From one newbe to another. I joined a mere 6 weeks ago, hang around here for a bit and you will find more information than one man could possible absord, (except alan). This is a great site, and the creator and head egg does it for nothing. Kudos to MIKE. Have fun Salem!
What layout do you like best?
I hate it ! I hate it ! I hate ! Go back to the old style as fast as possible. Change is BAD I'm going to go upstairs and iron my liesure suit, perhaps straighten my bell bottom collection. Really, the new style is fine. For me though, I live in the dark ages and still use a modem connection. This causes my time to triple when trying to read posts. I really appreciate all your hard work Mike. Thank You!
R200 R180 Rear End Slack, How much seems normal
This information is not from me. (i'm to new to know any of this). I found this guys site helpful. Not a ton of information but whats there is good. Follow the advice givin from the members of this site, but I thought this might be helpful as well. CLUNKING REAR END This is the bane of all Zcars, it's almost impossible to completely fix. It can have many causes, but is almost never caused by the internals of the differential, especially if it's an R-200. The following are all the places the clunking can exist: . worn out mustache bar bushings (replace with urethane) . u-joints on the halfshaft ends are loose and worn-out (common, replace them) . tighten all the mounting bolts/nuts on both ends of the halfshafts . front differential mount broken (try tightening the 14mm nut in the bottom first) . driveshaft bolts loose . ball bearings/grooves in halfshaft body worn (replace halfshaft) . tighten the two large nuts that hold the differential to the mustache bar . shocks bad or loose in strut I personally think most of the time it's caused by the mustache bar bushings. These thin rubber bushings rot and flex and let the bar clunk the floor on acceleration.
Let me share a little something with all of you, FREEKY PEOPLE! I'm sitting here in my nice cozy chair, as usual being entertained by you all. Reading this little humorous post, when I get to those freeky, awful, disgusting, creepy, spider pics you all posted. Just then I feel something crawl up leg, my skin tightens and my spine twitches as I reach down to feel the uninvited now making his way up my leg. All in my head you may ask??? I thought that also, until I feel it, hard round and very unexpected. So off I go, screaming like a little girl. My wife and kids in bed, me dancing around the office like a choreographer on a bad cocaine twist. After I settle down a bit, I look up at the screen and see all these nice pics of creepies, so I begin to search for my attacker. Oh I found him alright. He was a little green piece of fuzz hanging from the bottom of my chair fabric by a little string. FEEL STUPID?? Yeah you could say that! Thanks for freaking me out , love you guys.
First major crash
Thanks Mike! As stated, we appreciate all your time and effort. I should have moved faster, and for that forgive me. THE CHeCK IS IN THE MAIL!!!!!!!! And unlike all the other times I've said this, this time I actual mean it.
Motor Oil Additives
I would venture to say that most mechanics would agree, that these additives have very "limited" purposes. The oils that we use today are drastically improved from the 1950's when things like marvel came out. I also assume it to be correct that you should shy away from even synthetics oils as the age of a motor increases, unless started out on synthetics, they will do more harm then good. So, it's my opinion that any OIL additives would not be used in my car, just fresh and often checked and changed oil. 2 cents given!
Maxim Article
Not sure if any of you have already read this, but I thought I would post it up. Not a ton of information, mostly an outlook, but an OK article nonetheless. Oh yeah, theres very hot babes on the page, so becareful to all of you don't want to look at fine women. Unfortunately no naked boobies.......Bummer! http://www.maximonline.com/the_ride/articles/article_4783.html
Removal of #@$%ing rear pins & bushings.
This Job is coming up for me around the end of the month. You guys are NOT helping me to look forward to it. How much are new control arms??????
Poll on Internationals
If you live in the United States you're American. But, when you're in the Bathroom. EUROPEAN. AHAHAHAHAH I kill me!!
September 11
Peace be with all of you on this most humbling day. Families and loved ones of those who died at the WTC, the Pentagon, flight 93 in PA. and the members aboard the aircraft used that day. Grace be with you.
If you own a Zcar, what's your sex?
Back before I was married I swore I would only marry a women that loved cars, almost as much as I did. Standing in the magazive section of Barnes and Nobles one fine day, I saw a very goodlooking woman reaching for a HotRod magazine. Bells and whistles, they were all going off, Make your move TS, my fumbling mind was yelling. SO I walk straight up to her and very cool like said; "You Drive"? Needless to say since there was not a single more STUPID question I could have asked, I followed it with an attempted recovery of "I mean, ya know, HotRods". WOW, you could hear the flack falling away from my bullet ridden fusalage as she shot me down, with a series of "are you still here" glances. Needless to say I married another girl. I love her to death, the last time I showed her a picture of an EB series Buggatti, she looked at me and say, "thats a pretty blue". I'm all alone in the world! TS
Money.......(the bell tolls)
I really did give the wrong impression. My wife is an accountant. She has yet to dissuade me from any of my personal aspiration. Very supportive in all my endeavors, and useful as a partner in "projects" outside of her taste. I was merely attempting to state, that it is time for "us" to review a budget outline together. With all of your help, this will be mush easier for me to do. Thank you all so much. TS
First 350Z in the US
When it comes right down to it, it was "his" purchase. Regardless of what any of us think it's worth, he felt it was a good deal for him. Hence, he bought it. I have an $1300.00 radial arm miter saw. Most Professional builders would pay "TOP" price of about $700.00. But when I saw this thing, I just "had to have it". Stupid? Probably, but it's mine and no on else will ever own one like it.
First 350Z in the US
There is something to be said to a man who spends $95,000.00 on a vehicle; "Is that a dent"?
Look UP!
No photos yet for the car, but they are on the way. Thought this might bring a smile to some of your faces.