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About oldhemi

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  • Member ID: 19555

  • Title: RLS30-013490

  • Content Count: 174

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  • Joined: 12/16/2009

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  • Age: 73


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    Houston Texas USA
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  • About me and my cars
    Original owner of early 1974 260 -brown - WTF was I thinking! 3 40DCOE Webers and every suspension mod that was available back in '77. Has been setting up for a lot of years. Rode hard and put up wet. Connecticut salt did a lot of damage. Houston humidity has done it no favors either. Floorboards are toast. Front rails are rusted on the inner fender side and the doglegs are not great. Both front fenders are rusted out on the bottoms.

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  1. Find another shell if you can. It might take awhile. So, in the mean time get that sucker running good and if you want to try your hand at welding, you got yourself a "learner" + a parts car for that rust free car. Just dont put too much money into the thing as far as the body is concerned. Just my humble opinion.
  2. ZT, a Cobra from that company is pretty damn sweet. But your Z looks pretty damn fine also. Maybe the best "wide" body that I have seen! Now, them's some flares.
  3. I measured my early '74 260Z Coupe seats for you and they do retract to a little over 6" from the rear stow compartments to the back of the bottoms. I also measured 6" from the bottom of the 15" steering wheel to the top of seat bottom. With the seat all of the way back and the seat back locked in the "standard" position, I measured 21" from the bottom of the steering wheel to the seat back. The seat brackets were changed in 8/74 onwards. I dont know if there was more travel on those. This is on USA cars. I think that: 1 you gained more weight than you thought ( I do like my pies and am fat) 2 maybe the 2+2's had more travel 3 have the seat BACK adjusted too far towards the front.
  4. Ztrain, those stripes are KOOL! "Ironic that my last car was an AC Cobra" C'mon, really? Jonh Coffey, thanks for that insight - sounds good to me! Kinfish, I guess I always have liked blue with stripes - 2 are better than one! BruceP, I agree that if you got just one big stripe than you should have 2 pinstripes to go with them. On another note, has anyone ever seen a Z with flames? I know that flames on my bike makes it faster! Just curious and I dont know Photoshop.
  5. Yup, Geezer is too modest. He has been helping me decide on which welder to git. But I am a slow pupil - I have trouble with solder - wife used to do it for me. She wont crawl under sinks and such any more though.............
  6. oldhemi

    new paint

    That's a lot of paint! Looks good!
  7. You probably want to search on rusty gas tanks! You could have rubber lines or fuel pump deteriorating. You can use an air compressor to blow out the metal fuel lines. You can never have enough filters.
  8. I concur with Frank - FWIW! I have found that Optima's dont last quite as long as some other name brands here in Houston. 8 years is a long time for a car that is not a DD!
  9. I am curious as to what you did between the pics of removing the crossmember stiffener and welding it back on. Could you explain what you did as i have a similar problem that can be seen in the link in my signature. Thanks!
  10. Tie that gas tank off of a rope(or 2) hanging from a tree or sumptin. Way easier on the arms! Sheetrock screws work good also. But like Frank sez: count em 1st!
  11. Good info, Bruce. If one does find his dizzy has your described problem, is there a source for the parts?
  12. Kathy & Rick, I wont be going to ZCON, but I will be in Bristol/Southington/Newington Connecticut for a few days in a few weeks. I would love to see your Z's - even if they aint 260's! Lemme know if that's a possibility!
  13. Thanks MikeB and Geezer for the pics link and the diagram! That's my tank! Ron, the diagram clears up my question about where the big, top nipple hooks up - the filler pipe! Raining too hard and too dark in the house for my recalcitrant camera to work. My stamp on the top of the tank does not look like the same style and I have a sticker w/part on the side. The tank is resting comfortably on a old - but clean - towel in the parlor along with the 2 CB750's, 260Z seats and whatever else I can fit that I do not want exposed to Houston Humidity! My wife is great about using that room as an "inside shed". The dining room is being used to cure several hundred board feet of rough sawn oak. She is not too happy with that because of the smell. I wont do that again, I'll hire a couple of kids and have them haul it to the attic. It helps to have a 4400' house with only 1 old fart and a gracious older woman as occupants.
  14. I will try to get some pics in the next few days or so. I want to be clear that this tank does have a rather large nipple on the top rear(opposite the 2 fuel lines) that I would think hooks up to an evaporator tank or maybe the filler neck. Does the non-emmissions tank have this nipple? I am not really looking to sell it and kinda hope that its not a big deal to use so that I have one less item to look for! OTH.......
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