Everything posted by olzed
Hard to start when cold
That does seem a little excessive. Wait a few more days, squirt a little gas in each carb and see if it fires .
Hard to start when cold
Problem solved.--- No Problem. ---Lack of fuel in the lines or carbs from sitting.
Hard to start when cold
dtalfa---when you start the car from cold, turn it off again immediately so the engine is still cold. Then try to start it again. Does it fire straight away.?? If it starts straight away then your slow starting is a fuel issue.. If it is STILL hard to start then some other issue.
Differential question
Can you get any R 180 diffs in Finland? I doubt you would notice any difference with a 3.54.
'71 240z shuts off when lights turn on
You can get a better ground with dampness at night, and as Steve says, vibration can also make things seem better. I recommend Daves headlight relay kit.
SSS Z emblem
Sherlock holmes of N Z land;) How the hell did he find that.
'71 240z shuts off when lights turn on
Sounds like a bad ground/earth somewhere.
3 pictures to symbolize my birthday weekend
I have been thinking of this swap for some time. Is there much difference in power.?
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Interesting discussion. I think it probably reflects current attitudes. Some care, some don't. Some do drugs, some don't. Some do graffiti, some don't. Blahblah Boring if everyone was on the same wavelength.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Well done.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
This activity is normal for you it seems.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Exactly my point:bulb:
Hard to start when cold
He can easily check this by spraying some gas into the carb mouths, and then crank it over. I'm thinking it will fire right up. We seem to be 50-50 on this. It will be interesting to see his result.
i need an opinion!!!
To be blunt, and in my opinion, the 2+ 2 is not an attractive car. If you bought this you would kick yourself. Save a few bucks and buy a 2 seater. 240,260 or 280.
Hard to start when cold
This sounds like many other 240s that I know of, running SUs, including mine. I have an electric pump at the rear, and no mechanical pump. If I hav'nt used the car for a few days or even a month, the pump will click for 15 seconds, then it will take another 10 or 15 seconds of cranking for the engine to fire. This can SEEM longer. My car starts first time when it has been recently going. (the same day) and it has had the same symptoms for the last 12 years. No better, no worse. The mechanical pump alone has to drag the fuel all the way from the tank with the engine cranking, and then fill the bowls, so it seems logical that it will seem take a little longer than an electric pump that is pushing the fuel with no cranking. When cranking it can seem like a long time, when in reality it may not be long at all. He states that his car starts perfectly after it has been running. If the problem was ignition, would it not show the same hard start symptoms at any old time? Half day. one day. one week.? When I first got my 240 twelve years ago, I thought it unusual that it took longer to start than a modern car, but now it is quite normal for it. Just my observation.
Hard to start when cold
Not too difficult to wire up an electric pump just in front of the tank.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Thank you Julio. It's about having some common sense as a cyclist, and having some respect for other road users.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Yes Leon. A danger to himself by being close enought to lean on my car.If I were NOT to see you leaning on my car, and turned into you, I would wager I would be held responsible for your foolishness. There are many blind spots on cars, where a cyclist can be hard to see, and the last thing I would expect is someone that close to my car. Very foolhardy.
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
I would thank him as well, for telling me my light was out, but he could still do that withought leaning on my car. My car is my pride. Would he pay the damage if his bike scratched my paint,?. No, he would disapear in the traffic leaving me to pay the damage. Edit. He is a danger to himself on the road. Are we supposed to look out for cyclists who may or may not lean on our cars. What if I don't see him, and decide to make a turn, and hit him. Am I in the wrong ?
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
Humility, respect, I don't think so. I think people that do this show no respect. I would have given the bastard an earfull. They are a danger on the roads.
i need an opinion!!!
Umless you need the extra seating of 2+2, I would look for a 2 seater. Cost no more to repair.
i need an opinion!!!
Nobody has mentioned that this car is 2+2. How do they rate in US?
manual & auto starters
I have an auto starter with a five speed.
manual & auto starters
Your existing starter will work fine.
Cutaway Engine
That is a darn good idea. Thanks 5th.--- I will keep that in mind when I next get involved with this. Won't be for a little while though. Late March prob.