Everything posted by olzed
Manual to automatic transmission swap
Ten years ago I converted my 72 240 from auto to manual. Not too hard. One of the local 'experts' on 240s told me I would have to change the diff as well. This sounded rubbish to me so I left it as was. ie 3.5. This car is now a breeze to drive with plenty of poke and quite a cruisy drive if thats what we want. 2600 rpm in 5th at 60mph or 100kmph.
Differential dispute
Just for info. I had a Subaru LSD 4.1, which I removed from a vehicle at Pic A Part, cost $45. Modified the drive stubs, to allow bolting up the origional half shafts from my 72 240. Took one drive down the highway, came home and removed it. Made the car into a dog IMHO.I went back to a 3.5. Much nicer drive. BTW the 240 and Subaru diffs look exactly the same. The Subaru was a R 160. Oh and I would just ignore this fool. He may have already removed your good diffs internals and put in his stuffed parts.
fuel pump constantly running
If you have an electric pump, it will continue running.Just ignore it.
New guy from Poland
Hello Andy. Look for a 1970-73 240Z. One with no cracks in the dashboard. Mechanically these are very simple cars, although the 73 appears to have some carburettor issues. One company which I have usedfor parts is Motorsport Auto. Very easy to deal with and very quick. Check out their prices. Black Draggon is another. There are plenty more, and i'm sure others will comment. Good luck.
Starter Clicks but won't turn
Well thats good. It's nice you are going again.
This baffles me to no end
And? We are waiting.
Numbers..aren't matching?
My 72 has philips head screws on the engine bay plate.
Follow-up: Impressions of my new exhaust
Hi Sarah. My wife and I have a 240 which is a weekend driver/cafe cruiser, I was going to go the header route some years back but after being a passenger in a friends 240 with headers I decided to leave it standard, as I found the drumming and resonance from the headers set up, made the car unpleasant .Our car still has good performance, and our top speed limit here is only 100kmh--about 60mph. We are doing a 1500mile trip this coming weekend so a quite car is good.---Or fairly quiet anyway. Brian.
Starter Clicks but won't turn
You can still get headlights even though you might have dirty or loose battery connections. To give you an indication if your solenoid is no good, you could take a screwdriver and jab it across the two large terminals at the end of the solenoid Make sure the car is in neutral, and be prepared for a few sparks.You dont need the key turned on to do this.Some may not agree with this but can do no harm that I know of. Do this on the ends of the terminals to avoid arcing on the threads. The starter should spin without turning the engine. If the starter spins then the solenoid is your problem. I would suspect that the solenoid IS your problem. It may be cheaper to pick up another complete starter than have a new solenoid fitted.
Looking at a '73 240Z
Run away from this one as fast as you can. Serious dollars to fix all that. Once you got into it, it would be far worse than you can see.
Starter Clicks but won't turn
Try the headlights, are they dim? Perhaps you have a flat/dud battery. Could be a loose or dirty battery cable connection. Disconnect each one, clean with something abrasive and retighten. Could be the solonoid on top of the starter is bad.This is basically an electrical switch, and the symptom you describe suggest to me this could be your problem. You should be able to pick up another starter motor from a car breaker, Or Pic a Part. If you don't feel confident to do stuff yourself take it to a professional.
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
What are the temperatures in Colorado at this time of the year?. We are just coming out of a cold and very wet winter.:disappoin
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
This earthquake has been a nightmare for the folk in the affected areas. Thank God we live a long way from Christchurch. I contacted the motel we stayed at on our visit two weeks ago, and he said they had no damage although they have felt it all. Last report is more than 300 aftershocks. That must surely jangle the nerves. My wifes cousin lives only a few miles from one of the worst affected areas and they are fine. Seems some areas are built on what was once swampy land, hence the liquifacation of the ground. Similar to a concrete vibrator I would imagine. The water and mud, pumps up from down below. There are roads that were once straight, now have a bend. looks like two or three metres in some places. Weird. Over 100,000 homes damaged. Many to be demolished.
I flipped my Z today
I once flipped a 260 onto it's side in a field All that was needed was a sturdy fence post, a chain block and a length of rope. Method- Place the rope over the roof and tie off the end under the car.I tied it to rear sway bar.Find a post or tree not too far away and anchor end of chain to this, then tie the rope to the chain block. Take up the slack and start hauling away. I had to prop the car halfway through, and readjust the chain. With the car on its side, I made it safe with an oil drum then proceeded to strip what I wanted.
This baffles me to no end
For what it's worth. I bought a 1987 corolla SW some years back with about 100000 km on it. It had from time to tome a grumble from the front of the engine, mainly when cold. I put it down to a worn timing chain tensioner. I changed the oil from time to time basically when I thought of it. The oil I used was the same as I used in my excavator, high detergent diesel engine oil. As time went on the grumbling stopped and at 260,000 km when I drove the vehicle to Pic a Part and picked up 250 bucks for it, it still used no oil and the grumbling never returned. I put it down to the high detergent oil cleaning the sludge from all the galleries and such, Or maybe it had worn off some rough edges somewhere:
77 Hi Beam trouble
I had similar with my 240. Lights just vanished. It was a wire came unsoldered from the light switch. Simple to fix-hard to find.
What engine would you choose?
No contest. 2.8 and 2 inch SU carbs.
I flipped my Z today
Ha ha. Nothing beats a John Deere.
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand
Yes, I second everyones kind remarks.The Z community is a great thing. We live in Auckland which is in the North Island, and thankfully hundreds of miles from this disaster. We were in Christchurch just over a week ago and were on a tourist train which goes through Darfield which is very close to the epicentre. Fortunately this area is not heavily populated. Thank God we were safe at home in our beds when this happened!!
240Z rough idle.............
Weak spark, valve burnt , rocker adjusted too tight, bad spark plug. Get a compression test done might tell you. My 2c worth.
Battery ground wire question
Interesting!. What are the bugs?
Carb Synch/Brake Questions
Brakes and such . Mate, you have a classic- vintage car. Some parts are a little hard to locate,but are still around. It's going to cost you far more than the price of wheel cylinders to fit disc brakes to the back, and besides the majority of braking is from the front. If you had ever ridden a motorcycle you would understand this. I did, for 20 years on and off the track and seldom used the rear brake, only with light pressure. You are looking to create headaches for yourself. $80 for wheel cylinders is not that bad. Have you priced a rear disc brake setup,? I doubt it.:stupid: You can pick up a complete disc brake conversion kit for only $900 from Motorsport Auto
fuel overflows
Perhaps its a faulty gas pump. It pays to watch the thing when filling. The pipe that goes from the cap to the tank is often rotten allowing gas to escape if you fill the tank to the top. If the fuel was poring out underneath then there would be no surge up the filler pipe to activate the mechanism to switch off the gas pump.
Carb Synch/Brake Questions
Your car sounds stock. Leave it that way. The stock brakes are very good, and parts are available.
Carb Synch/Brake Questions
As I said before, the 4x4 toyota brake upgrade is for the front. The calipers will bolt on the same holes. From memory 90mm hole centers. Good quality pads on the standard front calipers is very good though. Are you confused yet.? Suggestion- leave the front alone, until it needs attention. Suggestion-replace rear cylinders. That will be far simpler and way cheaper than trying to fit discs to the back.