Everything posted by olzed
Yes mate, the seat does scoot forward, although with the seat that far forward the steering wheel will be in your chest. My wife won't drive our 240 for that very reason. I'm 6ft and the car suits me fine.
replace light switch = dead
The headlight switch on my 240 failed,and I read somewhere that they are not repairable, so ordered new one from MSA. While waiting for it to arrive(only a few days) I discovered that the old switch could be pulled apart. The fault was a worn out small plastic plunger thing, caused by lack of grease. I made up a new one from a piece of plastic knitting needle. That was four years ago,and I still have the new switch sitting in my parts draw just in case!!!
Better late than never
Hi again Allan from us2 NZ.Yes it does get quiet here too.Very few Zeds on the road anymore .We were spectators at the Club track weekend on the 20th and 21st Feb.Had a great weekend catching up with old friends and making new ones. A good blow out for the 240.3.5 hours each way.No problems ,just a stone through the headlight.Now fixed. No doubt some pics of the weekend will appear on NZ. Z Club web. cheers:beer:
Who actually did S30's styling? We can make it clear
Thanks for everyones efforts. The Goertz rubbish still persists in NZ. Only 8 years ago a prominent classic car mag. which should know better did an article on the zed and stated Goertz was the designer.:stupid:
1971 240Z for sale in Ventura Ca.
Buy this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'72 Datsun 240z 'shell' to purchase or not...HELP!?
The poor thing looks as though its been under water.This is going to cost heaps to do properly,unless you can do body work yourself. A complete new everything else. The rust that cant be seen is a big worry.Save for a year or two and get one complete.
3 Z's...That's it...for now
Mate, you guys are so lucky .A 240 in that condition is worth 10-14 thousand dollars in New Zealand:disappoin and very few to choose from.
Engine will not start
If ALL you touched was the chain ,then you have the timing out.One or two teeth is all it needs to do that.
MSA discount?!
This discount from MSA sound great news .I wonder if they give it to overseas customers? I have found them a great firm to deal with and am not tooo concerned with a discount providing the order arrives promptly and correct, which so far they have.
My second Z
Cool .Look forward to seeing one of your cars and you at the upcoming club concours:classic:
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Thanks:cool: I thought it was roachesLOL
Finish it... time to enjoy now
Thats awsome Filipe. Puts mine to shame:cool:
I just cant get windshield on, please advice
KOALA as in Koala bear
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
2 fast 2 Z. Hi there my Grand parents came to NZ from Denmark in 1896,I think from Elsinore, so I have a Danish surname.Tough times then, but now we drive Zeds.
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Thanks guys, we love our little Z Chris,after I get over trying to squash the bug, I will see if I can make sense of what you just said ,thanks for the help.
Dan from North CA
Hi Dan ,Good to see the pics,nice car,with the trad 70s rims looks great. Twistie roads are made for Zs,and it looks like you have found some. I have a 72 240 owned for 10 years.Weekend cruiser for my wife and I, and club outings.Photos on Open Z Car Discussion, under Car Forums. Brian.
- Dan from North CA
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Sorry folks ,for my pictures blowing this too wide . I hope to have that figured soon.I have only come into this 'new' technology late in life and are still getting my head around it all with some help from my 40 yr son.
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Thanks for your feedback Adam .Yes ,my wife and I love our little Z too.Retired now and plenty of time to indulge in our passion. When you say side markers I think you mean the little orange lights on the front and rear guards.The Zs that came to NZ were not fitted with these. The NZ ones also had white turn signals on the front, while US ones are orange.Very subtle differences. We didnt get the low speed impact bumpers here either on the S30 ie 240 260Z. Ive never seen a metalic brown Z .Looks very nice Cheers, Brian
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Hi Nigel.I used a Subaru legacy rack,and the pump came from a Hyundai Lantra.It might seem an odd mix but I chose that pump because its very compact and has the same V pulley as the Z, and has a remote resevoir which I placed under the right side inspection lid.RHD car. The Sub rack I chose because they have been used successfully in the past over here and are readily available from Pick a Part, same as the pump.I did the conversion a couple of years ago after a shoulder injury left me very week. If you are interested how I fitted everything up let me know.
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Is the 78 coupe the same body shape as 240/260? We had a chap here with an American 280 coupe, same body shape. Converted to right hand drive. Very nice ,not too sure of the year. The old rust is the big destroyer here and a lot have been turned into race cars. Come on down if you can one day.We live in the North Island which is nice, but we were in the South Island last autumn/fall and its awsome.Perhaps a bit like Canada I guess,or Switzerland.Roads to die for ,little traffic,and every where we went views of the Southern Alps. Unfortunately we were not driving our Z .
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
Thanks for that. The PS transforms the car.We have a mix of roads down here,from open freeways/ motorways, to lots of nice twistie back roads which are now a breeze. As you would know on twisty roads its a two arm job to steer .Now I can pretend to look cool and drive with an elbow out the window. Do you own a 240.I would think some still available in US.Very few here!!!My 240 is not pristine as you can see by the engine shots, but apart from the PS is very origional .Bare metal refurbish 10 years ago.
Some Kiwi 240Z pictures
A few photos I took recently of my 1972 240, note the power steering that I added. Sorry they are a bit on the large size, not too clued up on how to get this picture stuff right !! Olzed.
hello from new zealand
Hi there, Im an Aucklander and have a 72 240.had it for 10 years and love it although its a second car so spends most of its life under a cover in the garage.Weekend toy:love: our regular car lives in the rain on the driveway. Good 240s are pretty thin on the ground down here and owners tend to hang on to them . Good advice from 240znz to get on the zclub site in NZ.Dont worry too much about mechanical issues. Rust is the killer on these great little cars.Rust can be fixed of course,although its pricey Ask questions of other folk and you will get help.What price range are you in? Mine will be for sale in 2 or 3 years ,when I am too old to enjoy it anymore. At the moment its giving us too many good times. Such a buzz to drive.Had a cop do a u turn and followed us into a service station.Said he had a 240 when he was in Wellington. I thought I was getting done for something. After thought.Buy the most rust free example you can find, and also with a dash with no cracks.This might be hard to find. A 240 or 260 will cost the same if you are doing resto etc. but the 240 will have a greater end value Good luck:beer:
I would like to put in a plug for Motorsport Auto. I have had on three occasions ordered over the phone ,from NZ ,parts for my 240. After I got the time zone difference figured there was no problems. Speaking to the parts person was a breeze, after getting used to the different way of speach. The service was amazing with one item I ordered on Friday morning arriving following Monday Thumbs UP!!! :)