what is my whale tail worth??
jmortensen. i don't have a camera. send me your number and i can text a picture. it is not perfect. the wing it self is fine but around the edge where it mounts is a little rough. but i doubt it would cause a problem
what is my whale tail worth??
so when i bought my 72 240z last summer it had a fiberglass whale tail on it. i took it off because i hate the way it looked but i am looking to sell it and am wondering what such an item would be worth. thanks for any advise. i am in the seatle area if anyone nearby is interested. thanks ryan
Low compresson
deffinatly do a wet test with oil in the cylinders if it goes up you have ring trouble. funy story i couldn't get my 240z to run right and with different sets of carbs the same cylinders would not run. so i did a compression check my highest was at about 95 the next two were at about 60 and then the worst were at 30!!! god damn it sure explained why the damn thing would not run. anyways new motor now. totally rebuild l2 with 4 screw round top su's. nothing like a rebuilt motor
Need some help...
you probably need to replace master cylinder for brakes and master or slave cylinder for clutch maybe both. pull the full line somewhere after the pump to see if there is fuel if there i then its injectors. if not then its fuel pump. good luck
240z motor swap...breaks?
thank you beandip. that is exactly what i wanted to know. i figured out the breaks but still wasn't sure about the lines. so if i have no port on my crank case vent is it fine to let it hang there or can the fumes cause problems? thanks ryan
240z motor swap...breaks?
thanks for the responses guys. it is deffinatly not the return line for the tank that is on the passenger side. a gas tank vent sounds accurate. i don't know but it does seem to not be the reason for my weird breaks. i replaced the calipers and pads about six moths ago but then didnlt drive the car for about six months. when i would push it it seemed they were dragging. so maybee i just need to free them up a bit. this is my first posting and has been a wonderful welcoming to classic z car. thanks again ryan
240z motor swap...breaks?
ok so i have a 72 240z that i just swapped a rebuilt l26 into with 1971 round top su's the car is running awesome but something sorta weird is going on. the tube that comes out of the crank case to the pcv valve isn't exactly the same as on the l24 and their is a rubber line that went to it on the l24 that that is about the size as a vac advance hose that no longer has a place to hook up. it comes from the drivers side fender well. there is one hose coming in from the back of the car to a splitter and two coming out. the bottom one was never hooked up but the top one went to that crank case tube. now that this is not hooked up my breaks seem bad almost like the break boost is not hooked up. is this related? thanks in advance for any input
hello from seattle 240z
hey guys. for months now i have been doing google searched to find out things about my car and always ended up reading old forums from this site. and finally realized why not join and ask my own questions. the site looks great 72 240z rebuild l26 with 71 240z su round tops