIST". Boycotting to "get even" is absurd given todays interdependent economies. We will be "getting even" with ourselves as much as anyone else. Agree with Escanlon on this one.
  17. tanny replied to tanny's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Thanks for the info. One of these options should solve my problem. Rolf, Definitely get in touch if you plan on coming out this way. My email is: tanny@frontier.net
  18. tanny replied to Znut73's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    When I put my engine back together, I installed the oil pump to distributor drive shaft exactly as shown in the book, with the offset tang at 11:25(if I remember right). Looked perfect when compared to the picture. But when I tried to start the engine, it sputtered and backfired and wouldn't stay running. I finally advanced the shaft one tooth and everything worked, but it didn't look like the picture. More like 10:20 to me. Must be my glasses. Or maybe because I learned to tell time on a roman numeral clock and became confused.
  19. tanny posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I had some new tires put on my Minilite wheels yesterday and the tire store manager could not locate the right valve stems. Apparently the casting where the valve fits is quite thick, and the standard rubber or steel valves will not fit properly. So at the moment, the only thing holding the valve stems in place is air pressure. I plan on contacting the Minilite dealer in the US or the manufacturer in England today, but has anyone had this experience or have any ideas on where to locate the proper valve stem? Thanks, Victor.
  20. tanny replied to MDyer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    How dare you, Escanlon! I've chaste my thinking all over the place but unfortunately I got lost. The fact that someone took your comments seriously made it sooo much funnier. I had the same problem on a post awhile back when someone completely misinterpreted some subtle humor and became quite angry. That's the problem with the internet, people just can't see the wry smile or the wink. The smilies just don't always convey the subtle meanings very well.
  21. tanny replied to MDyer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "A hole is still a hole, the tap doesn't care how it got there." By Escanlon. Sounds like a statement from an irresponsible teenager.
  22. tanny replied to echocluster's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Nothing thrilling about Liquid Wrench. Similar to wd 40, penetrating oils, etc. Works only briefly as a thin lubricant. KY lasts longer.
  23. tanny posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I've seen rebuilt cam and rebuilt rocker sets for sale on ebay. Anyone know how well these "rebuilt" rockers function? Longevity, etc.
  24. Yes, for some reason(sensational copy) the press loves to overstate these things, and they especially like flus from Hong Kong and China. I've heard talk of the cash card being the way we will do business in the future for at least thirty years now. Like the metric system, it will be tough to change. Personally I think it's a great idea, but the big brother paranoids will worry about the boogey man knowing too much(increased accessibility to our financial info). Good luck.
  25. tanny replied to tanny's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thanks for the info. This car does have an air dam, but I would still want the pan for splash into the engine compartment.

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