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Ron Carter

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Everything posted by Ron Carter

  1. I don't get to drive my Z that much, but I get lots of attention any time I fire it up and drive it.
  2. It's a vintage legal 2.4 bored 40 over with Mikuni's, and it is FAST. John is no slouch behind the wheel either, turning some fast times in that little 240Z of his.
  3. Interesting to contrast this to John Wilkins in his C Production 240Z. He is so fast that the VSCCA put him in with the Big Bore cars. This was filmed at Laguna Seca and unfortunately John lost his transmission in rather spectacular fashion. 4th and 5th engaged simultaniously. 5th gear exited the back of his transmission.... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-636869748688606405 You will see Aanand his his Z behind John. It is interesting to see the differences in driving style. The Mustang John is trying to catch is anything but a true vintage car. It would be interesting to see east vs west Datsun racing....
  4. Great footage, rubbin is racing...The RX was trying to protect his line tough call... looks like the RX got a little unsettled.
  5. Ron Carter replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Polls
    Classic Datsun is able to find the parts for my race cars, rare parts for my race cars are very hard to find, Les does a great job tracking down what I need.
  6. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Bryan, This guy was representing this car incorrectly. Claiming it was something that is was not. He added photos and description when the Datsun community in the know called him on what he was selling.
  7. Ron Carter replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in United States
    Hi guys, The new venue was terrific!! More of a concourse enivronment instead of a car show environment. I must applaud MSA for all the hard work. Managing such an event is a daunting task. Sal, and the gang at MSA really know how to get this done. I think that MSA took some notes at the JCCS show that is held in Long Beach every year. A scenic location, added a race car class, and lined up cars by classification. These changes made the show much more enjoyable and comfortable. The reason you did not see other Datsuns is that they sold out of the 380 parking spots prior to the show, and limited the show to just Z cars because of the overwhelming demand for show parking. I brought out my BRE Z and offered to bring my Roadster as well, but Sal thought that they would not have enough room for both race cars and gave preferential treatment to Z cars. On a side note it was fun to drive my car a little and I am sure I woke up everyone within a mile of the park at 8AM in the morning when I started up the Z and drove onto the show grounds...That was FUN. BTW, did you guys see John Morton at the show!? He stopped by and chatted for a few minutes. Let MSA know how you liked the event as I am sure they want to hear your feedback.
  8. My spook, and all the fiberlgass on all of my race cars are from Classic Datsun. They are the only supplier with authorization from Peter Brock to replicate the spook.
  9. San Diego is represented!! Looking forward to MSA. The BRE Z is ready to go and make some noise!! See you guys Sunday!!
  10. Ron Carter replied to preith's post in a topic in RACING
    Hi Carl, We run 110 to 112 octane leaded race fuel. VP or Sunoco at most tracks.
  11. Ron Carter replied to Chino 240Z's post in a topic in RACING
    Yeah come out and play on the weekend with us. We are going just the 30th of June, but you can sign up for both the 30th of June and the 1st of July you wish. My wife is bringing her 05 Mini to try out driving on the track (her first time) so it should be a great fun!! lot's of estrogen on the track....
  12. Ron Carter replied to Chino 240Z's post in a topic in RACING
    Car looks great Craig! great video! We are going to do speedventures june 30th at Willow any interest? lots of track time, and a bunch of Datsuns should be fun!! PM me for details.
  13. Jason, let me know if I can help, I know a few people here in north county that can help you get your car together. PM and lets discuss what you are looking to have done.
  14. Ron Carter commented on zr240's comment on a gallery image in Racing
  15. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Thanks Alan, We know that Datsun looked at this "concept". But that concept car could not be compared to a BRE race vehicle and was badly represented in my mind. A quick look at the Datsun "How to" book shows pictures of another concept car that was similar to the car sold on eBay. So, we knew they existed, but they are nothing more than a marketing concept, and not a race prepped car sold by BRE.
  16. Well that car belongs to my neighbor Jon and he in on here. His handle on this site is onijon if I recall correctly.
  17. First I hope the driver (idiot) recovers fully, I doubt if he will try this stunt again. Other thoughts do come to mind: Darwin at work..... Driver ran out of tallent, just as he exited the road. So that's what 11/10ths looks like. What a waste of a perfectly good Z.
  18. Ron Carter replied to 26th-Z's post in a topic in Introductions
    We have lost one of our own in the prime of his life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Vicki in her time of need...
  19. At the end of the day it is YOUR and it is your choice to do with it as you will. It is a nice car and will make a good driver with the attention you are applying to it. Silver or otherwise. I always called the "gold" #920 color, baby sh:tapemoutht yellow for obvious reasons. Silver looks great. while your at it, a red interior would be great in a silver car. Nice collection of cars keep up the good work. Now all you need is a Datsun Z race car!! R
  20. Ron Carter replied to Dan78-280Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Dan I will chime in here. I am trying to get two race cars across the country to go too. I am in San Diego. Looking for others interested in transporting to and from the convention.
  21. Ron Carter replied to Mike B's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Well this is a must have for my collection of stuff...So yeah I bid on it... Even if it is not authentic, its a conversation piece. If I can get a couple I will be sure to send one to Peter I am sure he will get a kick out of it. Ron
  22. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I think Gary is surprized at the people who came out of the woodwork regarding his BRE clone. There is the possibility that 35+ years have gone by and Gary thought that he could pass this off as a BRE car. Sorry Gary we aren't buying it...thou protest too much. I see Gary as overly defensive because he has been caught in a lie, at the very least a stretch of the truth. If this was a documented BRE car it would fetch 20k plus in its current condition, as a very restorable example of a nice 510 with a unique history tied to BRE. What can't be denied, is Gary was there. Some of the promotional items that come with the car are unique but, it still does not prove that this is a true BRE car. I hope the new owner enjoys the car, as it is a nice period correct car. It's just not a BRE 510. Enough is enough...
  23. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Guys, Carl, if the car was in original condition with the factory fenders still on the car I would be a little more inclined to agree with you. But, the car has been modified beyond it's original condition and it would be tricky to undo what has been done. Mr. Kohs is less than truthful in many of his comments which is also a red flag in my mind. I was not going to post this as it shows the mindset of the owner and our conversation, and it was unpleasant. Here are the exact responses from Peter, John and Gary. Peter: (1) Hi Ron…I’m feeling pretty good, considering…I can get around on crutches, but not too speedy. I do remember Gary Kohs. He did NOT handle any race promotion for BRE but promised to do so, if I’d arrange two trucks for him from Nissan. I bought them out of my own racing budget and that was the last I saw of him…Ripped me off. Peter The 510 does look like a fair buy…especially if it stays around $1500! :0) (2) Yeah, Kohs is not a good guy, but I have to respect what he’s done. His high end model company makes really gorgeous things. I’m not in a cast anymore, and am getting around on forearm crutches pretty well. I hope you can get your 2000 accepted..we need more Japanese car credibility in the vintage scene. PB John Morton: Dennis, I have no recollection of this car at BRE. It may have been something Kohs did in Detroit for Datsun that didn't fly. I don't think the BRE 510s were clear coated. The car may be a good deal if the price is right but it's a stretch to call it a BRE car. I Don't think a ''full blown'' race car was ever built for the street and BRE didn't win every race it entered in any year. I think Pete's right in that Kohs didn't do race promotion as such but he did do some promotion. John Gary Kohs: WARNING some of the language is nasty. I responded to Gary saying that his car was not a BRE car this is what I got in reply: (1) Listen pal...I can prove everything that has been said in the listing and if you think you have all the answers then let me assure you you don't. The car was put together by BRE and painted by Dave Kent. I handled this program for Datsun as well as their off road racing where we won that championship. When this car was built it was the second one built after the full blown race car for the street which as I remember was painted yellow. We also built a pickup truck in the same colors. I have no idea how many cars Brock ended up building and don't much give a $^!#. I went on to handle the Monroe Shock account and Ford account after Datsun and put Ford back into racing beginning in 1976. Clone????? It's a real BRE street car and the second one built..I can back this up...... My company is Marketing Corporation of America and we worked for the Merchandising department at Datsun on the I405 Freeway & Harbor Freeway in LA. Brock was in El Segundo where we spent much of our time. Any other questions? Mr. XXXX? After getting this nasty response I backed off and asked more specific questions trying to get him to prove the validity of the car. I asked him for photos, because at the time there were only photos of the outside of the car, and they were poor. Gary Added more photos and sent me the following: (2) This car has a B210 5 speed in it, the engine was not modified, comp suspension, American mags and all that...so tell you what..call your buddy Pete Brock and ask him if he knows Gary Kohs, Marketing Corporation of America and whether he did this car and a truck for me and if I handle the promotion for the 510 and off road racing program...then you don't have to come on so ****ing strong. If I say it is somewthing then that';s what it is..period. I don't have to prove $^!# to you...I'll prove anything and everything to the buyer. And if you put the money where your mouth is and it's not a BRE car then I'll give you back double your money. Match that! I told him that I would check with Peter Brock and get back to him and I guess he felt it was necessary to brag about his other items: (3) You check out whatever the hell you want to check out because you won't be bidding on this car. It'll go to someone I like first of all and someone who knows what the hell he is talking about. This car sits next to the unrestored personal car of Ettore Bugatti and across from the finest WWII Corsair fighter in the world. Goggle my name Gary Kohs and you'll see I don't mujch give a $^!# about your money or anyone elses. But I do care about real people who don't have the head up their arse. Someone will get the most original BRE in the world and it won't be you! Okay at this point, he is claiming that this car was built by BRE. This is the response I got after sending him Peters response. This was the last correspondence I had with Gary. I did tell him I would not be bidding on his car. (4) Bull $^!#.....ask him about the sponsorship with Simonize and all the rest...bull $^!#! He has a bad memory if you're telling the truth. He did one truck which "I paid for. He did the 240Z for Baja instead and that was a farce of the first magnitude. I went out and hired Conner to run the trucks for me because Brock had burned out. Period. So you believe what you want..the person who gets the car will have no doubt whatsoever of what they got..no doubt at all. So no need to bother me any more is there? I received the information from John a day or two later confirming that they did not build this car. Also I am told that it is not possible to bolt in a B210 transmission into a 510. Those of you who know me, know that I can be a little fast to call BullShirt. But seldomly do I get wound up about this stuff. This guy went off...
  24. Ron Carter replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Okay so I need to chime in on this one. I contacted the seller early on when it was first posted and asked some hard questions. The car is owned by Gary Kohs and back in the 70's he did some work promoting BRE. There was a time when they pitched a BRE model car to Nissan not unlike a Roush Mustang today. Nissan had a problem with this and the project died. I think it is safe to say that this was a full blown mock up of what they were looking to sell and NOT a BRE car. I told Gary what I thought and he got pissed off. I contacted Pete Brock and he said that it was not a BRE car and Gary ripped him off back then. I then confronted Gary who became less than friendly and made remarks on the listing regarding the "right" people buying the car, well because apparently I am the wrong type. I then got ahold of John Morton through Dennis Currington. John said the BRE never clear coated their cars and that they did not build this car. IT IS NOT A BRE CAR. It is painted in the colors of the BRE 240Z by the guy that painted the cars for BRE. After that it is just a regular 510. Gary claims that this car was built by BRE. But with both John and Pete saying it was not, I do not believe his claim. Gary left the marketing business and went into the automotive model business and has done very well for himself. The car he is selling is a representation of what might have been, a marketing concept that died and not a BRE car. The most valuable aspect of the car is the collateral stuff he has that goes with the car along with some rare badging that is now being reproduced. Most of you who know me, know that I am interested in all things BRE Datsun related. I would not pay the current bidding price for this car, its not that collectable in my mind.
  25. Good luck EricB its a cool head, carb and manifold setup. Good luck, happy bidding. I assure you the reserve is very fair for these pretty rare parts...

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