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Ron Carter

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Everything posted by Ron Carter

  1. I have the ABC R/C BRE 510 car model, and it is cool. It comes assembled with Panasports!! The guys from ABC knew the guys from Lightning magazine and contacted me to photo my Z for the model. From what I understand the BRE Z model will be available this spring, and the roadster a little later this year. I have met Peter Brock several times and he is always great to talk to. I have yet to meet Gayle, but I have emailed back and forth with her, and she is on the right track to make the BRE site something special. Ron
  2. Keep the convention in one place: I know many of you will not be happy about this, but in my opinion moving the convention every year makes it impossible to maintain a following and drastically hurts attendance. One year it is in San Diego the next it is in New York. Crazy...Maintain an east, central and west coast convention. The number of cars that show up to the MSA show far out number the cars that show up to the national convention. It will help make this financially viable. Have dedicated people handle these events: Every year it is a new group of people attempting to put on this event. It is very difficult to do this with little to no experience. The same mistakes are made year after year because there is little or no overlap. I do not suggest that we hire professionals, just have a group dedicated to work with a club to run the event and the budget. Location, Location, Location. Las Vegas was a great location and had a great turnout. In my opinion, more there than in Long Beach! Vegas is a great destination city with lots of things to do outside of the car thing. Yes, LV had issues with the local club, but it still went and was a good time. Transport Solutions: There have been many of us trying to get to one convention or another, but it is far away and we don't want, or in my case can't drive my car to the location. It would seem sensible to work out truck transportation for cars to make it out to these events at a reasonable price for transport. There is no reason we can't get cars across the country for these events. I would think that Nissan should be able to handle this to some degree as they have transport vehicles that would be good advertising. Look at other car clubs. The Porsche guys have this type of event "locked" and do very well with their events what can be learned from how they run their events? POC should be the ZOC...
  3. Kronoss, If your trans had steel syncros in a B box you would want to look further as it could be a Nissan Comp box, but, I can tell by looking at the cluster that it appears to be a relatively stock cluster. That being said, it could be an early OEM 280Z 5 spd which, of the stock tranmissions, have pretty good ratios and are in some demand. Hope that helps. R
  4. Hi Kronoss, Your transmission is not a roadster box, and is a "B" box. The gear cluster looks to be a stock configuration with brass syncros, so it is not a comp box or a close ratio gearbox. I suspect that what you have is a fairly stock gearbox. I know you were hoping for more. Sorry, Ron
  5. Ron Carter replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Rx Sleeper, I have spoken with Bill for the last few years via a Datsun racing email list. Bill was instrumental in transporting my Datsun Roadster from Florida to Southern California. He is a great guy. Are you racing Datsun's now? and where are you located?
  6. Does it have steel syncros? Is it an A box or B box. When it was together, was first gear up (where most first gears are) or down where second usually is? Photos would help. Or you can PM me and I can see what documentation I can find to help you. If it is a roadster box you will not want to run it in your Z car because it can't handle the HP and torque from a Z car motor.
  7. Ron Carter replied to moonpup's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The first ebay link above is a car that belongs to Bill Baker, and is a truely unique car. The second, is well, what it is...beat to death.
  8. Ron Carter replied to SoopA's post in a topic in RACING
    SoopA, I race a Datsun Roadster in Vintage events in Southern California and have a racing 510 and 240Z. Perhaps it would be worth your time to come by and talk to me and a few others I know locally that are into racing older Datsuns to give you an idea of what this is all about. I am in North County San Diego. PM me and we can talk. Best, Ron
  9. Great stuff, Lightning magazine really has a handle on the beat of the so cal Datsun Scene. I understand that they are selling these magazines like they are going out of style in Japan too. When will the USA catch up?
  10. Ron Carter replied to dc311's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well actually my roadster is a BSR replica, and they are not planning on a BSR RC roadster...
  11. Ron Carter replied to dc311's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    We are all pleased to see that Peter and Gayle have lauched their site and it is well done. I am sure they will be adding to it presently! The Photos and history are first class!! I too, have been contacted by the guys from ABC, they photographed my racing roadster and BRE replica 240Z. So expect to see a BRE roadster RC body and BRE #46 RC body in the very near future.
  12. Yes the 15 X 7 Panasports will clear the toyota calipers.
  13. Ron Carter replied to beandip's post in a topic in United States
    I guess it is my turn to chime in here as well.... I am 41 I live in North San Diego County, My Mom lives in Beaverton, a suburb of Portland (for those of you who are from other places). I have one wife and she is a keeper! No Kids, Two Great Danes (Jake and Katie), Three Datsun race cars (a 240Z, 510, and Roadster), One Mini Cooper S, and One Nissan Armada. I have 3 homes, one is a rental, one is where I spend most of my time and money, and one is in the final phase of construction in Loreto Bay Mexico. I am the owner and CEO of a small internet hosting company. When I am not working, racing or traveling, I can be found sharing a nice bottle of wine with friends.
  14. Ron Carter replied to fp280z's post in a topic in RACING
    PDK fabrication makes a fiberglass OEM looking dash and it is what I run in my 204Z race car. Aftermarket gauges are no problem and you will maintain the oem look. www.pdkfabrication.com
  15. Ron Carter replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you guys need someone to look at the SD cars let me know. Ron
  16. Bryan, your car is destin to stay Baby Poo Yellow...sorry to hear you are having trouble getting your car painted. R
  17. there is a lot of drama with all this great history...And it was a unique time in US history and a major shift in the automobile marketplace. The guys that lived this were mavericks, and worked and raced hard. There are still a few of them around today, their stories are unbelieveable, the stuff they pulled....I hope that someone can put together a factual story that encompasses this era in motor racing. I have had the privelage to meet and get to know several of these guys and they are something else. They are thrilled to see the return of these cars.
  18. There is some folks that will dissagree with what I have found out about the remains of the 46 car, but here is what I know, and what I can back up. There are some people including Dan himself who will not admit that he had the 46 car, rather he claims to have wrecked the 03 car. But I have photos from Dan with the 03 pictured belonging to Jim Gammon and Dan's car (painted up as Number 5) from the same era which has to be the 46 car. So we know that Dan had one of the BRE cars but it was not his 03 car, and the vin number of 03 car that belongs to Gerry Mason is not even close to the original vin for the 46 car. So I conclude that the original BRE #46 car was sold to Dan Parkinson in late 71 or early 72. Dan repainted the car white and blue and ran the car as number 5 (I have photos of the log book of this car) This car was wrecked at Phoenix in 1973 or 1974, the body was completely destroyed and is gone. Dan removed what parts he could salvage and some of those parts were run on his next car a 280Z. Sblake01, you are one of only a few people that I know that ever visited BRE. Thank you, we worked very hard to recreate the BRE #46 240Z. I will say that I had LOTS of experts helping me on this car. Not only Peter Brock and John Morton, but PDK Fabrication, Classic Datsun and Gerry Mason were all key players in making this happen. I would sure like to see my replica, the #3 car owned by Gerry Mason and the #300 car owned by Carl Beck together for a photo opportunity.
  19. Awesome!!
  20. Guys, thank you all!!
  21. Ron Carter replied to 240Z415's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi All, I will be instructing on Saturday and Racing on Sunday. See you all out there. Chino do you have garage space requested?
  22. Ron Carter replied to Victor Laury's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Vic, you are a film star! I too saw the footage on JCCS site the other day as well. Looking good!! Go Victor!!
  23. www.311s.org, www.risensonracing.com for the roadster pics. nicely done!! great shots!! Ron
  24. HAHAHA! Jason, I think not....

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