Everything posted by olzed
We are being screwed here in NZ.:disappoin
Saw some mention here about gas prices. We are paying $2-7 to $2-12 a litre for the lowest octane fuel here, which is 91. If you want the higher octane which is 96, we pay another 10 cents litre. Lots of smaller cars on the roads now.
new spark plug wires, now car wit start
Just look at Blues picture, and copy the firing order. Do you understand that number 1 is the front spark plug, number 2 is the next one, then number 3 and so on to the rear of the engine. Number 1 wire in Blues picture goes to number 1 spark plug. Find number 2 wire in Blues picture and place that wire on number 2 spark plug. Then number 3 wire in blues picture goes to number 3 spark plug, and so on. Not too difficult.
Hard to start when cold
How long was the car sitting before you tried to start it? Float bowls dry seems odd, but fuel does evaporate. 20 seconds for fuel to come from the line. --Fuel pump stuffed.-- Hole in the fuel line, sucking air. Is there a smell of fuel under the car when it is running, or sign of a fuel leak anywhere?
- 72 240z Brake problem!
Vinyl Roofs
We are looking forward to meeting a couple of real Yanks Alex. Don't get too many of you guys down this neck of the woods y'know, and I'm sure y'all are real nice folks. I know what you mean about driving on the wrong side. Some people have been driving here for ever, and still can't seem to get it right, eh. . Brian.
Vinyl Roofs
Yeh 24 ounces. That $2-12 a litre is in Kiwi dollars. Worth a bit less than yours. Or is that worthless? I wish we were coming to USA but, alas no. Mike and Robin from Colorado are coming to NZ. Brian. PS Mike. On that computer again. Just got beaten badly at the dog show. I have more fun from car shows.
Vinyl Roofs
Looking forward to meeting you both Mike. I would love to see pictures of your Zed. Sounds very nice. A little warning about driving habits here. We have the unenviable reputation as being amongst the most impatient drivers in the world. Also fuel is over $2 litre. Hit $2-12 a couple weeks back. And for the whole month of Feb.there is only 4 ks tolerance above our 100ks. speed limit. Used to be 9 ks. Just off to show our 2 Bichons. Cheers, Brian. PS.--Ten for the winery. Nice number.
Vinyl Roofs
I did'nt like the auto in it, but the main reason I passed on it were that a "friend":sick: of mine told the elderly owner that the ZG was a rare car and was worth more than he was asking. So the price went up. Yes, it appeared to be a genuine ZG, but the vinyl roof and auto seemed odd.
Vinyl Roofs
Woops.!! Just discoverd this has been discussed in detail previously. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?33140-240Z-with-vinyl-top&highlight=roof+vinyl
Vinyl Roofs
Ha ha. as I thought . I'm pleased I passed on it then.
Vinyl Roofs
Seeing 24 Ounces pictures of his car with vinyl roof makes me wonder how many others there might be out there. Was it a dealer option? I have only ever seen one other vinyl roof. It was on a ZG. I was very interested in this car at the time but there were some rust issues under the vinyl, and it was an auto, which I was unsure about This car was brought to NZ about 15 years ago, by a Japanese exchange student, and when she went home the car was left with the people she stayed with. This ZG was an auto .Maroon in colour, vinyl was cream. Screw on plastic guard/ fender extensions. It had the passenger footrest as well. Was the auto factory origional? Was the vinyl roof factory origional?
VIN lookup?
Driving on the wrong side is easy to get used to. We are RHD. I once owned a 42 Willys Jeep. Sitting on the left was not a problem. Toll booths and paid parking etc.are an issue however. You either need a passenger, or get out of the car. Another plus to a RHD Z. The hand brake leaver is on the drivers side of the tunnel.
brake booster?
Are these boosters for the 240z available new from somewhere, or do we go the rebuilt route, and who rebuilds them. Can they be rebuilt in a home workshop.?
Cutaway Engine
Yes, video at the show Sarah. --I was surprised when I counted the cam RPM. At 160 engine RPM, it is slower than I first thought. If I try to idle it any lower it gradually comes to a halt. More flywheel weight needed?? Brian.
Cutaway Engine
A little update on my engine project. Still no further alterations to the engine, apart from new paint, and carbs polished up a bit, all ready for our show on 12 Feb. Did some calculations with an eyeometer on the timing chain, which rotates 80 turns per minute.
240z wont go
It is caused by normal wear of the clutch disc over a period. You can make it worse faster if you have a bad habit of not getting your foot off the pedal soon enough after changing gear. You need to understand that there should a little free travel in the pedal. Inch and a half is about OK. If there is NO free travel, then the pressure plate is always slightly released from the clutch plate, allowing it to spin/slip, resulting in wear of the clutch plate/disc. Some people have a habit of resting a foot on the clutch pedal. Bad idea.
240z wont go
Lucky you caught it in time as bad adjustment can do serious damage to the clutch disc.
240z wont go
Your information is very vague. Are you saying the car has no power to move itself. Have you released the parking brake.? May be a faulty brake master cylinder, causing the brakes to bind. My guess from your description is a slipping clutch. That could be an adjustment issue. How does the clutch pedal feel? How much free travel in the pedal, before it gets hard.? Are you saying that when you put the car in gear, then release the clutch, the car sits there? Because the clutch slave cylinder is leaking it should be replaced. While you are doing that, the clutch master cyl. should be replaced as well. They generally fail soon after. If the engine revs as it should, then a couple of wet plugs are not your problem.
Can feel and hear jolt when clutch engages
Diff clunk is very common. Diff mounts, Universal joints -
Can feel and hear jolt when clutch engages
Is this when you let out the clutch pedal? Is the noise from the rear of the car.?
- POR-20 on stock manifold
Need some opinions
EH! I must have my SUs set correctly then. Plenty of grunt and 25MPG. Runs sweet. Why tinker?
Need some opinions
Carbs for me any day. Set and forget. I hav'nt touched mine in 10 years.
SU query
Thanks Guys. Looks as though they are 1970 MGB The link Austin memories is interesting Blue. Lots of good information.