Hey John, Thanks your right up the street I see.I will be using this site quite alot I believe,drop me a line if you have any events upcoming or if you are going to be in my area,I am just east of Fair Haven State Park on 104.I am trying to figure out what I am doing navigating this site I uploaded photos of the car that I took the day I acquired it I think there in an album somewhere on here. I will get it figured out Mike
Hello everyone new to this club and glad to be here.After 37 years I finally have another Z car.I bought one new in '73 loved it but wrecked it and was heart broken,young and dumb. Stumbled across a '78 this fall and jumped.Seems to be pretty solid and am looking forward to playing with it.It will be nice to know there is a lot of capable help here.The internet is such a wonderful thing. Thanks in advance for any help rendered.