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Ron Carter

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Everything posted by Ron Carter

  1. Ron Carter replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Polls
    I own a race car/ trailer queen. It's pretty, it is fast and it is loud, but I don't want to hurt it by racing it aggressively...
  2. Hi Tony D. I was referring to NISSAN USA, in the 90's and although there were several reasons why Nissan USA had issues, this is the one they chose to blame...
  3. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in RACING
    Alan great resource. Thanks!! I will be keeping that one too.
  4. SRL 00003 just sold on ebay for $6700. technically Bob Klemme's add is not correct. This car is a surviver and a good value/and low serial number car. I think I will stick with my 67.5 SRL 00305 that has racing history since it was new (similar to Bob's car).
  5. I have seen many airbrushed engine covers on Nissan Armada's, but they are not the Valve Cover. I think the heat would damage a decal over time. I would think that high temp paint, airbrushed on would be unique. I would like to see what you come up with.
  6. I understand that the Frisselle car has sold...
  7. Well it is interesting that all these race cars are coming up for sale, and all of a sudden. I guess it is about time that we see the famous race cars come up and sell for good money... BTW, Brad Frisselle's IMSA Z car that is (perfectly restored) is for sale for 275k... I must say that I do like the IMSA Z's and this car would be a deal at anything less than 80k.
  8. No BRE never ran a G Nose on their cars.
  9. I see these around, ebay is a good source...but why have the toy when you can have the real thing!?
  10. I will keep an eye out in north county san diego!! photos please!!
  11. I do not know, I would email them and ask.
  12. Nissans at the Petersen Car Show brought to you by This Guy Promotions www.thisguypromotions.com Saturday August 4, 2007 10am - 2pm at the Petersen Automotive Museum 6060 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90036 This will be the event of the year for Datsun, Nissan and Infiniti enthusiasts. There will be hundreds of cars and trucks on display from the early, early days to the present, and possibly the future. There will be many vendor displays and the opportunity to catch some great deals on parts and accessories. And the world famous Petersen Auto Museum too! Participants $25 entry fee includes parking for your vehicle, admission to the museum, a raffle ticket and an event t-shirt. Additional admissions tickets are available for a discounted price of $8 (normally $10). Additional raffle tickets are $1 each, and event t-shirts may be pre-ordered for $12 each ($15 day of show). This will not be the normal "hang around in a parking lot" car show. With the Petersen Museum's world class collection of automobiles and memorabilia, this will be an event unlike any other. There will also be RC car races featuring exclusively Nissan-bodied cars. Racing for trophies and bragging rights, we expect this event to be as hot as the show itself. So if you have a Nissan-bodied RC car, and some skills, come down and race with best RC car racers in Southern California. The raffle will feature the best products available to customize and personalize your Nissan. Every car show participant will be given 1 ticket to be included in the raffle with additional tickets available for purchase throughout the show. There will also be a $500 pay-out for the vehicle awarded "Best of Show". This will ensure everyones cars will be on point and keep the quality of the participants very high. Please mark your calendars and join us for the must attend Nissan event of the year.
  13. Nissan had their fill of racing in the 90's and it almost bankrupted the company. I would not look for support from NISSAN USA any time soon. Thanks Steve well said...It seems that we get a little more credit on the race track than we did just a couple of years ago. I am hopeful that we will see interest in the 2.5 Trans Am challenge cars of which the 510 was heavly involved. I hear that there are going to be several events based around those cars in the next year.
  14. Thanks Carl, This is the long explanation, as this subject is near and dear to my heart. Many car enthusiasts watch the Monterey Historics (probably the largest Vintage Racing Event in the USA) and there are no Japanese cars as a rule. Here are some of the reasons why: First and foremost, vintage racing is an Ego and Money driven sport. Guys that show up in expensive Ford Cobra's, Corvettes, Porsches, Ferrari's and alike do not like the idea of being on the track with a car that is worth 1/100th of the value of their car. Worse yet, these Japanese cars were not terribly well prepared back in the day and were often in primer, and the guys in the expensive cars did not want "the guy" in the primered Datsun to cause an on track accident, where his losses would be minimal compared to the damage of a rare Ferrari, Alfa or Porsche. Most Japanese race cars (in the USA) were Datsuns and were considered low budget racers. Even worse, these little, relatively inexpensive cars were beating the more expensive cars and that hurt the ego's of the guys who spent thousands, even millions to restore a rare Ferrari (etc) to race specifications, only to have it passed by a 240Z or Datsun 510. So the sanctioning bodies that run these groups are not dumb, the money raised to run these events are from the big guys and not from the little guys. They want to keep their membership happy, so they exlude the japanese cars...The guys with the relatively expensive cars have their own group to run without the concern of a budget racer beating down their ego or their wallet... Well, now there is a lot more interest in the Japanese cars, with JDM styling, drifting competitions and import drags there is a new generation of enthusiasts and they like the Vintage Japanese cars...So I am hopeful that the tide will change and the old guard will see that the little Japanese cars deserve their spot on the track. There are more and more nicely turned out Datsuns, on the west coast I can name 7 to 10 really well sorted Datsuns that should be allowed at any historic racing event. Two of which are for sale. Bob Klemme's 67.5 roadster, and Brad Frissell's 240Z. HMSA (the group that runs the race groups for the Monterey Historics) also known as General Racing LTD, is the hold out as of now. Steve Earl, the CEO of General Racing LTD has been very outspoken regarding excluding Japanese cars. There have been very few occasions where Datsun's have been included at his events. I have submitted my 67.5 Roadster to run at the Coronado Speed Festival in San Diego this year (an HMSA/General Racing event). We will see if they accept my application. My car easily clears all their stringent restrictions for cars that have racing history, and are not "over restored" but, restored to a period of time. In this case 1967. Wish me luck...who knows, maybe I will have a chance to run at the Monterey Historics one day.
  15. Who is going to Motoring J style in Vallejo California on July 28th?
  16. I built my dream car. BRE #46 240Z... So racing history, early 70 240 and dual exhaust with megaphones and no mufflers!!
  17. Parts for these transmissions are very difficult to find and are very expensive. Most if not all would not work well on the street. They are strong transmissions, built for race. If you are not using them for a race car, I would suggest selling them to some one who is racing.
  18. Ron Carter replied to SER240Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Les's guy builds all my race transmissions and I have had excellent luck with the transmissions that I have had Les go through. I am pretty mechanically inclined and am not interested in taking on a rebuild of a transmission. This IS best left to the guys that know these transmissions otherwise you will be pulling your tranny out on a regular basis to "fix" it...
  19. Ron Carter replied to 72240Z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    http://www.theracemarket.com/index.cfm?form_prod_id=23,12_131&action=product The Original has been Sold:stupid: :stupid: :stupid: I wonder who bought it
  20. Ron Carter replied to Panamared's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I run ATL fuel cells in all three of my racing Datsuns. Call them directly they are great to work with. I have no experience with Fuel Safe. Carls comments are the only negative ones I have ever heard.
  21. Ron Carter replied to Panamared's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    be aware that the fuel cell you are looking at requires a container and is not allowed with many racing organizations. I would suggest that you look at an ATL or FuelSafe fuel cell.
  22. Ron Carter replied to 72240Z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    There is the dream garage poster, but the large ones of them are pretty expensive and the racing posters are big money now too...good luck and let us know what you find.
  23. Ron Carter posted a post in a topic in RACING
    This is a rare opportunity to drive your Datsun or Nissan on the track!! https://speedventures.com/6-30-2007_event.asp WCZR has partnered with Speed Ventures to run our Datsuns on the big track at Willow Springs. This is an opportunity for you guys to bring out your Datsun and run it on the big track at Willow without the normally necessary Fuel Cell and Fire System. This event is geared for beginners through advanced drivers with several different run groups set up based on your comfort and experience level. Feel free to contact me with more details. I will suggest that you sign up as soon as possible and come spend a fun filled day at the track. There will be plenty of racing Datsuns on hand and several members of 240Z.org on hand. Come on out and lets drive fast!! Ron
  24. So the restoration on this car is impressive and it is a very rare car with racing history. I can assure you to find a roadster in this condition that you would be hard pressed to build this car for what Bob is asking. I am surprized though, this car has been for sale for over a year...It's been listed on eBay several times...It just has not sold yet. I have raced on the track with this roadster with my roadster and I can tell you that this car is well done and well sorted. Here is a couple of photos with my roadster and Bob's roadster at Solvang in 2006.
  25. until

    This is a rare opportunity to drive your Datsun or Nissan on the track!! https://speedventures.com/6-30-2007_event.asp WCZR has partnered with Speed Ventures to run our Datsuns on the big track at Willow Springs. This is an opportunity for you guys to bring out your Datsun and run it on the big track at Willow without the normally necessary Fuel Cell and Fire System. This event is geared for beginners through advanced drivers with several different run groups set up based on your comfort and experience level. Feel free to contact me with more details. I will suggest that you sign up as soon as possible and come spend a fun filled day at the track. There will be plenty of racing Datsuns on hand and several members of 240Z.org on hand. Come on out and lets drive fast!! Ron rc240z@cox.net

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