Everything posted by olzed
the new guy
Hi Steve ,I have a 72 240.bought in 2000. Not many Zeds down here,but a keen group of owners.
How to straighten bended door panel etc.
Dampen the cardboard where its bent,then put some weight on it till it drys. The bend was probably caused by dampness at some time
Original Z fuel hose
Your rubber coated cloth type hoses could be the origional braided hose with the cloth braid peeled off. I have done this with some of mine which were unsightly.works well!!!
You must be gutted ,sincere sympathy!!!!
Timing chain issues
yeah, of course youre right ,the engine wont lock in park.Had a late night!!!
Timing chain issues
If the car is auto put it in park which will lock everything. If its manual, put it gear,third or fourth then apply hand brake This should lock the engine enough for you to undo the crank pully bolt. If that doesn't work,there is a tin plate which can be removed under the engine at the bottom of the bellhousing, giving access to the flywheel. Cut a suitable piece of wood and jamb between the teeth and the casing, which should stop it turning.
A new old guy
My tin hubcaps have a Z in the centre instead of a D which was standard on earlier models.
A new old guy
Being a 1972 Z my tin hubcaps have a Z in the centre as opposed to a D which was standard on earlier models.
A new old guy
I am a bit reluctant to use my steel wheels and hubcaps too often for fear of losing a hubcap,so have bought a set of traditional mags,which I use most of the time, apart from shows. Cheers,Brian.
A new old guy
Sorry for the random image just seeing if I can actually upload an image .... Z pictures to follow ..... hopefully.
new dude
Same stage as I was at nine years ago.Are you removing the motor and trans before painting ?It makes a much better job. A friend down here has a 260 2+2 ,280 motor and immaculate,goes well .I have a 1972 240 and love it.Very origional.They are getting hard to find in Zew Zealand.I would like to restore another one,but none for sale right now.When one is offered they sell quickly. There are only about a dozen or so nice S30 still on the road down here,and lot being raced. Good luck with the car. Cheers!
new dude
Hi Tom, do you own a z?.What sort.?
A new old guy
PS. I have the origional steel wheels ,and rare down here, tin hub caps which go on once a year for our club concourse.
A new old guy
Thanks for the welcome Carl, have read a lot of your posts.Yes there are still some nice s30s on the road down here,and more restos in the pipeline. It seems as their value goes up people are realising they have something worth saving. A number have been turned into race cars,which to me seems a shame,but of course each to his own, which is as it should be. I remember seeing my first 240z,in my area, in fact only ever two ,in the early 70s, and being blown away by the styling and performance,of these classy little Japanese cars. Both of these 240s belonged to rich familys ,funny enough they both owned service stations.At that time I had a young family and mortage,and starting a business ,so the 240 had to wait.In between I satisfied my need for speed with a succession of sports bikes.After a spill on the last one ,1100 Suzuki,and getting a little old to die on a bike, I came to my senses and decided it was time to try and find my dream 240.Not too many to choose from down here, but fortuately the one I found in our area had rust removed back in the eighties, and was full of a rust stop gunk everywhere.It had had four owners and 99,000 miles,and immaculate origional dash which is as you know rare.We gave it new seat covers and carpet, and full bare metal respray, with motor and gearbox out.As far as I can tell from speaking to previous owners,the motor is untouched, although I replaced valve stem seals nine years ago, as it was smoking a bit on the over run. Oh, one mod ,a shoulder injury left me very weak in both arms so I fitted power steering which makes it a breeze to drive and enjoy as we have lots of nice twisty roads down here. Yes I must post some photos when I get my head around how in hell one actually does that.They reckon you can't teach an old dog new tricks,but this old dog is trying::bulb: Cheers , Brian
A new old guy
Hi all,new to the forum from NZ ,have a 1972 240 for nearly ten years.Panel and respray back then.Still very stock ,loved weekend cruiser.: