Right Hand Drive conversion
No offense taken, to tell you the truth. I really wanted to get a fairlady Z. but at this point in my life I do not want to take on another project. I really like my 280z(its my baby) and I cant Justify selling it and buying a Fairlady Z which will probably end up being a rust bucket and do a lot of work to it to finish it off. I dont have alot of money so buying a restored one is out of the question, but I do have some skills that help me to do the work myself. For me its more of a learning process. Dont worry Im not one of those "JDM TYTE YO" guys. Its nice to have someone compliment your car when you know that you did most of the work yourself. I dont %100 agree with your coment about being dangerous, Ive talked to quite a few people who have driven RHD cars (got friends who work with the post office) and they mentioned once you get used to it, its not a problem. Plus im looking forward to backing up in a drive through to order food .
Right Hand Drive conversion
Right Hand Drive conversion
Yes It would be easier to buy a fairladyz, the only problem is that ive done alot of work to the car and i have a sentimental attachment to it. I really wanted a fairladyz but I would hate to have to buy another project since ive been working on this one for about 3 years now and am almost done with it, to buy another project would be a bad idea for me since I dont have alot of money, (then I would have 2 non running cars at the house) and I though that since I have the skills to do it, it wouldnt be that hard, boy was I wrong. Its a good learning process for me too.
Right Hand Drive conversion
Hey guys, Just though I would show my writeup on doing a RHD conversion on my 280z, for now here is a link to another forum I posted it on, eventually Ill do the writeup here. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=155162
- New paint ... Finally!!!
Just though id say Hi
Oh here is a few pics of my car: This is some what of an old pic. I have already added ZG flares and Rota RB-R's to the car, I dont have any new pics, but soon I will. Heres my little motor that packs a punch( compared to my Saturn DD)
Just though id say Hi
Im doing a right hand drive conversion, Here are some pics of the work ive done so far. Heres the Fairlady Z clip I bought, It came with everything i need. I actually ended up drilling the factory spot weld and replaced the the whole firewall, bottom and top section of the cowl panel. Here's the firewall completely removed and read to be implanted Here I have completely removed my factory firewall....Pain in the butt!!! Its finally in after about 3 weeks Doing some rust clean up this is where I left off today. Anyhow if anyone wants to my writeup on it, heres a link: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=155162
Just though id say Hi
Howdy everyone, Just thought id say Hi to everyone. My name is Joel have a 75 280z im currently working on, I finally made an account on this site. Im mostly on the Hybridz forums, but Ive already found some really good articles on dash restoration. Which really helps me out since im doing a RHD conversion on my Z and the dash has some pretty nice cracks on it. Anyhow hope to find some good info here. :classic:
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