Everything posted by olzed
Tranny swaps
I swapped the auto for a five speed in my 240, 10 years ago and retained the 3.5 diff. It makes for an excellent cruiser and I doubt it has affected acceleration at all. The so called experts reckon it would be no good, but I proved them wrong. Of course if you plan to race, then thats different entirely, as diffs are changed to suit different tracks. Brian.
any color other than black?
A mid to dark brown can look OK. It doesn't sound much, but can look quite classy. Hang some different coloured paper or fabric over the areas to give an indication. I also like a cream colour. Not tooo white.
Window roller guide problem and headlight problem
They clip on about halfway along the top of the door panel and are hidden by the squeege stainless strip, and hang down inside the door to roll against the outside of the glass. They are a small bracket with a rubber roller at the bottom. Sorry, mine are inside the doors so not possible to take pictures for you. As EScanlon said, they are left and right. Brian
Unfinished projects
WOW. 7.5 INR. MAN YOU SHOULD BE MOST careful. Don't even stub your toe.I had a Coronary Artery blockage in 1995 and have been on Warfarin ever since, as there is some damage to my pump. I had to go off the rat poison for a prostate biopsy a couple of years ago. The doc that performed the biopsy said to stay off the poison for a week in case of bleeding. On the seventh day a clot formed and caused a small stroke, known as a T.I.A. That was scary as I could not read or speak, but they put me on a Heparin drip and dispersed the clot. My doc aims for INR between 2 and 2.5. with blood test every 3 weeks. Now living every day with prostate cancer and a crook ticker, but life is great!!! Only have one project. My 72 Z. Just resprayed a front fender and it turned out good. Cheers, Brian
Window roller guide problem and headlight problem
Are you suspecting something may have bent the roller carrier? Can you check its shape against the one on the other side ?Sounds as though something has been dropped on it or something. If its bent, straighten it. Does the stainless door top frame fit the car nicely, its not out of shape or something? Another thought.The window guides may be worn out. I know its a bit freeky when you put the roller in as to how firmly it pushes on the glass. You may not have a problem at all. If the window goes up and down you should be fine My 2c
Photos answer a 1000 Z questions - Help!
Well, I would say it has a leak in the heater radiator.
Plastic welders
The rear pastic panneling on my 240 had some cracking. Cut some patches of similar ABS for strength and glued the bits on the back with plastic pipe glue. This stuff literally melts the plastic.Stronger than when new. Sprayed everything with black vinyl rattle can. Brian
new owner
I would thik it's a 240 shell if it has a L24 motor. Unlikely that anyone would have replaced a 2.6 motor with a 2.4. Though not impossible.
- Creaking and Groaning in passenger rear quarter
Finally got to drive the "Barn Find"
Congrats on the car. Always liked the dark green. What colour is the interior? It's always such a buzz when the younger guys and the girls appreciate our old Dattos' One thing we get with ours, is guys wanting a race on the motorway. Usually have the missus with me and she keeps me on a short leash.' Just too old to feel this damn young.':classic:
Datsun Z related New Years resolutions/goals
Well, gettin older each year and with Gods grace i'm just so happy to still be here and see another new year, and enjoy it today with our son, his wife and their 16 month old baby girl. I have three weeks to finish the paint repair on my 240 so we can take it to the annual car show in our town. Quite a big deal, with all the gate takings going to charity, so thats good. Is the snow melting for you guys yet? I would love to see a white Christmas. Happy New Year Brian
converting to power steering
The power steering thing. Four years ago at the age of 61, and when I should have known better, I damaged tendons in both shoulders, by using a jackhammer when I was in a sitting position with my back jammed against a wall. This was only a small electric hammer, but the way I was wedged, and putting pressure on both shoulders, actually squashed the tendons. I was out of action for nearly 12 months, and was unable to steer any car, certainly not our 240. Reading about power steering on HybridZ I thought I would have a crack at it. As I have an engineering background and a bit of imagination it wasn't too difficult. I sourced a Subaru rack from PICaPART, as well as a pump from off a Hyundai Lantra, and all the pipework from both cars. A few weeks of nights in the basement and I came out with a car that is transformed. The difference is like day and night. I have had this mod. in the 240 for over two years now, and are very happy with the results. Actual cost in parts about $150. I'm not sure of the year of either of the doner cars. The reason I chose a Hyundai Lantra pump is that it has a pully that is compatible with the 240 fan belt. I think the hardest part was fabricating a mount to go where the fuel pump usually sits, and getting the pulleys to line up nicely. I have a electric fuel pump so that was not an issue. I guess I'm a lazy old bugger and if I can make my car nicer to drive, why not .We have heaps of cool twisty roads here and its now so much more fun not having to fight to get around the corners. We can also park or turn around on a dime. Brian
OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??
My daughter gave me a couple of Shania Twain DVDs. Awesome!! Some years ago I was tuned to a local Country radio station and Shanias voice came over .Great talent.!!
OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??
I got the love of my darling wife of the last 45 years . A subscription to Nissan Sport magazine , and approval to repair the paint on the front fender/mudguard of our 240. Hell, it's hot here. Definately NO chance of snow where we live Sarah. Brian
RB30 curiosity
RB 30!!! Google RIPS
Adjusting Valve Lash (Clearance)
Jenny. Just think things through and you will be fine, and don't panic. It's not really rocket science. If my fender respray is any good i'll post a picture. Yes and happy holidays to you and all on this awsome forum. Brian. 240Z:beer:
omg! my z is awesome! new suspension and more..
They do look cool with 240 bumpers. Thats a sweet looking car. I love the interior colours. Brian
Unquiet Slumber for the Sleepers
What winter. Just took my 240 for a spin in the countryside with the windows down. (Thank goodness I have fixed the fuming problem). 30 degrees here. Hot as hell and humid with it. Over Christmas I will be respraying the right front fender (bad job some years ago by a pro.= rust under the paint= bad prep) Yes. Working on the Zed can be very rewarding.-satisfying
A Cool Thumbs-Up from the Jaguar mechanics!
Wow, such cool times. Reminds me of the time my wife and I were coming home down the motorway or as you guys say, freeway, We were heading home after a classic and hotrod show in our pride and joy 72 240.There was an E Type Jag and a hot rod and they made a gap so our little Jappa could slot in between. That felt so nice that those guys recognised our 240 as being worthy of being in their company.:classic: And the time I was stopped at a petrol station by police. These two young cops wanted to have a look at our car. We were sitting in our 240 at a local busy scenic spot and two guys were wandering around looking at the car. I had no badging on it at that time and they were trying to figure out what it was. When they saw the registration sticker on the windscreen, I heard one say. "I told you it wasn't Italian" That made my day. Timeless classics thats for sure.
Adjusting Valve Lash (Clearance)
Jenny .Out fo all this, you should have enough knowledge to give her a decent valve setting. Don't panic, as there isn't really anything you can do wrong, unless you drop something into the motor, which would not be good!!! Good luck. I'm going to be spending the next few days skim bogging and re-spraying a front fender on my 240. I had the whole car baremetal resprayed 11 years ago and for the last couple of years have been chasing bubbling surface rust on both fenders. The 'experts' had put a skim of bog straight onto bare metal, with the results that rust forms where the bog is not adhered to the metal. After taking off the paint to the metal then sanding of any rust marks, I have been putting zinc rich etch primer on first then standard primer, then skim bog,to take out some ripples, then more prime. Am I doing it right? Sorry to get off topic here! Happy Christmas everyone . Brian. From down under.
Adjusting Valve Lash (Clearance)
Jenny. Removing the spark plugs from a hot motor can result in the plug threads 'picking up', or what you may call 'galling'.It's when the alloy thread in the head, attaches to the thread of the spark plug. My son had this unfortunate occurance on an MX5 Mazda, resulting in having to have two threads redone with 'helicoil' Removing spark plugs or bolts on a hot motor can have dire results. I have had bolts break with very little effort applied, when working on a hot engine. These days I always let the engine cool before I do anything, also much more pleasant working on a cold engine. My Haynes manual for L24 and L26 engines suggests Hot----Inlet---.010----exhaust---.012 Cold---Inlet---.008----exhaust---.010 Sorry I don't have specs for a L28, but would guess it would be the same. The lock nuts always seem stupidly tight, but a good wrench that fits properly and turn them the correct way and you should be OK. If you know which way to turn the screws to take off the valve cover, then just apply the same thinking. Anticlockwise will loosen them. Slip the feeler gauge between the heel of the cam and the rocker. Just a thought on spark plugs. When I put in new spark plugs I smear some copper coat on the threads, and this would save the threads from galling if they were removed from a hot engine. Just my 2c.for what it may be worth. Brian
in family since 73
Is the Lake pipe just a dummy .? I was going to say it would be noisy to drive with that exiting by your ear, but of course you sit on the left. We are right hand. Good luck with it.
SU's got me stumped
Silly question I guess, have you got damping oil in the little cylinder, and the correct grade. Could there be gunge in the damping oil. Unlikely, given the carbs are newly rebuilt. Brian.
SU's got me stumped
Well thats something I never knew. The saying 'never too old to learn is true' An interesting link.
SU's got me stumped
No, you are right Steve. If it was a spark issue , using the choke or throttle would not keep it running. At least I wouldn't think so. If the slide is stuck open that carb will be running richer than the other one, so would not the revs increase, or that carb be flooding? Perhaps not, as the butterflys are still shut. I'm no help with electronic ignition. I'm still running the points setup in my 240. Brian