Everything posted by 240KtoGTR
Terry's Project 240K
Wasn't this parts car stolen from you Gerry a while back? this could get interesting....
Flywheel bolts(new)
Depends on how much you want to spend Are these what you're chasing? http://www.importmonster.com.au/view?url=http://page15.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/t222560682&thumb=http://f3.auctions.c.yimg.jp/f05batchimg.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/users/2/8/0/7/happypiza-thumb-1298274945490039.jpg&title=6 S130Z S30Z L6
1975 C110 (KHGC110 240K) Build
Looking good, I wondered where the blue coupe ended up. Good to see you're restoring it properly and methodically. A white G.T.R clone? That's what I'm planning as well with my coupe. But I'm going to be building a new house soon, so my coupe has taken a step back for now. I'm just collecting parts now for the future build. Your progress so far is inspiring, I'll be waiting for updates.
my 240k coupe (possible for sale thread)
Whoa, thats pretty bad. The interior is ok and can definately be used, as with the trim. The body on the other hand.... You have to be VERY dedicated to save this one. If you were going to get a body shop to repair it, it will cost you a fortune. If you were planning on doing it yourself, you'll have your work cut out for you. I suppose its up to you, but I would strip this car of everything and keep for spare parts and look for a better shell as a base.
my 240k coupe (possible for sale thread)
That sucks. Just goes to show you can't really trust some people. Did you pay the seller with Paypal? If you did, you can open up a claim ( dispute ) and Paypal will investigate and potentially refund your money. Maybe the car can be a LLLOOONNNGG term project, take your time with it to get it to the standard you want. Good Luck either way!
GTR Grill
I did "negotiate" a better price. I paid $450 if I remember correctly.
GTR Grill
My one was bought from Otomoto, in Sydney. Ben at Otomoto told me it was made by Restored in Japan. Very good quality, has the correct mesh in the grill, even has the mounting plate and holes to attach the GTR badge on the front.
My 240K(c110) build thread
I agree with Kent, I have always used http://www.importmonster.com.au/yahoo and never had a problem, once you register, it can then estimate all the charges delivered to your door. It's generally pretty accurate, if its slightly out, it will either ask you to pay the extra, or refund into your import monster account if you've overpaid. Pretty quick delivery times too.
Manual Pedal Box
Just got the pedal box in the mail today, Thanks Flauski, hopefully won't be too long till I see them in my car! I've got a 5 speed 240K gearbox, clutch , flywheel, and clutch master cylinder. I think all I need now is a Slave cylinder and the hose/wire? to join the slave cylinder to the master cylinder. I've seen some slave cylinders on Ebay, some look like they will bolt on to the side of my gearbox, but I have to make sure I get the right one. Anyone know which is the correct one?
4 door parts on offer
I wouldn't mind an LD28 crank, what's the condition like, price?
Manual Pedal Box
You were too quick for me Brad! I had seen that at work, got busy, when I went 5 minutes later to buy it, it was already gone. Its all good now, been in contact with Flauski, and just bought his set. Must learn to be quicker next time haha.
Manual Pedal Box
Thanks for the suggestion Nigel, But my fabricating skills leave a lot to be desired. Plus wouldn't the brake pedal be larger if I'm using one from an Auto?, judging by the link Scott sent, the pedals from a manual car are both smaller. Are they easy to buy Scott? My Japanese is not good. Flauski, are you there??
Manual Pedal Box
Hey Flauski, did you get my PM, if not, I can re-send. Cheers.
another four door for sale on ebay!
Manual Pedal Box
Thanks Flauski!! PM Sent.
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Hahahaha. Look who's back on Ebay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Datsun-240k-GL-1977-4D-Sedan-3-SP-Automatic-2-4L-Carb-/290661331405?pt=AU_Cars&hash=item43acc3f1cd
Another 240K on eBay ( Coupe )
Probably not, as the GT's were only sold in '73, and were only the first few hundred off the boat. This one's been advertised as a '74, but it must be a very early 74 for it to be 4spd and not 5spd. Too expensive for me just for the pedals and gearbox though.
Manual Pedal Box
Bummer, the search continues...
Manual Pedal Box
You are a LEGEND!! Pm sent.
Manual Pedal Box
Stop reading my mind!
Manual Pedal Box
I trust your judgement Alfadog, I'll just wait till a 240K pedal box becomes available. Cheers.
Manual Pedal Box
I'm jealous!!
Manual Pedal Box
Sound advice, probably the best thing to do.
Dead Datto's
Sounds good.
Dead Datto's
Hey Scott, Did you get a chance to visit the graveyard? I'd still be interested in the Manual pedal box, if your still going to head out that way. Cheers, Costas.