Everything posted by Ron Carter
JDM Datsun Kakimoto N42 Head for sale on eBay
Yes, the horn worked when I took the steering wheel off my car... I still have the wheel but it is on a custom removable mount on my BRE Z. I just don't have use for the adapter. All my cars are race cars and require removable steering wheels.
JDM Datsun Kakimoto N42 Head for sale on eBay
Eric, dont watch it, Buy IT!!! JMark, It fit the monte Carlo wheel. And the centers are the same style, so go for it. It's on eBay now...so let me know what you want to do. Buy it now and I will waive shipping for you.
JDM Datsun Kakimoto N42 Head for sale on eBay
Yeah, your buddy wanted something that had more modification to the combustion chambers. He knows I am listing it on ebay.
JDM Datsun Kakimoto N42 Head for sale on eBay
I am selling my JDM N42 Kakimoto head, with matching intake and triple 50mm Mikunis. http://cm.ebay.com/cm/ck/1065-29296-2357-0?uid=51893975&site=0&ver=LCA080805&item=320095497002&lk=URL
Anyone doing the Iron Bottom?
I know Les is planning on going in his Nissan Silvia
Z reclassified from GT2 to GT3!
In the past I have not had much of an opportunity to speak to the guys with VARA and this outing gave me a chance to talk to John Wilkins at length. He is building one heck of a 2.4 CP3 motor for his car. Some I am sure the P guys will be unhappy how well his new motor does compaired to his last motor. I also know a little bit of the back story behind Steve Link. Quite a bit of that information is second hand from Ed Johnson. Steve has a very large collection of very hard to find parts. Most, if not all he will not sell. He has spent thousands of dollars buying up a fairly large quantity of hard to find parts for his gearboxes, and rear differentials. Unfortunately, there is only so much available and these parts are harder and harder to find. I know that Steve had some very special parts in the trans that he first had in the car, and wished that he could have kept that transmission alive, and had to go to a gearset he did not like as much with the second tranny that also went south at Fontana. I can relate keeping those old transmissions alive as it is part of my life too. I have a spare ultraclose and a spare med close roadster box for the roadster and hope that I don't kill two transmissions in a weekend, as that makes for a $1600+ weekend if those two transmissions are salvagable and rebuildable. As we both know racing is an expensive sport. I live for the next time I get to drive my roadster...I just dread hurting, and then getting replacements for those rare parts. Take care, hope to see you out at the track soon. Will you try HSR this year? We are going to be at Fontana in June. R
Z reclassified from GT2 to GT3!
Yes, Mark you are right, but there is a cost involved with brutally fast. First, it does not hurt that Steve's dad (Floyd Link) was a member of the BRE race team and can build a 510 motor that will survive at 8500RPM without crankfire, (can you imagine what it would cost us for such a motor). Two, Steve broke two direct drive comp transmissions and lost his motor last weekend at Fontana. He never made it to the trophy race... So, sometimes being fast can cost a lot of money too.
Z reclassified from GT2 to GT3!
The TWM filter box pictured above has not been tested in a ram air situation so I am not sure it would be the best solution. To me it seems that fuel injection (if legal) would be the way to go here with a single plenum intake that matches the manditory 35mm "restriction". Mark for your car a hose that points to the caburators and a large heat shield would be the way to go. a good example is Craig Carter's 510 that has a large heat shield. I will see if I can get you some photos.
Here Ron, this pic is for you!
Awesome Craig, great photo!! it was the datsun garage, that is for sure!! on the other side of this photo there was a z and two other 510's!!
240Z Header Recommendation
Hi guys, I would order directly from Jere. Model #28 240Z, 260Z, 280Z Size Price 1-3/8" Assembled $775.00 1-1/2" Assembled $775.00 1-5/8" Assembled $775.00 1-3/4" Assembled $775.00
Track Day at Laguna Seca
Several Datsun's will be racing at Laguna Seca April 3rd! Come out and Watch the Datsuns run! -
Datsuns Racing at California Speedway
We will be racing at California Speedway Saturday and Sunday. Come out and watch the Datsuns go! -
Fuel Rail - Triple Carbs
There are several different solutions available Mike, the one that Ztherapy does looks like the stock solution with the additional feed for the third SU. Mikuni's need high flow low pressure, so a solution that gets lots of fuel to the carbs is best for them, for SU's I would speak to Steve at Ztherapy. If you look at the photos of my Z in my gallery you will see my solution for a race car. The same way BRE used to do it, which is a little different than most....
Jerry, looking good. I know Les is really busting butt on your car.
Portland Roadster show pics
Nice display guys, all the cars looked great. It is nice to see that you guys could hang with the Hotrod types.
Winter Photos for you southern Z'ers to see :D
BRRRRRRrrrrrrrr!!! I got a chill....
Should a Strut Bar "Push" or "Pull"
A slight amount of tension makes sense. Really you want to triagulate your strut bar, so that there is no movement.
Let's see some wheels!
Hi Guys, Got to include a set of American Le Mans wheels!
240Z Header Recommendation
JMark, It has been so long I would have to go back and measure... I think they are 1.5" but that is a guess. I will have the car out for a photo shoot in a couple of weeks and will measure for you.
Former SCCA '71 240Z Race Car on Ebay
This car was sold on ebay about 6 months ago, although without a large amount of spares that it seems to have now. Current owner (Joe Siam) has to get rid of some of his cars. This car was previously owned by Les Cannaday and before that, some guy in AZ. It will take some work to get up to race condition, but if you are looking for a good starting platform for a racer it is a good car to work with.
240Z Header Recommendation
240Z Header Recommendation
www.Classicdatsun.com and www.Datsunracing.us
240Z Header Recommendation
there are these too....
240Z Header Recommendation
Les is not a margin guy. Anyone who knows Les well, knows that he will recommend the right thing for you, even if it costs him a sale. His detailed knowledge of these cars is amazing but narrow. He does nothing with FI cars, or any of the later Z and ZX cars. His niche covers all Roadsters, 210's, 510's and 240, 260 and a little with the 280Z's. He doesn't have a catalogue, and minimal overhead. He has a fine collection of rare hard to find parts, a number of racing and high performance parts. He specializes in restorations, mostly roadsters, and 240Z's and an occasional 510. His work is the best I have ever seen and he is going 100 different directions on 30 different projects at any given time. If anything he can be a little short on the phone because he is that busy, and he gets a lot of calls for stuff that he does not deal with. So when you call him be sure to be specific regarding your call. Les also does race support for me and 5 other datsun race cars in his "spare time", and he is trying to parlay that into a business rather than doing restorations. His motors are excellent, and my 2000 roadster continues to run extremely well with a full season of racing. I have several race transmissions that have been built or refreshed by his shop. Hard to find parts for my Ultra close and Medium Close roadster transmissions are always a challenge and Les has been there to make it happen each time. The same with my differentials for my roadster... I will get off my soap box now....
240Z Header Recommendation
I will tell you that I am biased, MSA is fine, and Sal is a good guy. Les is the smaller player who sells service with his parts so I try to support him as best I can. I am sure it is different for you because you are across the country from both these locations. MSA and Les are less than 50miles from my location.