Everything posted by olzed
Got new tires and now the front end won't align!!
There is something more than tyres going on here. Check for wear everywhere in the steering system. Jack up the front. There should be NO wobble at the wheels. Top and bottom and side to side. Is the bottom ball joint loose? Check everything.
My Datsun Spirit L28 Build.
Screw the sensor into each hole, put the box/trans in and out of reverse, with a test across the terminals for continuity.
Oil Thrower?
I have often wondered about the slinger. I always thought it was to keep most oil away from the front seal. Doh!!:stupid:
Fuel or Exhaust issue - not sure
You are probably sucking fumes into the cabin through the rear of the car. As Grant suggests in post 6. I found mainly when a window is partly down.
My Datsun Spirit L28 Build.
Do everything you need to while you have the opportunity. You will kick yourself later if you don't.
Normal Rebuild Compression before break-in?
It should.
Broken Head Bolt
Don't pay for no result.
Crank sprocket stay on dimple?
And if you keep on turning the crank for--- whatever number of turns it takes, you will get the dimple and the bright link to align once again. And keep your mind on the job at hand.
Timing #3
It will be interesting what the results are.
Broken Head Bolt
Please, so we all learn something.
My Datsun Spirit L28 Build.
I agree. So untidy!!
Cam tower alignment - L28
Odd. Have you removed them to make sure the tower bases are spotlessly clean? Assuming you have them in the right positions, you should be OK. Tap them around a bit near the base, as you tighten them down. I have had success like this. If all else fails you could easily make a 4 thou shim I suppose.
cowl holes necessary?
I was paranoid about water dribbling from the drain holes to exit inside the front fender, so I extended the exit holes with 90 degree plastic plumbing bends and some rubber tube the correct size. It now exits at the bottom of the fender. Brian.
Pilot bushing '72 Z
If it's too long grind some off.
Tool to adjust dwell?
You are over complicating what is essentially a very simple job. Set it, road test it, and forget it. If it's going well leave it alone.
Looking to own my first. 280z 2+2
Can't tell a whole lot from your videos, but you can bet on more rust than you can see.
Carpet kits
Hey Grant. How's the stop smoking going. Having a couple of heart attacks, and cardiac arrest, pretty soon cured me for good. Hang in there.
The Bad News: RUST - VIDEO
What you can see is just the tip of the iceberg. A big undertaking.
Anyone want new door cores made out of fiberglass for the vinyl kits?
I would be in but i'm a little far away. NZ
Newb's UPDATE 280Z search results, with pics
What everyone said--- There will be much more rust than you can see. Huge job IMHO
New here
There is probably some sense in placing the strip that low if the car was a daily driver. Supermarket door bangers perhaps.
Updated pictures of my ride.
There is a guy down here (NZ) with one of these engines in a 240 with a blower fitted. Apart from a slight bulge in the hood, and the racing cage it looks stock. Well almost stock . And with six speed sequential trans. it can REALLY haul--
74 260z clutch problem
Yep. Gotta get the air out.
Stumped on 76 Datsun 620 Trans
Edit post.
Loud ticking/knocking noise.
Excellent result.