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Ron Carter

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Everything posted by Ron Carter

  1. I have been on a couple of TV shows with my cars, the production value and editing always leaves something to be desired. To the normal (uninformed viewer) this is just fine and not big deal as they don't know any better. To those of us in the know, it is an issue. In this case there was no script, although I am sure the interviewer probably had some ideas and directions on what he wanted to ask, most of it was off the cuff. Fred probably had no idea what car was going to be discussed, and that car would be about the toughest car for Fred to comment on as he knows the least about that car. It was the interviewer who posted this video, and clearly he is not a Datsun or Nissan expert. The majority of vehicles in the museum are heritage related, there are a couple of cars that are on loan from individuals too, this car is one of them. It is very well done and for now although it is not a "Heritage" car, it is a good draw as it has been well built.
  2. Ron Carter replied to bobc's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Other than my car, I am sure there are... It is a popular scheme and there are several cars that I have seen that are painted in a manor that is close. I am not sure if any or all are on this BB. Ron
  3. Ron Carter replied to bobc's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    jocote75, What are you asking for?? I don't follow... Also, I spoke to Gayle Brock recently, this car for sale on ebay is NOT a tribute car, it is not "licensed by BRE" tribute car. Keep that in mind and read the front end of this post.
  4. Ron Carter replied to proracer's post in a topic in RACING
    Hi Jim, I have lots of information regarding the C Production BRE 240Z's. But I don't have anything after 1971. Feel free to PM me and we can discuss further. Ron
  5. Ron Carter replied to bobc's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Wow, I think $9,600 is a pretty fair price for the car. I see that it has not made reserve and is hovering at that price currently. It's too bad that the owner has to, or has decided to sell.
  6. Ron Carter replied to Ron Carter's post in a topic in RACING
    It would be, but will not happen. I know that Peter would like to see Mr. K again, but at 100yrs old, it is too hard for him to travel that distance.
  7. Ron Carter replied to Ron Carter's post in a topic in RACING
    It's not just the cars, it is the guys too. All the BRE guys will be going as well. We have had the luxury of these guys getting together on the west coast. I think this will be a first for all the guys together on the east coast. It will be pretty special. It would be cool to resurrect the old Nissan tent at RA with several of the cars under the tent...
  8. Ron Carter replied to Ron Carter's post in a topic in RACING
    Thanks Steve, we will surely stay in touch.
  9. Ron Carter replied to Ron Carter's post in a topic in RACING
    Adam now owns that car and Les has his work cut out for him to get that car ready in a year for the mitty. Talked to Gayle and Peter, they have asked me to bring my BRE Replcia Z car out as well. So We will see what can be done. I would like to bring Gerry Mason Sr's roadster out too (my 67.5 2000 is Gerry's first Datsun race car). So we will see what we can do. Ron
  10. Ron Carter replied to Ron Carter's post in a topic in RACING
    Carl does that mean you are going to bring your car up to the Mitty? I think the #44 BRE Roadster (fresh off it's restoration will be there).
  11. Ron Carter posted a post in a topic in RACING
    Put it on your calendar! BRE is coming to the Mitty!! April 29-May 2 – Road Atlanta – Braselton, GA Featured marques at the 2010 Mitty will be Lotus and the BRE Datsuns. Stay tuned for more details, coming soon. We are starting to work on details to bring out a couple of cars from the west coast!
  12. Ron Carter replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I know that Pete is working with ABC to produce an ARE Le Mans Wheel for the BRE Z. ABC did a lot of research spending hours photographing my replica. The kit that they offer (both the BRE 510 and the 240Z) are first class.
  13. Things to do in San Diego. Les Cannadays shop in Vista CA Classic Datsun. All the cool Datsun stuff in one place. Datsun Heritage Museum, 45 minutes north east of Vista, good one day two stop trip. Del Mar, beautiful and a great place to see a hidden part of San Diego. Of course the other stuff mentioned prior.... Have fun visting...My Z will be at the Datsun Heritage Museum, as I will not be in town for either the MSA or Solvang show this year.
  14. AFter speaking to Don Devendorf, John Knepp and Carl Beck about the Frisselle car, it is widely believed that the statement about this being the first 240Z imported into the country appears to be incorrect. The car probably does not have a VIN on it, as it was a purpose built race car and there is no reason to maintain the VIN on the car. Many of us feel that the VIN was removed while the car was built and that might be why Canapa is claiming that it is an early car. Regardless, the car has great race history as it was raced by Frisselle and Devendorf. Winning a national championship. Is it the first 240Z in the country, I doubt it.
  15. Can't make it this year, I am going to be in Northern California. First time in many many years that I will not be able to make either Solvang or MSA. Have a great time. See you all next year!
  16. Monty Python at their best!! absolutely brilliant! ROFLROFLROFL
  17. Tarmac, It is easy to read tone into an email, the author is not there to make vocal inflections so we assume...That can easily lead to missunderstandings. For examplet "A driver" is not a dirty word. I see that you are upset due to an event on the board that I did not know about. I feel that has slanted your opinion in this situation, and you are angry from that last encounter and it has carried over to this one. Wrong place wrong time. I feel that the current owner embellished on what the car really is, and I said so. I am sorry if you were offended. I would suggest that you look at your own posts and consider how they have been taken and the responses you have received in this thread regarding your posts, and perhaps rethink how and what you have said has effected other people as well. Ultimately this car will sell to someone who sees the value in it, and I hope the seller gets what he wants. I am sorry to hear that the seller is selling as he was quite proud of his car when I talked to him at the DHM. I hope that the economy is not forcing the sale of this car. So let's all let this go...It's not a big deal. If you want to discuss this further, I think you and I can take it off line and discuss it via PM. Ron
  18. The Interpart Package, because the design is a BRE design could fall into the tribute clause of the trademark. I would defer to Gayle on the specifics. But that is a very good point. The stripe design on the fender is clearly a BRE design and should fall under their Trademark. Thanks for your nice comments about my car. unlike Carl's REAL Baja BRE car, my car is a tribute or replica and I have always said that it is just that...Many folks have asked if my car is the real BRE car, it's flattering for people to think that it is. Many have asked why I built the car. the answer is easy..it is because the original was destroyed in 1974 and I did not feel that anyone had done a replica car correctly...It is an Icon to Datsun, and Datsun racing, and needed to be recreated. I have had this car now for several years. It gets driven very sparingly, as it is not street legal. I find that now I am a caretaker for the car. Fred Jordan, and the staff at the Datsun Heritage Muesum take very good car of my car, and it spends most of it's time there with other iconic cars including Mr. K's 240Z and many other unique and beautiful Datsuns.
  19. Tarmac, I see that you think my comments are biased, although as far as I know you have not seen this car in question for sale or my car for that matter. Instead you have interpreted my comments that I am "jealous" of this car, and that is just not true. So let's stick to the facts of the situation, or at least the ones that you can comment on, because if you saw this car in person, you would have to conceed: 1) This BRE replica has not had a "full" restoration. I will defer to anyone on this site that has done a "full" restoration. This car has been freshened up and looks nice, but there is no full restoration here. It's a driver, and it has always been. 2) It is not "the exact style of the famous BRE racing Datsun's of the early 70's" I can line item out the in accuracies of the car, but that is not the point. The easiest ones are that the paint colors are wrong, and the decals/lettering are wrong. Finally, you are entitled to your opinion, but I must say I don't appreciate comments like this "He worked at the dealership so he got to park his car out front and I didn't! My car is better, his is a phony" and I seriously doubt that you would consider saying that to me in person. This is your assumption, and does not reflect my opinion or view. I worked very hard, and spent countless hours of research to build my car and I am proud of it. I am always pleased to see when others care so much about such a style that they choose to paint their cars in such a manor. I have been contacted by several people regarding building a BRE #46 replica, some of which from this site and I have always shared what I discovered in my research, and helped them in every way I can. I don't like anyone marginalizing something of interest to me, or making a claim that is not truthful. Do you? Ron
  20. I am not going to call the text above from the owner a lie, but it is a bit of a strech of the truth...It's a nice car, it looks good, it has a nice paint job, it is not an authentic or correct replica. It is not a representation of a BRE tribute car. It has sat in the showroom at a Nissan dealership because the guy works there....Peter has seen the car, and I am sure was more than happy to take a picture with the owner. Yes, BRE owns several trademarks, designs Peter put together starting in the 60's. These are not copyrights that expire, they are trademarks that are owned to this day by BRE. That being said, in order to manufacture a model with the colors, paint scheme, and BRE logos it requires licensing from BRE (and that is not cheap). In order for BRE to be able to enforce it's trademark, it is necessary for BRE to license individual cars as "Tribute" cars that are painted up in the likeness of a BRE car. BRE also has a standard, of which the car must meet a certain quality of workmanship and accuracy. Otherwise Peter does have the right to request that you change the car to meet the quality criteria in order to be a licensed Tribute car or to change it so that it no longer infringes on their trademark. This is all to the benefit to those who appreciate these cars, as Peter and Gayle now produce and sell all the decals from the same vendor that fabricated my decals, and Peter and Gayle provide all the information to build an accurate "Tribute" vehicle. I have worked closely with Gayle and Peter to help put this program together, at their request, and I am proud to say that my BRE #46 240Z replica was the first licensed BRE 240Z tribute car. The licensing fee is really nominal and is a one time thing until you sell the car, and the new owner must go through the same process with BRE. The car is assigned a serial number from BRE, a very special signed certificate from BRE and two special decals that are affixed to the car to recognize that it is in fact a licensed tribute vehicle. BRE requires that you sign a legal agreement with them that enforces their trademark. Peter and Gayle do not want to stop anyone from considering to build a BRE Tribute vehicle, and will work with you should you want to do so. I know of several that are being done presently with the help of Peter and Gayle. The one time fee is so reasonable that I am sure it just covers the cost of the decals, Peters time and the certificate. for more specific details please see: http://www.bre2.net/index.php?section=115
  21. I understand that the add has been pulled. I think he was asking $19K for the car. I think that was a bit optomistic...
  22. I know this car, it belongs to a guy that worked at Mossy Nissan in Escondido. I met him at the JCCS show this last year. He saw extensive photos of my replica and copied some of it and guessed at other parts. There are some issues with how accurate a replica, it is a nice 240Z with a classic paint scheme. I am not aware that this car is a licensed tribute car, but it could be. This car is NOT fully restored, and it is NOT in the exact style of the BRE cars. It's a driver. The VIN is not significant, he worked at a NISSAN dealership that panted the car. I could knit pick this car, but why....The owner is a nice guy and has done an okay job, like many others with a famous color scheme. He seemed to want a big number for it. I did not think it was there for a stock 240Z with a paint job. Looking at the photo below vs the photo posted by sblake you can see quite a difference.
  23. Tempting and in the neigborhood. just dont need another project.
  24. Hi Carl, Chip Foose is a really nice guy. On the (south) west coast we see him a little more often He is a regular at Cars and Coffee in Irvine. Nice to meet tallented people in the public eye that are down to earth and pleasant to talk to. Again, looks like you had a wonderful time. I guess someone needs to step up on the west coast for the Monterey Historics. I am working on getting a race car into the event...Are there any others trying? Bueller, Bueller??
  25. Well Done Carl. The car looks fantastic! Congratulations on the invite to Amelia Island.

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