Everything posted by olzed
break cylinder removal
Cracked the bleeders? I'm sure he hasn't a clue what you mean.!!! Do you mean ---Try loosening the bleed nipples located on each brake cylinder .
Does $50 seem to much for this valve adjusting tool?
Thats a nifty looking tool, but I can't see how you would get enough leverage to shift a tight nut-:stupid: Do I miss something here-is there another part to it?----I use standard wrenches and turn the motor with a socket on the crank bolt, although the fan can mess your fingers if your careless
Hi all...After a year of searching.
Thats 8-10 grand down here.Good onya.
Play in front wheel/hub
If the wheel still moves when you grab and shake at 12-6 it's a wheel bearing or could be a bad bottom ball joint. 9-3 shake could be a wheel bearing, as well as other steering issues .Get someone to wobble the wheels while you look.You would notice a bad wheel bearing with quite an easy shake.Don't overtighten the bearing or you can cook them.I usually tighten mine till there is no wobble perhaps a notch more.Iv'e never had a bearing problem doing this.40 years ago I stuffed both front bearings in a VW from overtightening. From your description,I would suspect a bad tie rod end ,inner or outer.
240z steering wheel removal
I have been trying to remove the steering wheel from my 1972 240, so that I can refurbish it. Its got me beat.It won't move. Iv'e tried tapping it from the back while pulling it, but don't want to damage it.An old Corrolla I once owned had threaded holes so you could attach a puller but this has nothing. Any ideas anyone.??
240z speed help!!! asap please!!
Chris.You need to go away for a while and try and grow up a little.I and most others couldn't care less if you kill yourself, but it sounds as though you are heading down the track where you will take others with you. I just hope you are joking .Try joining a car club ,learn some common sense, and do your high speed driving on a race track somewhere.:stupid::stupid:
Steering rack enquiry
Yes ,a left hand rack can't be used in RHD, and no it cant be turned end for end. I am trying to source a new or second hand RHD rack.Thanks for the input:cool:
Steering rack enquiry
Does anyone know if the s30 steering rack is available anywhere,and at what cost?
tap !!
Have you tried just removing each spark plug lead in turn so obviously when that cylinder isn't firing there is little load on it.If its a wrist pin the noise should decrease or stop.
car dies at idle sometimes
Have you tried increasing the idle?650-700
tap !!
If you raced it and it's no worse ,can't be too serious.Could it be side movement in one of the rockers-probably a long shot.In my experience,a higher pitched tapping is from the rockers.If you ran the engine with each spark plug out in turn,and the tap remains,I would doubt a wrist pin would be the noise.
Steering rack
Can anyone tell me are the 240 and 260 steering racks interchangable? They appear to be identicle,although I believe the ratios are different. The reason I am asking is I have a spare 260 rack and a mate wants to buy it for a 240. What would it be worth ? As they dont appear to be available I don't want to GIVE it away, also dont want to rip the guy off. Thanks for any info.
think i have found the new lady in my life.
Hope you and hubby got that car home O.K ZGRLL!!
Datsun 240Z Braided Heater hose set available
Hoses always a problem. I noticed 10 years ago when I was giving my 240 a makeover that as I put the water blaster over the heater hoses which were on the ground,the already tacky braid started to come off ,so I blew it all off.While its not the perfect solution, it improved the appearance a lot. Now that hoses are available with braiding ,I must think about replacing them.They look great! Would you post to NZ Esprist And how much US for the whole set ?i.e. radiator and heater.
Can I bypass the mechanical pump?
I have been running an electric pump on my 240 for 10 years. I removed the pump arm that connects the cam,and routed the fuel through the mechanical pump so it looks origional. Not even show judges have spotted the change. From memory I cut a full gasket to stop any leakage of gas or oil.
Yes . Some spelling and punctuation would help.Very hard to read otherwise.
Hi! I had a similar problem with my 240,with 2.4 motor. It occured after I had changed the water pump. On first start up the engine seemed to get hot too quickly so I shut it off,to let it cool ,then started it with the engine side heater hose loose and the radiator cap off. With the hose loose and me refilling with water ,and then tightening the hose with the engine still running ,I managed to purge the system of air,and that fixed the issue.Just watch you don't drown the alternator,as they dont like water.
valve work
Correct! You will be able to move each rocker ,and should have some clearance in each one in turn, as you rotate the crank shaft by hand. Some will be tight and others loose depending where in the cycle the crank and camshaft are at that moment.Get a spanner on the pulley nut and turn the crank from there,and you can watch the cam rotate, opening various valves.When the valve is in the open position the rocker will be under tension .When the valve is closed there is no tension on the rocker so you should be able to move it.Get a home workshop manual pertaining to your car and it will help.You can check the rocker clearance yourself if you own some feeler guages,and no it's not the side to side clearanceyou check. The rocker clearance/tappet clearance/valve lash(all the same thing) is .008-.010 inch,or .20mm-.25mm on a cold 240 or 260 motor(don't know about 280 but i'm guessing the same) Rotate the crank until you can see the lowest part of the cam(the heel) against each rocker in turn.That is the position where each one becomes loose,and the same position where you do any checking or adjusting.See the two nuts one above the other,These are the adjusting nuts and this is where you slide the feeler guage.
- I Just got ANOTHER 240Z, she's gonna kill me!!
Just bought my dream car!
Hi ,yes it could have been my car on Mt Eden road.We stopped there for a coffee with some other people a couple of times,after a cruise to Piha, from memory..If you send your joining form ,it would'nt be approved until the next committe meeting,which is on the first Thursday of each month. If you don't make Mangawhai cruise, there is quite a bit coming up through the year. Keep a lookout on the Zclub site .:classic:
i want a z as my first car
. I first saw a 240z in our area back in 1973,but it was'nt until 1999 that I was able to see my way clear to buy one, and bought one with the best BODY I could find. Mechanical issues are the easy part to fix especially on a carburetted car.. Look on the forums here ,most problems with poor running come from EFI.Of course if you are an electronics wizz no problem. I personally would avoid an old zed with EFI. Once a carburetor is in tune not much can go wrong .I would suggest try to learn the basic mechanical stuff .Buy or borrow books on car repair and maintenance ,and do a lot of reading on cars.If you are interested in cars the reading/learning can be easy. Buy a Haines repair manual for the 240-260.Lots of stuff you should read up on. My advice would be to give it a couple of years, learn as much as you can about these great little cars ,save like crazy and buy one with the very best BODY your money can buy. Most people can learn how to change a clutch plate or replace a water pump, but panel work is usually best left to experts. Not saying it cant be learned but it's not for the faint hearted. I am a qualified coach builder and would never suggest to anyone to buy a z just because its cheap.It won't be in the end. .I would think probably all early Zeds have some rust by now.There must be dozens of 'projects' lying in back yards that people have started and then given up because they lose interest,run out of money or time.Owning an old Zed can be fun but it could become a burden if you can't do your own maintenance ,and can't afford to take the car to the shop. There is also huge satisfaction in working on your own car and understanding how everything works. Another thought ,read up on the development of the Z cars and how they evolved.Understanding some of this will make owning your 240z very rewarding .Good luck.
New Guy! RHD 79 Fairlady Z!
Great to see a car in your country with the steering on the 'correct' side. Don't see a power steering pump either.
Just bought my dream car!
Hi ZGRRL .Our red 240 was on display alongside others at the Galaxie Of cars at Motat back in Feb. Also at Ellerslie. Some of us are having a cruise up to Mangawhai and a lunch at a cafe there on 18th April. Bring hubby and meet other Zedders,You would be made MOST welcome even though not yet a member. Check it out under ZClub events. We have owned our wee toy for 10 years now and would find it very hard to part with her. As you say sexy, so in my book its a her. The club has members all over, although the majority are in AK.
For those who have spent serious money in rebuilding their Z
The zeds without power steering and with the fatter tyres we fit ,can be tiring to drive for extended periods especially on twisty roads , or in city driving,if you are used to cars with PS..Slow speed manouvering can be a dog.
Just bought my dream car!
Hi Z GRRL.Welcome.Your new toy looks stunning and well worth preserving. Where in NZ are you.? There are quite a number of Zedophiles old and new in NZ.Old and new cars ,and people.My wife and I own a 240z, and are mature!!!!.There are numerous people in the Zclub who would be willing to assist you. Get on the ZClub forum and ask. We are in the Auckland area.