Everything posted by olzed
Twin sidedraughts???
anyone have s30 power windows?
I have never seen or heard of it as stock here in NZ.
Need some suggestions
Not too difficult. It's been done many times before. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?40844-parts-needed-for-auto-to-manual-trany-swap&highlight=Manual+auto+swap
The people you talk to in person probably have no idea what an S30 is,or owned one, let alone able to give good advice on them. Remember that these cars are 40 odd years old, and some issues will arise from time to time. Very reliable cars. IMHO rust is the main issue.
Need some suggestions
Rust, everywhere and then some more. There will be more than you can see. Mechanically they are not difficult. Don't be put off by the SUs they are simple and little to go wrong. Here's a good place to start.http://zhome.com/
Remove and replace heater core
Hey there Hisson0712. Good on you for driving a Zed at 83. Sounds like a heater water valve may be jammed partly shut.
latest progress on 240
For a NON body guy thats one helluva job.
Oil pressure bypass
Get the machine shop to drill and tap the galleries for threaded plugs.
Half shaft question.
Could it be a bad wheel bearing, or wheel out of balance. Lump in a tyre.?
Help with Odd Light Behavior
Sounds like a bad ground connection somewhere.
Priming New Oil Pump - How to?
No, you can not drop the shaft in from the top. Yes, just fill the pump and you are good to go. Your bearing journals will be fine. It only takes a second or two for the new pump to start its job.
Priming New Oil Pump - How to?
Further to this.--- If you are installing a new oil pump on an engine that is NOT new, you do not need to spin the pump to pre oil the engine. The engine is already primed with oil. Just fill the new pump.
Priming New Oil Pump - How to?
The idea of spinning up the oil pump with a shaft in your electric drill is to get oil to all the moving parts before attempting to start the engine. You could use an old screwdriver with a suitable flat at the end and the handle removed and in the chuck of your drill for this. The shaft needs to be long enough to drop through the hole in the case and down into the oil pump. Of course you need oil in the pan first. And the oil pump in place, withought it's shaft. After having done this, remove the oil pump, fill it with oil, replace the dizzy shaft, and time it as normal. You cannot fill the oil pump by pouring oil down the hole. All that will do is fill the pan You cannot install the shaft from the top.
is my "z" the money pit?
Kenny. PM sent.
Do people notice you in your classic Z on the road?
The S30 still catches the eye. Just goes to show the designers were spot on back then.
Altitude Problems?
Hard to beat a set of SUs.
Yikes!!! $69k!!!!
Haa Haaaa.:laugh:
Sheared bolt.
This can be a P.I.T.A. I've been there, done that. I once broke an Easy Out in a stud, and that made matters worse. No more drilling was possible with that sucker in there. Can't remember what I did now. Probably swore a lot.:stupid:
Sheared bolt.
Can you work at the fat side of the bolt,with a drill, say around 3/16 inch. Break the drill off short, so it does'nt bend so easy,and resharpen it. Then work at the side with all the meat left, using the drill at an angle. Could be tedious, but might work. Put a centre punch mark if you can. You can also buy file drills I believe, although I have never used one. If you have cut into the threads on one side, you may be able to use a very small cold chisel to collapse the other side and tap it loose. 2c from me.
Cam sprocket/chain questions
Yeh, I kept thinking I had the dizzy timing out by one tooth, then it was right all along.
Cam sprocket/chain questions
Yeh a PITA it is.. I just did this three times in one day. Don't rush it.
Door troubles
Slight thread jack here. Koalia,That is a good tip. Does the velcro hold the panel in OK.
Cam sprocket/chain questions
You should just loosen the pan bolts to let it hang down a little. You will obviously have to remove the few bolts that go through the pan into the front cover. The dizzy drive shaft from the oil pump, goes through a hole inside the front cover. So the dizzy and oil pump have to come off. You have to do this anyway as you have lost the timing.
Rear end "clunk"',.....I'm at a total loss!!
G'Day dtalfa. I have narrowed mine to backlash in the diff, and now I just live with it. Seventies technology???? I dunno. People have replaced the diff mount and swear by that, but did'nt work for me. I have done everything else as you have. Everything is tight under the car, 100,000 miles, drives like a dream, apart from the clunk.
Yea I guess thats the reason. We also pay huge taxes on it for roading and such. When the Govt. is short they whack a bit more on to gas.