anyone going from western pa ?
I think im going down to the car show down to mason Ohio on the 19th july.Anyone goin down that way want to criuse ill be in my silver 81ZXT.be a nice roadtrip.
true ricer
who is around western PA
I,m north of pittsburg almost on the ohio line anyone about?
my old project Z truck
pic of the rear window from dat truck on the z zcab.bmp
my old project Z truck
pic from the back it has the z tail lights and a set of stacks out the bed ztrukb.bmp
my old project Z truck
pic not too good side of finished zTruck. z motor and 4speed truck rear end. ztruck.bmp
my old project Z truck
my old 72 240 was destroyed by a cow on the road. so I took the remains cut in half put a back window and bed ,rear end off a datsun pickup andgot a z truck . i have a pic its old and geting faded .it whould smoke the tiers in all 4.the only problem wes the front springs were mashed too long. still have it but the rust has taken its toll on it now. what do you think of it? ztuck.bmp
Snowflake wheels
Snowflake wheels
HAY I don't want to make money. I just want to swap for a set of aluminum slots 15" that would fit my ZXT. Anyone got any to trade?
Welding floor pans in Pittsburgh m240?
HAY I live in new Wilmington PA 50 miles north of pittsburg if you have a get togther let me know . I got a 280zxt and a 240 72. I would like to come shoot the breezzzzz. let me know.
Snowflake wheels
I have 2 81 zxts one is parts car both have the Snowflake wheels on them . thay are 15" 6" wide. what are thay worth?1 set are in good shape the other is fair to good thay have good center caps too. I'm thinking of geting diferent mags.
81 ZX turbo
the turbo just died the wine was it grinding itself to death NOT repairable now.
Turbo just died HELP!
MY lucky day I found a grate parts car same as mine. the only thin mising is the batery.im back on the road agin . plus lots of good parts.
Turbo just died HELP!
I was out looking today No 240 260 280Z,s to be found in any junk yards around. found about 5 300+ newer thay said the rest went to the CRUSHER! (sob) so my op is to rebuild or buy new or drive a long way to get parts. some are ok to ups . I take i live in a bad climet for the great Z cars. west PA.
Turbo just died HELP!
MY 81 280 ZXT turbo just quit . I think the berrings seized up. can I rebuild it? What do I need to do ? what parts do I have to hunt up for this? I can do the work myself . parts no.whould help too. Need my baby to fly again.