Everything posted by inmocean
'New' Ebay engine...a keeper?
Aquired a spare engine yesterday and I'm in the process of tearing it down. So far I know it's an N42 Block with flat-top pistons, marked 'p9006' and '.75' N47 head with externally oiled cam(E30). -Both of these were surprises... The engine is very clean inside, bores are freshly honed, good oil, and the valve train looks all new...it also came with a 5-speed trans, which will be a great winter project/upgrade on my 78 280Z... Have I lucked into something cool here, or just someone's crazy project? Told it was from a 2+2 ZX, this is supported by the W24 Intake and F54 exhaust, as well as AC, Cruise, Power steering, manifold fan, etc that were on the engine. $100. Comments, Insights, and Input welcomed.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Took the Z to the Drive-In, mainly to see 30 Minutes or Less...Watched a ZX on screen in a Z...good times.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Replaced Oil Pan Gasket, Front Seal, Upgraded to 280ZX turbo oil pump, and replaced all exterior bulbs with LED's. This was last weekend...today we drive.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Finally switched out my battery cables...Used 2/0 ground, and 1/0 starter positive,(replacing the original tiny cables) and additional grounds to firewall(4 guage) and from intake manifold to inner fender(8 guage.) All connections heat-shrunk and new marine-grade terminals,covers, and cable used...Better than new. tommorrow I hope to swap my headlight harness's(originals old and loose-fitting to headlight,potential for meltdown...) and install new marker lights, if they ever arrive...
valve noise
noticed you've got your specs backwards... cold inlet .008 exhaust .010 hot inlet.010 exhaust .012
Golden Gardens...2011?
Thank you sir.
Golden Gardens...2011?
Good day, nice and rainy, not too many honda's or burning rubber... Uploaded some photos, hopefully an admin will create a folder for 2011 events... Here's a couple more. countin down to Canby...
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens 2011 Seattle Washington
Golden Gardens...2011?
heading out, skipping safeway so hope to see some z's at the park.
Golden Gardens...2011?
wow i was way off. :ermm:official start time is 10am,til 2pm. so i get to sleep in after all, and i'll probably roll in a litltle before 9am. if anyone would like to meet at the ballard safeway(15th and market) and roll out no later than 8:45, let me know via pm, and we can exchange #'s, or to this thread, and keep it active for the other seattle-area z's...
Golden Gardens...2011?
yes, saving spots will be tough when the crowd rolls in, so i was hoping for more early birds like myself(before 8.) I live about 5 minutes away in Ballard, so if any last-minute plans for an early caravan wanted to happen, I'd suggest the safeway parking-lot at 15th and Market, no later than 7:15(leaving for the park at 7:20.) Completely open to other ideas. now i'm headed out to wash the car.
Golden Gardens...2011?
The "official" start time is 8am, last year i arrived around 7 to an empty lot, found a spot close to the exit, and waited. i walked down later in the day and it was a zoo, with cars all the way down to shilshole...so basically, show up, park where you can/want...earlier the better, i'd guess.
Golden Gardens...2011?
Rumor has it the nissans are drifting :rolleyes:over to Shilshole this Sunday...Any Z's making an appearence? Just like last year I'm heading in early, and out early...but perhaps I could hold some spots if some Z's want to park in a row... Really hoping to see some 1600/2000 Roadsters, I'm gearing up for the next project, and want to take some photos...