Guess Who Got A Coupe??
uhhh......what car do you drive????
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
yeah it is.....and the 200b tail lights are standard.........
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
i agree mr denner, the first things off will be those tail lights..... im still not that open to the idea of blue seats, seeing that i want the body blue i think it would be too much of the one colour.
Coupe Chrome.......
i need the front & rear windscreen and the outer chrome that goes along the roof on both the driver and passenger side.
Coupe Chrome.......
Does anybody have some coupe chrome they are willing to sell??? if so, how much? Thanks Kid-K Jr
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
Sorry for the delay. Pics will be up very soon......
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
yeah, i also thought that the dark blue wouldnt look as good. White rims??
Guess Who Got A Coupe??
Hey Guys, I got a COUPE!!!! $405. Has a bit of rust but i think it'll be okay. On my previous post i asked about colours, but i've thought of a colour that wasn't mentioned.....Calsonic Blue......What do you think?? Kid-K Jr
- Mini Meri
2010 skyline nationals
im taking my K up..
Mini Meri
Hey Forum, Over the weekend Kid-K and I have built a RC model of QWIK. (refer to Kid-K posts if you don't know what QWIK is.) thought you guys would enjoy this. :classic: PS. Big thank you to Kid-K, it was because of him Mini Meri exists. I don't know what i would of done without you. Thanks again. Kid-K Jr
What colour for my K?
Dark blue is okay but not the metallic baby blue that the k's originally came out with. Im starting to lean towards the Green and The Gun metal but still not to sure.
What colour for my K?
I'm not too sure on the blue and my uncles got a white one so if i paint it white i'll never hear the end of it. I also stumbled upon some other photos that i didn't mind.
What colour for my K?
Hey Guys, i'm stuck for ideas on what colour to paint my K? Keep in mind its a four door with no flares. ( i know, nothing flash.) I'm looking at Gun Metal Grey, Silver or a really dark Red. If you have any other suggestions on a colour just post a photo. I also have a set of Watanabes that will go on with the K once it's done and need a colour for them too. Any suggestions on which colour should go with which? Kid-K Jr