Plan on replacing with 3 to 2 and twice pipes and switch exhast. But there is a pipe on the firewall side of of the intake manifold that goes down and does a 90 to the exhast manifold. SC has no inspections
Removing rear bumper from 280z can't get shocks out!!!!! Undid the 3 14mm on the driverside bottom, undid the 2 18mm on top. Won't come out?! then droped gas tank and unbolted 3 14's on bottom and 1 18 on top need help getting the other 18mm because interior plastic is blocking. How do I remove interior panels? Most of all how do i get thoose shocks out need help fast have work in 5 hours!!!
according to the wiring diagram there should be another black wire and the blue should be another place in the connector but i don't she how or why it would be like it is.
Radio lights up sound? Fuses good, and am going to check it out with a test light but is this a common issue just bought last week and haven't had time to work on much. Just slapped a $10 antenna on it to drive it to work could that be an issue?