Much kudos to lilguppies for making me aware of this car. The car was never posted on Craigslist, eBay, or any ad in general. It was found purely through my little Bay Area Z network. =)
So here she is... a 1971 Nissan Fairlady 240Z-L (RHD) imported from Japan in 1978. The VIN is HS30-10052, the 52nd Fairlady Z with a L24 released to the Japanese market. Thanks to HS30-H's (Alan's) informative posts on this forum I was able to find out a little more about this specific VIN.
As far as I know, and I apologize if I am wrong, this is the only HS30 Japanese market vehicle in the United States. Perhaps only HS30 of any market in the U.S. All the Fairlady Z's I have seen are S30 models.
It has been in a 20 year slumber under a termite infested wooden car port and rugged car cover. Hidden away in the Santa Cruz mountains of CA, and among a collection of 30-40 cars of its previous owner, it managed to avoid any type of multiple owner molestation. The car is relatively free from rust, except the hatch balcony has been damaged due to a hole in the car cover for one winter. The battery tray, dog legs, and frame rails are all near rust free. The floor pans are probably one of the most beautiful I have ever seen on a original survivor Z. As previously mentioned, the car has avoided major modification. There is only a half installed close ratio Datsun Competition 5 Speed, which I plan to complete. The interior is a like a time capsule with all the original accessories of a Fairlady 240Z-L with exception to the aftermarket seats. Exterior includes original chrome bordered headlight lense covers =)
The agreements with the buyer was to get the vehicle running at his home, which it is more like a shop (w/ lift and all machinary necessary), before delivering it to my garage. There are a few parts here and there that still need to be put in the interior. The non-matching L28 will be removed and be replaced with a correct and fresh L24 motor. I have ordered the necessary suspension, drivetrain, and other compoments to get the car running safely on the road.
Wish me luck!